
Girder and New Earth

2 Weeks Later

Following his chat with Iris, Naruto had made his presence non existent around her, he hadn't reached out, and neither had she, which wasn't really a bother to him, he had been to see Felicity and gave her a copy of his book, and had traveled to National City for an interview with Cat Grant. She was an interesting woman.

With Naruto

Naruto was walking home, after a date with Stacy Conwell a barista at Jitters, for the pass 2 weeks had been actually peaceful. No cases for him left him more than enough time to get his speed up to Mach 1.3, and to work on his agility as well, he had also been playing with his accidentally discovered ability to become intangible, the applications of the ability was actually making him salivate, also instead of morning jogs around the block, he had gotten into the habit of running around the country, during one of these runs, he had ran into an old friend Alex Danvers.

Alex Danvers was the only child to renowned scientists Eliza, and Jeremiah Danvers. Alex had grew up in Central City before she and her parents moved away when she was 16. Naruto, she, and Iris kept in touch, and she was happy to see him, as she had visited frequently when he was in his coma.

Naruto had told, and showed her, and her parents everything that was going on with him having super speed, and the other Meta humans as well, the family of scientists expressed their awe, and worry for him and his new abilities, but they agreed to run some test on the energy that was bonded to his cells and his blood to see what the energy was capable of,

A chime on his phone caused Naruto to look down to his phone before he sighed as Iris posted again, reading through it quickly he suddenly sped off

Moments Earlier

CC Jitters

Alone at her job, Iris was working on her blog, the blog that had been the cause of Naruto completely ignoring her existence the pass 2 weeks, she was tempted to back down but she had to stick with her guns, no matter how much she missed Naruto she would not give up on her blog

'To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good, because all of us, we have forgotten what miracles look like. Maybe because they haven't made much of an appearance lately. Our lives have become ordinary, but there is someone out there who is truly extraordinary. I don't know where you came from. I don't know your name, but I have seen you do the impossible to protect the city I love. So for those of us who believe in you and what you're doing, I just want to say thank you."

Iris with a smile clicked enter and closed her laptop, before after a few seconds she was grabbed and suddenly on the roof, in shock she looked around before she jumped when Naruto in his suit said

"You're welcome."

Smiling Iris looked at him and spoke "How did you - I literally just hit send."

"Speed reading." Naruto said with a shrug

"It's crazy what you can do to your voice." Iris commented

"You need to stop writing your blog." Naruto said seriously

"People need to know that you exist." Iris said before her phone rung, and she answered it to see that it was Eddie, clicking ignore she looked back up to her disguised bestfriend "What else can you do?"

"This is not an interview." Naruto said

"Come on. You got to give me something. Hobbies, pet peeves, favorite color? Wait, scratch that last one. Red, duh, obviously."

"I hate red, bad experiences. The suit was just conveniently that color." Naruto said, "But you need to hear me."

"My hearing is fine. It's just selective." Iris said causing Naruto to sigh and shake his head "What should I call you?"

"Anything but The Streak." Naruto said

"Fine. Suggestions?" Iris asked

"You said you were writing about me to bring hope to someone you care about. How would he feel if doing that put you in harm's way?"

"He and I aren't exactly on the same page these days." Iris said with a sigh "Besides, you're giving hope to a lot of people, so I'm doing this for them."

Naruto made to speak but paused and looked up when he heard sirens in the distance "To be continued." he said running off

"Hey!" Iris shouted "You can't just leave me up" Naruto turned around picked up Iris and dropped her off in Jitters before he was gone "Here." Iris finished looking around in awe "Whoa."


A yellow humvee sped onto the road running over a mailbox "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" the driver said as he sped away from the cops

Joe and Eddie along with other squad cars parked at the end of the block, performing a rode block, getting out of the car, Eddie asked "What kind of a tool steals a yellow Humvee?"

"What kind of tool buys a yellow Humvee?" Joe asked in return before he saw pedestrians watching "Get these people back."

Eddie walked over to the people and shouted "I need everybody back!" everyone began to back away

Joe and Eddie quickly got behind their car, with their guns raised as the yellow humvee sped toward them before a child walking across the street looking down at his phone caused their eyes widened

"Son! Out of the way!" Joe yelled causing the boy to look up "Out of the way!"

