
Atom Smasher (+18)

Month Later

It's been a month since Naruto stopped the singularity, that had destroyed half the city luckily there were no casualties, thanks to Linda protecting the people. Naruto didn't focus on his own grief choosing to focus on being there for his friends and with that in mind had put Team Flash on hiatus seeing as everyone needed to mourn the losses they suffered he told them they were free to come back when ever they were ready,

Cisco was bummed out, and buried himself in his work, signing on as a scientific advisor for CCPD, Caitlin would spend her time training with Talia, and her powers with Linda and Alex, and her family. Iris was working hard at the news station, and Joe was in charge of the meta human task force, with Naruto he had moved out of his loft, into a town house with his book money, along with Linda, along with Caitlin who didn't want to be alone.

Naruto also had big aspirations turns out Eobard had willed S.T.A.R. Labs to him and all its property, Naruto felt his skin crawl every time he stepped foot in the building,

S.T.A.R. Labs, was created by Eobard Thawne it might have not been his idea, but he is the one who created it, so that was a living reminder of him, that Naruto sought to get rid of, and the answer came to him very easily, if the place was his he was going to use it to his benefit, and that's when he came up with the perfect idea along with Cisco, and Caitlin they would renovate the place, and use the name of the place Gideon had given them Uzumaki Scientific Research Industrial Facility, or Uzumaki Industries for short

The new company would be dedicated to medical, and technological advancements and of course meta human research, it was this idea that began Naruto's trip throughout the multiverse, where he would spend time in the library and speed read through all of the books on the subjects he needs, get some tech, and research, and see how they lived on which ever Earth it was that he was on, admittedly he did have the penchant to get sidetracked like now

Earth 17.5

Central City,

Earth 17 was a world where technology had completely taken over, in Naruto's mind it was basically Star Wars with all the flying cars, robots and AI's, currently however Naruto's mind was on something else


"Oh that's it Nathan!" a beautiful woman by the name of Gypsy moaned

Gypsy was an unrivaled collector from Earth Nineteen, who had ran into Naruto while tracking down a breacher from her Earth, she had bumped into Naruto when her target had tried to rob him, but Naruto showed that he was a speedster and put up a fight and the breaches she was after with the ability to teleport to any place he has seen got away, so the two teamed up, since Naruto had nothing better to do, throughout the hunt, they bantered/flirted with each other and didn't give out the names of their Earth's and caught the breacher together, before Gypsy handled her business and came back to find Naruto at the bar, seeing as this Earth actually had good liquor that could get him drunk, their flirting immediately reconvened but Gypsy got serious and said she wasn't looking for a relationship and anything that happened was a one time thing only, which Naruto agreed to and shortly after they were here

Naruto continued to pound his length into her Gypsy's glory. "Right there! Oh God right there!" she cried completely naked sitting on her dresser with back against a mirror, and her arms wrapped around the speedster's neck and her legs locked in place around his waist as he pounded his cock into her soaking wet pussy with her juices running down their legs. "Damn!" Naruto hissed "Your so fucking tight!"

Naruto began to pick up speed and strength with his hips and Gypsy was melting from the pleasure she felt from the blonde fucking her. She buried her head into his shoulder, as with her being such a good collector people were intimidated by her, which lead to men staying away, but Naruto had challenged her, even beaten her in a fight, a real turn on in her book, but sadly this would only be a one time thing just to help her relieve stress and relax

Naruto continued furiously driving his rod into the woman with both of their naked bodies covered to the brim in sweat which trailed down their forms like rain. Naruto smirked hearing Gypsy plead for more from him and her moaning was just sweat music to his ears. Naruto rammed his cock into the moist and tight caverns of Earth 19's best collector to the point Gypsy's tongue hung from her mouth for a moment before she looked into Naruto's bright blue eyes and brought him into a kiss.

Both of their tongues battled for control over the other's mouth while Naruto slammed his dick into Gypsy's hot pussy which filled the room with wet slapping noises of both their crotches colliding. Gypsy smirked when she won in the end and forced Naruto's tongue back into his mouth to which Naruto responded by sucking on her soft pink tongue and savoring the rich flavor of her breath. Gypsy broke the kiss then to scream as she felt Naruto vibrate inside her making the heat in her core rising to a boiling point.

"Nathan!" she gasped laying her head in his shoulder while he kept thrusting inside her with all his might. "I'm gonna cum Nathan! I'm gonna cum!" she cried as she felt herself growing tighter almost like she was pulling him in. "Me to!" he grunted back as he felt the pressure rising in his groin. "I'm gonna cum inside you!" he said with a smirk waiting for that sweat release. "Yes! Cum inside me!" she said before she gripped his hair and looked him in the eyes intensely "I want you to fill me with your hot cum till I can't take anymore!"

After a few more thrusts Naruto buried his cock as far up inside her as he could reach and felt her wrench around him like a vice grip. Both lovers screamed their lover's names as they climaxed. Gypsy moaned loud and long as she felt Naruto fire load after load of his semen into her body filling her womb til it began to leak out and trail down Naruto's shaft and balls as well as her legs. The two remained joined at the hip for a moment to catch their breath before Gypsy locked lips with him again, before Naruto pulled out of her

"Thank you." she said panting and trying to keep herself up on wobbly legs while leaning on the dresser. "I really needed that." she said smiling

Naruto smiled, as her "You weren't the only one. It's to bad this was a one time thing." he said rolling his shoulder "Well, I guess we should get out of here."

"One more time shouldn't hurt." Gypsy smirked pushing Naruto back to the bed, and descending down to his cock, which she took into her mouth,

"I thought I couldn't handle you, but it seems you can't get enough of me." Naruto smirked before he gripped her hair into a ponytail "Let's see how tough you really are, shall we."

Gypsy's eyes widened when Naruto began to fuck her throat her gagging and choking soon filled the room

Earth 1.5

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto with a satisfied smile on his face, returned from Earth 17, before he placed down the books, he retrieved, there were some really crazy worlds out there a world where people carried around Capsules for portable homes, cars, and lots of other things, he had talked with the creator of the Capsule technology and caught the man just finishing a gravity machine for some spaceship that would be headed to some alien planet, the man was very nice, even giving him the notes on the gravity machine

Looking at his watch Naruto saw that it was around 8:30 pm, and decided to head home, Felicity was here seeing as Oliver, and Laurel had left Starling, Thea, Diggle, and she had decided to go on with protecting the city without him, although tragically Ray had died in a explosion at Palmer Tech while he was working on his A.T.O.M suit, and Felicity was in charge, as he walked out of the lab, he paused

A man with a camera snapped pictures of Naruto, as he locked up S.