The kid looked behind him to see the yellow humvee

Joe watched worried before he looked surprised, when yellow lightning streaks swept up the boy, shaking off his surprise, Joe and the other officers began to shoot, as they fired Joe noticed that a bullet went right through the windshield and the man's forehead turned to metal

"What the hell?" Eddie asked standing in place

"Eddie! Eddie!" Joe yelled tackling Eddie out of the way, just as the humvee smashed through the road block

"Yeah!" the metahuman screamed

Naruto ran after the humvee, and flattened the tires with a shard of glass he picked up, before he stopped in front if the truck as it came to a stop "Get out of the car." Naruto ordered

"If you say so." the metahuman said as he opened the door and got out before he ripped the door off it's hinges

"Ok." Naruto whispered before he saw the man throw the door at him, ducking under it, Naruto acted quickly and grabbed the door and launched it back, causing the meta human to gasp as he was thrown over the hood of the humvee

Unseen by Naruto the man growled as his skin turned metal, before he returned to normal and stood up, "Let's go." Naruto said speeding in and throwing a punch, only for his eyes to widen in surprise as the man's face turned to metal, before pain registered as the force and momentum of his punch caused his hand break against the man's skin

"God dammit!" Naruto yelled clutching his wrist, before he was backhanded by a metal arm, sending him flying into the side of the truck

The metahuman walked over to Naruto as he clutched his ribs, and wrist "Looks like you were born to take a beating." he said before he tried to punch Naruto again, but Naruto ducked under the wild hook, and with all his strength he kicked the man in the back sending him into the truck denting it, before he sped off

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin, Cisco, and Wells got out of the, elevator and walked toward the cortex "Check the math. Your dispersal models don't correlate." Caitlin said

"Uh, they do if you factor in the seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles." Cisco retorted

"What exactly are we debating?" Wells asked

Caitlin and Cisco shared a glance before Cisco said "The average number of bugs Nate swallows in a day of running."

"Really?" Naruto asked causing them to jump and turn to face him, with his mask off, they saw he was clutching his wrist and ribs

"Nate are you ok?" Caitlin asked

"A broken hand, and probably some bruised ribs, other than that I'm peachy." Naruto said before Caitlin quickly rushed him to the med bay

Moments Later

"13 fractures, that's a new record, and that's just in your hand." Caitlin said as she put Naruto's hand in a brace "You also have, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal."

"What exactly did you hit?" Wells asked causing Naruto to glance over to him

"A man, who could apparently has the ability to change his skin into metal." Naruto said sitting up

"Interesting. A man of steel." Wells said impressed

"So you went after a meta-human alone? Dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco asked

"I didn't know what he was. Besides, I was off-duty." Naruto said

"Hmm." Caitlin hummed causing Naruto to look at her with a raised eyebrow

"You're lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back." Cisco said

"The strange thing is I feel like I knew him." Naruto said knowing he heard that phrase before

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"He said something that was familiar." Naruto said

"We will find a way, for you to fight this new meta." Wells said

"Thanks," Naruto said getting up

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asked

"Home, to sleep." Naruto said

"You shouldn't run in your condition, I'll drive you." Caitlin said getting a nod from Naruto

"Thanks." Naruto smiled

Next Day


Naruto walked into the department rolling his wrist, before he looked up to see Singh glaring at him "Glad you decided to grace us with your presence."

"I'm a CSI, not a detective, and unless there is a crime scene where I can actually lend a hand to catch your perp, I really don't have to be here." Naruto said causing Singh to open his mouth to retort, but he couldn't find anything to say seeing as Naruto was right, so he just walked off

About to head to his lab, Naruto sighed when he heard an annoying voice "Hey, Allen."

Turning around with a fake grin Naruto said "Hey, Eddie."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little tired." Naruto said getting a nod from Eddie who began to walk alongside him

"Listen, I saw something last night, and I just can't get my head around." Eddie said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow "I fired a dozen rounds at our car thief, and it was like they sparked off of him."

"What do you mean, sparked off of him?" Naruto asked playing dumb

Eddie made to talk, but Iris who walked over got their attention "Hey." she said before she looked to Naruto who had a stoic look on his face "Nate." she said only for Naruto to remain silent and sit down, with a depressed sigh she looked to Eddie who watched curious "Hi, babe, I saw the news. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, which you would know if you checked your messages. I tried you three times." Eddie said

"Sorry. I had to work late." Iris lied causing Naruto to smirk, as he found a website that Felicity had sent him a link to, about super powers and the applications of them "Um, so I heard that The Streak saved a kid. Any comment, Detective?"

"All I know is our perp got away, but Nate here is gonna help me find him." Eddie said excited causing Naruto to look up from his phone, with a raised eyebrow

"Fine. I have other sources." Iris shrugged before she pecked Eddie's lips "I will see you tonight."

"Bye." Eddie smiled as Iris looked to Naruto who ignored her completely so with a sigh she walked off "What is going on with you two?"

Naruto looked to Eddie "Her blog." he shrugged

"What about?" Eddie asked

"She's writing about The Streak, now I don't know if this guy exist or not, but if he does and he is performing heroics, like helping the cops stop bad guys. He is going to be on the bad side of a lot of dangerous people, and Iris writing about him is going to put her in danger, she could get hurt or worst.

Now I know Iris, when something interest her, she will never let it die, so if this guy is really out there and trying to keep the people of the city safe, he needs to do something to stop Iris from writing about him." Naruto said walking off, leaving Eddie with a thoughtful expression

Crime Lab

Naruto walked into the lab to see a folder on his desk, and opened it to see a mugshot of the meta human from last night, "Tony Woodward?" he asked before he grabbed his stuff and left


11 year old Naruto walked alongside, Iris, and Alex through the hallway of the school "Increased pressure produces increased heat, and if you don't release it, you get combustion." Naruto said having been studying all he could about this new world

"I don't know how you remember all this stuff, Nate." Iris said as Alex and Naruto smiled at the girl

"Because he's a little freak, just like his old man." a young Tony said

"Don't talk about my dad." Naruto said with a glare

"Or what? Is he gonna murder me, too?" Tony asked before an impulsive Naruto clocked him in the jaw, sending him to the ground the blow causing the inside of his mouth to cut against his braces

"I will metal mouth." Naruto said glaring down at Tony

"Nate, come on." Alex said as she and Iris grabbed his arms and dragged him off

End Flashback

S.T.A.R. Labs

"So your brother's childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable meta-human." Cisco asked getting a nod from Naruto "That is seriously messed up."

"I had a childhood La Roche. She used to put gum in my hair." Caitlin reminisced

"Jake Puckett. If I didn't let him copy my homework he'd give me a swirly." Cisco said with a frown

"Now that we've established that you're both uber-nerds, what are we gonna do about Tony?" Naruto asked

"Glad you asked." Cisco jumped up, "We're gonna train you, man. Karate Kid style."

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he followed Cisco into his workshop where he moved a board showing Naruto and Caitlin a metal training dummy "Behold! I call him Girder."

"For the record, not my idea." Caitlin said behind Naruto who smiled at her

"Fighting is physics. It's not about strength. It's not about size. It's about energy an-"

"Cisco if you haven't forgotten I've been teaching you and Cait to fight." Naruto interrupted

"Right, just channel your speed the right way." Cisco said before he walked over to his remote "Now obviously your Girder is a moving target."

Naruto raised an eyebrow when the training dummy suddenly rotated

"I have ice and bandages standing by." Caitlin said

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Naruto said causing her to smile

Naruto suddenly ducked when Cisco made the dummy send a strike, before he began to land punches trying to find the right about of strength to dent the metal dummy, before he ducked again when the dummy turned and sent a hook only for him to catch it, before his eyes widened, when a compartment on the dummy opened and two extra arms shot out, and with one hitting him in the ribs, and the other hitting his shoulder causing it to pop out of its socket

"Argh!" Naruto shouted clutching his shoulder as he fell to a knee, as he breathed Naruto's eyes suddenly changed to a blood red color with slitted pupils, before with a low menacing growl he spun to his feet, and sent his arm straight through the metal dummies chest area, causing Cisco, and Caitlin's eyes to widen

Naruto was glaring at the dummy, before his eyes returned to normal, and he regained his composure, ripping his arm back from the dummy, and going back to clutching his dislocated shoulder, Naruto turned to Caitlin and Cisco

"Sorry about the dummy, dude." Naruto said sheepishly

"N-no problem." Cisco said still in shock

Moments Later

Naruto was sitting in the medbay as Caitlin checked on his shoulder "Okay, not gonna lie. This is gonna be quick but extremely painful."

Naruto nodded before he looked to the stand where his phone was when it starting ringing, picking it up he saw that Eddie was calling causing him to sigh in annoyance "Oh, speaking of pain." he said before he accepted the call "Eddie, hey."

"Allen, we found the stolen Humvee in the alley at Fremont and Lawrence. Need you down here to do your thing."

"Great. I'll see you in a sec." Naruto said hanging up "Okay. Let's do this." he said laying down

Caitlin nodded before she grabbed his arm firmly and placed her hand on his shoulder "So Nate, when you said you were off-duty last night, you weren't visiting Iris again. You know, in disguise? 'Cause that would be reckless and a little creepy."

"It wasn't like that, I was coming from uh... 'stamina training' and saw her blog, so I made a pit stop, to get her to stop writing her blog, but she began to ramble on trying to get an interview." Naruto said with a sigh "Anyway, have you thought about the next time we can go out?" he asked causing her to blush as they had went to the movies earlier this week after Naruto had returned from National City, it was like a date, in her mind, especially seeing as Naruto had kissed her cheek when he walked her up to her apartment

"Friday." Caitlin said causing Naruto to smirk before she noticed a teasing glint appear in his eyes and before he could fire off whatever he was going to say she snapped his shoulder back in place catching him by surprise

"Argh...Fuck!" he yelled

With Eddie

Eddie was at the alleyway, when he noticed Naruto walking up "Allen, you really need a car."

"I like to to get around on foot." Naruto said with a sigh "What do we got?" looking at the two kegs in the back of the humvee

"The rig Tony Woodward boosted last night. No sign of the stolen ATMs. Probably got those where he's holed up, though he's gonna have one hell of a time breaking 'em open."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Naruto thought to himself

"So, about you and Iris."

"Look, Eddie, we had a fight, and I appreciate your concern but this is between me and her." Naruto said

"I get that, and I get that you two go way back. To be honest, I was a little threatened by you at first." Eddie said as Naruto was putting on his gloves

"You were threatened by me?" Naruto asked

"Sure. I mean, I've seen how close you two are, but you seem like a good guy, and Iris, I just want her to be happy. From my experience, good friends are hard to find." Eddie said getting a nod from Naruto

"Detective." a beat cop said getting Eddie's attention

"Excuse me." Eddie said standing up as Naruto looked to the truck


13 year old Naruto was walking toward his locker, in the past 2 years he had breezed through all his classes and was now in the 10th grade, opening his locker Naruto began to put his book up, when he was shoved into his locker before he was forced to turn around as the varsity captain of the football team, and his 3 lackeys were smirking at him

"You got my homework?" the captain asked

"I told you, I ain't doing your homework." Naruto said

"And I told you if you didn't do it, I will beat your little ass." the captain retorted before Naruto pushed him back

"Just leave me alone." Naruto said which apparently was the wrong thing to say as the captain rushed him with an arm cocked back, Naruto's eyes narrowed before he grabbed the arm heading toward him and with a hip toss slammed the teen on the ground, sending a jab to the downed teens cheek Naruto heard his head hit the marble floor hard, before he was grabbed from behind, slamming his head back into the person who grabbed him nose, allowed Naruto to get free before he turned with a wild hook sending the man stumbling back, before Naruto kicked him in his sternum sending him back into the lockers

"You bastard!" a lackey yelled throwing a hook at Naruto's head only for Naruto to kick him in the nuts causing him to scream in pain, before the other lackey grabbed him and lifted him off his feet, Naruto with a growl kicked the boy whose nuts he kicked in the face knocking him out, and sending the kid who was holding him back into the lockers, before he began to elbow the kid in the ribs causing him to let him go, before he turned and gave to jabs, and a hook sending him to the ground, Naruto huffed as he looked to the captain who was getting up, as his eyes quickly flashed a blood red color, making to beat the kids ass, Naruto wad suddenly grabbed and dragged off by a teacher

Struggling against the teacher, Naruto yelled "Let me go! They want to fight, I kick all they asses!"

Students watched in shock that the 13 year old just fought and won again 4, 15 year old football players


Joe walked through the hallway, to see Naruto sitting in the office, before he could make it to the office the principal who was returning from the cafeteria caught him

"Mr. West." The woman said

"Ms. James is he alright?"

"He is alright physically, but we believe that Nathan is holding in a lot of anger, and it isn't healthy."

"How are the kids he fought?" Joe asked

"1 received a broken nose, another a few lost teeth, and the other 2 just a few bruises." Ms. James said before she looked to Naruto "Nathan, is a bright young man, he is helpful, and a nice kid. However he is quick to anger, and when he flies off the handle he can be hard to reign in, we aren't suspending him, since he acted in self defense, but please Mr. West take steps to help him control his anger."

Joe sighed and turned to Naruto who was still sitting in the office, but had heard everything, looking down to the hands that were in his lap, Naruto watched as his nails lengthened and became sharper

"Kurama, are you really still there?" Naruto thought watching as his nails returned to normal

End Flashback

Naruto was knocked out of his memory when Eddie returned "All right? So what do you think?" he asked

"Judging by the mud and kegs I'd say he got hammered, stole a big-ass truck, and went joyriding." Naruto said before he pointed over to the back "I bet the kegs are stolen, too."

"Rusty Iron Ale, it's a micro brewed right over in Keystone, I know the place." Eddie said

Naruto sighed "I do too."

"Let's check it out." Eddie said walking away


Rusty Iron Ale

Naruto and Eddie were walking toward the shipping facility when he heard "Nate?"

Naruto stopped and looked to the side to see an old man standing there (Picture Tim Thomerson)

"Hello Uncle Jay." Naruto sighed looking at Jay Garrick, his dad's older brother

"Man you're big." Jay said walking over with a large smile

"Nate, you alright?" Eddie asked

"Yeah, give me a moment." Naruto said before he focused on Jay who continued to smile on him

"Howe you been?" Jay asked

"Fine, considering that my dad is still locked up for a crime he didn't commit and his family turned their backs on him, without a second thought."


"I got work to do." Naruto said walking off leaving his uncle there, causing the man to give a depressed sigh

Naruto and Eddie walked into the facility to see men hard at work unloading the kegs from a truck before Eddie lifted his badge and got their attention "Gentlemen, CCPD. Any chance some of your merchandise was stolen last night?"

The employees all shared glances "No, I don't think so." they said shaking their heads

"How about this guy?" Eddie said pulling out Tony's mugshot, while Naruto noticed the unloader looking shocked "You seen him?"

Naruto watched as the unloaded turned around as everyone else shook their heads before he spoke "You know Tony, don't you?"

The unloaded soghed, before he jumped off the truck and ran "Hey!" Eddie yelled as he and Naruto gave chase with Naruto taking a shortcut, before in a blur of speed he was in front of the man, and Eddie who he noticed was looking at him in shock, Naruto parried the unloader's hook, and returned one of his own sending the man to the ground

"Get up." Eddie ordered grabbing the man

"I didn't do nothing, man!" the unloader shouted

"So why'd you run?" Eddie asked

"Look, it was an accident!"

" What was?" Eddie asked

"Tony falling, okay? But I swear to God, we didn't kill him!" the unloader said

Eddie looked to Naruto who shrugged before he looked back to the unloader "Keep talking."

"About ten months ago, Keystone Ironworks. Boss is handing out pink slips. Tony gets his, and he just snapped. He started beating the crap out of the guy. We pulled him off, and then the lights went out. Some kind of power surge. And then Tony went over the railing right into a vat of molten scrap. Just gone."

"Lucky for you he's still alive." Eddie said before he began to put handcuffs on the man and looked to Naruto "How'd you get in front of us?"

"My brother and I used to come around here as kids, I still remember the shortcuts."

CC Jitters

Iris was at work getting some cookies for a customer, when her co-worker Stacy Conwell spoke up "I've been meaning to ask you, where's Nate? I haven't seen him since we spent the night together."

Iris frowned deeply hearing that "He's probably getting his fix somewhere else."

"Hm, well I'll talk to him later, and Iris I know that you guys are close. So tell me are the rumors true?"

"What rumors?"

"Nate is hot, and he's probably slept with every barista hear since you've started working here. Also he is a beast in the bedroom, you have to have slept with him before right?"

Iris opened her mouth to lie, but a male voice spoke up getting her attention "Iris?"

Looking over toward the door, she saw Tony "Long time no see...I got to say, Iris, you look amazing." he said walking closer

"Thanks, Tony. Um, you too." Iris said a little uncomfortable

"Oh, yeah. I keep in shape. Igot a gym at my place. Been living out in Keystone on the West Side, and you should, uh You should stop by sometime."

Iris rolled her eyes before she turned around "So, uh, can I get you a drink?" she asked

"No, I came to see you." Tony said causing Iris to look at him

"How did you know I was here?" Iris asked with a raised eyebrow

"I've been reading up on The Streak. Found your little blog." Tony said as Iris began to get a terrible feeling "Why are you writing about this guy?"

"People say that he's a hero." Iris said

"I say he's a coward, and I happen to know that he took a beating last night and ran off like a little girl. You should write about that...Do you have any idea who leather boy is?"

"No clue." Iris said before she cleared her throat and said "So, um, if you don't want a drink I should probably get back to work."

"Actually I'd prefer to buy you a drink." Tony flirted as Iris tried to focus on her job "What time you off?"

"Thanks, Tony, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve." Iris said causing Tony to frown "He's a cop, like my dad."

"I never really did like cops too much." Tony said with a deep frown

"Iris!" Stacy hissed from a table, causing Iris to glance over, to see her friend pointing to the TV, where a news report on Tony being armed and dangerous was airing

"Well he's picking me up for the policeman's ball. Wall to wall cops. Can't swing a cat. I should probably call him to see where he is," Iris said looking down to her phone as Tony looked up to the TV and frowned at the news report on himself

"Give me the phone, Iris." Tony ordered causing Iris to look up at him "Now!"

Iris handed over her phone and watched in shock when his entire arm turned to metal, and he crushed her phone and dropped it in the tip jar "I'm sorry." Tony said pulling out a fat wad of cash "Uh, for the damage. We'll pick this up some other time."

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto stood in the training room when both Cisco and Caitlin rushed in with their tablets "Nate! Check it out!" Cisco said as he walked over "The gravel you pulled from Tony's ride? It contains 76.8% hematite."

"Consistent with the mines at Keystone Ironworks. Which closed down ten months ago. It's the perfect hideout." Naruto said before Caitlin got his attention

"Nate, do you mind telling me about this?" Caitlin said as she turned her tablet to face him

"She didn't." Naruto said staring at the screen as Iris blog had been uploaded with a message to the streak

"I have info about someone you're looking for. He was here. You know where to find me." Now who could she be talking to?"

CC Jitters

Iris was once again closing up, when she turned around she jumped as Naruto in his suit stood in the shadow "I guess you got my message."

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked

"Cop's daughter. I can handle myself."

"Not with this guy." Naruto said sternly

"I knew him when we were kids. He didn't want to hurt me. He wanted to impress me, but he is fixated on you, and not in a good way."

"Do you know where he went?" Naruto asked

"He said he had a place out in west Keystone. Bragged about how big it was, but I have no idea where."

"I do." Naruto said turning in to leave

"Wait, there's something else." Iris said causing him to stop "His hand. It transformed like an iron fist. He's like you, isn't he?"

"Yes, and writing about me is what brought him to you." Naruto said

"I know, but maybe I could talk,"

"No! He's too dangerous, stop writing your blog before someone who really wants to hurt you comes along. Get someplace safe." Naruto said before he sped off causing Iris to sigh before a few cops knocked on the glass

Keystone Ironworks

Naruto arrived at the sight, so see that it was abandoned, as he walked around he found the ATM machines, along with foot prints, and empty beer bottles "Call C.C.P.D and tell them about this place." Naruto said to Cisco and Caitlin who nodded as he walked around, he suddenly blindsided by Tony who got a clean shot with his metal arm to the back to Naruto's head sending Naruto to the ground, before he kicked Naruto in the ribs causing Naruto to gasp as he felt a few ribs snap, as he shook his head to try to regain his barring the blow to the back of his head really doing damage

"No where to run now, freak." Tony said before he turned his entire body to metal, which Naruto noticed before Tony tipped over a big metal shelf of weights ranging from 100+ lbs with one hand, causing it to crash down on Naruto rendering him unconsious

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was sitting in the med bay after Caitlin, and Cisco came to get him, turns out Tony cracked the back of his skull with his first shot, as he healed Naruto rolled his eyes when Wells rolled over "What were you thinking!? I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with him."

"I'll heal." Naruto said standing up

"You can't heal when you're dead. He could have killed you." Wells glared

"But he didn't, besides instead of sitting around here waiting for you guys to come up with a hypothetical way to take him down, doesn't work for me. He went after Iris, and I'll kill him before I let him hurt her."

Wells looked uncomfortable at Naruto's expressing his desire to kill so easily

"Besides with his surprise attack, it allowed me to see that it isn't just parts or his body that turn to metal, it's his entire body, and I can handle that."

"How?" Cisco asked before with a smirk Naruto raised his hands, and with a deep breath lightning roared into existence cackling arou d his hands "Awesome!" Cisco cheered

"Metal, is a good conductor." Naruto said

"Sounds like birds chirping." Caitlin noted as Naruto ended the technique

"H-how long have you been able to do that?" Wells asked

"For a few weeks." Naruto shrugged as lightning flickered around his fingertips "Anyway, we need to find him."

"We will." Caitlin said before Naruto's phone vibrated checking his phone he saw that Alex had texted him

'Soon as you get the chance, speed over here.'

"Something wrong?" Wells asked

"I don't know." Naruto said walking off before he could cross the threshold however Eddie called him "Hello...What?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard Naruto's voice darkened "How long?" he asked "Call Joe."

Naruto hung up, his phone "Nate, what is it?" Cisco asked

"It's Iris," Naruto said turning to them "she's been taken."


Loud banging was heard as Naruto stood in the workshop punching Girder, with multiple dents being present, Naruto stopped training and began to pace, his eyes were flashing between red, and blue

"Need to focus," he sighed closing his eyes without Kurama's consciousness there was no telling the effects of his Chakra seeing as he didn't even have his own

Naruto sighed as his eyes stopped switching colors, he needed to deal with Tony and stop Iris from writing about him, maybe killing Tony would get her to stop, no that'll just traumatize her

"Nate! we got a fire alarm alert at Carmichael Elementary."

"Thanks." Naruto said before he sped off

Carmichael Elementary

Tony dragged Iris through the school before he paused at a trophy case, where an old photo of him in his wrestling uniform could he seen "Tony, turn yourself in before things get worse. It's not too late."

"Yeah, it is. Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to cover the showdown of a lifetime 'cause I'm not going out without a fight." Tony said smirking at Iris

"Good, 'cause you just found one." Naruto said getting the two attention causing Iris to smile

"You just won't stay dead." Tony said slightly annoyed "Come to save your little fan girl?"

"This is between us. Let her go." Naruto said

"Oh, I could, but I'd rather make her watch while I break every bone in your body." Tony said throwing Iris to the ground and turning his entire body into steel

Naruto narrowed his eyes before he sped around Tony who threw a wild punch, and grabbed Iris before he placed her around the corner in the principals office "Wait here." he said before leaving, and Iris immediately followed

Tony looked around when Naruto sped in and punched him in the jaw, sending him sliding across the ground, "Your mistake is thinking that speed is my only ability." Naruto said before lightning buzzed around his hands "Let's go."

Tony with a growl got onto his feet, and threw a few wild punches that Naruto dodged, before he retaliated with a electrified palm thrust to Tony's throat, causing the metal man to gag, before a hook to the temple sent him into the lockers,

With a frustrated yell, Tony sent a wild hook, that Naruto ducked under before he came up, and put Tony in a sleeper hold "Did you know metal was a good conducter?"

Tony screamed in pain, as Naruto vibrated his arms causing the lightning to electrocute him, Naruto released Tony and turned him around before Naruto sent in a quick jab so fast that his arm broke the sound barrier causing Tony to fly back into the lockers on the other side of the hallway

Tony groaned as he sluggishly got to his feet, and leaned on the lockers, as he panted, before he looked down the hallway to see Naruto waiting for him, with a growl he made to rush back into the fight, but Iris who had been watching snuck him with a hook knocking him out

"Nice." Naruto complimented

"I think I broke my hand." Iris groaned clutching her hand

"You'll be alright." Naruto smiled


CC Jitters

Naruto walked into the coffee shop, to see Iris was cleaning up "Hi." she said smiling turning to see him before she frowned "Oh, I thought that you were someone else." she said

"So Joe told me what happened." Naruto said looking at her bandaged hand "How's the hand?"

"Not broken, so that's something." Iris smiled before they looked at each other

"I should have been-

"I'm sorry I said,"

Naruto and Iris stopped talking and smiled before he motioned her to go first "I've missed you."

"Yeah, I've missed you too. When I heard Tony took you, I just I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you." Naruto said

"Well, my guardian angel's looking out for me." Iris said causing Naruto's eye to twitch,

"Look Iris, I'll never be OK with you putting yourself in danger. You, Felicity, Alex, Joe, Cosco, Caitlin, and my dad are the only family I have, and if you would've died today, I would never forgive myself." Naruto said

Iris looked at Naruto and nodded in understanding "Do you want to hang out and catch up?"

"Yeah. I would like that." Naruto said nodding

"I promise not to talk about The Streak tonight." Iris said sitting down with Naruto sitting across from her

"No, I want you to talk about whatever you'd want to talk about. I know it's important to you."

"Good because it's not just The Streak." Iris said excited causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow "There are others out there that are like him. I've gotten scattered posts about this guy that's on fire, except that he doesn't burn up."

"Okay, so wait. Wait. You're trying to find The Burning Man now too?"

"Yeah, why not? I mean, a lot can happen in a week, especially with The Streak. Heh. I've been trying to get answers from him. Where does he come from? How does he do what he does? But he dodges everything. Literally, with this super-speed power. When he moves, Nate, you don't even see him. He comes and goes in the blink of an eye, in a flash."

Naruto nodded listening to her, before he watched her get a interested look "The Flash." she whispered

Naruto would spend the next few hours with Iris catching up

Week Later

Naruto was walking down the street, after dropping off Linda, when a gun was put to his kidney, and he was dragged into an alleyway and pushed against a wall, with the gun now in his face

"You've got to be kidding me?" Naruto asked looking at the man

"Wallet, now." the robber ordered

"You seriously don't want to do this." Naruto said only for the man to cock the gun

"Money!" the man shouted before Naruto slapped his arm away, and grabbed him by his collar and yanked him forward causing the man's face to slam into the brick wall, breaking his nose, and sending him to the ground clutching his face, and thrashing in pain, with a sigh, Naruto walked out of the alleyway and saw a beat cop "Yo, Paul!"

Paul walked over "Hey Nate, long time no see."

"Yeah, been super busy, but I heard your becoming a detective soon, congrats man."

"Thanks, man." Paul said before he looked to the man on the ground

"He tried to rob me, I trust you'll deal with this."

"I got you, get out if here." Paul said getting a nod from Naruto who patted his shoulder and walked off

S.T.A.R. Labs


Wells rolled into the cortex to see Caitlin, and Cisco waiting for Naruto "Where is Nate?" he asked only for his answer to come in the form of Naruto speeding in and standing in front of Caitlin and Cisco handing them photos

"No way!" Cisco said as he looked at multiple photos of his childhood bully getting pranked

"So I found your childhood bullies, and got payback for you both." Naruto said before Cisco hugged him tightly

"Thank you." Cisco said

"Dude are you crying?" Naruto asked looking down at Cisco when he heard a sniffle

"No, I have allergies."

"Caitlin, Cisco I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Nate." Wells said

"Ooh, you're in trouble." Cisco said walked off causing Naruto to shake his head before he focused on Wells

"Now, may I remind you, Mr. Allen, we had an agreement. We would help with your heroics out there while you would help us research and develop your abilities in here, right?"

"No." Naruto said causing Wells to raise an eyebrow "Our agreement was that I contain rogue meta humans, and as you being the reason for our existence you'd help me. Now I ain't saying you did it on purpose, I mean what idiot would fire up a machine like that if there was even a 1% chance that it could malfunction. But anyway I don't remember making an agreement like that, and as someone who prides himself on keeping his word, I'd remember that."

"Mr. Allen, imagine how good it will feel to cure diseases, stop aging, reverse paralysis." Wells said

"All good causes, but you have my blood, and I'm been through MRIs, every week."

"I need more speed." Wells said

"My speed is going to cure aging, diseases, and paralysis?" Naruto asked

"Speed is key to everything." Wells said

"My blood, and the test you have already performed is all the research you need then, now if you'd excuse me I have to get to National City." Naruto said turning and leaving

"Nathan!" Wells yelled

"Good day, Harrison!" Naruto said speeding off, causing Wells to grit his teeth and toss the remote in his hands at a wall in frustration

Central City, City Limits

Naruto stood at the city limits in his suit, stretching out, before he took a deep breath and red energy burst from his former as he entered his initial jinchurriki form, before he shot off much faster than he's ever run before as he was running his eyes widened as a blue portal opened up before him

Earth 38

Naruto sped out of the portal, and looked around as he ran suddenly on water "What the hell is going on?" he asked as he suddenly looked up when he heard an explosion and saw a girl in a red cape fall from the sky, racing forward he caught her before she could splash in the water and got to shore where he took a knee and put her down, before he looked up when vehicles pulled up and men got out with armed rifles, but his focus was on the woman of the group

"Alex?" he asked quietly

"Kara!?" Alex yelled rushing over and grabbing her unconscious sister from the man in red

"Identify yourself!" Hank Henshaw ordered weapon trained on Naruto who stop up

"Um, I just saved your friend from falling to her death, you could at least do me the courtesy of talking like civilized human beings, without the weapons."

"Who are you?" Alex asked looking up at Naruto who looked down to her before he removed his mask causing her to blush slightly

"Alex, it's me." Naruto said

"How do you know my name?" Alex asked

Naruto looked confused before he looked over to the agents who were watching him "Have you guys ever heard of the Streak, of The Flash?" he asked

"Should we have?" Hank asked

"Aw shit." Naruto sigh shaking his head.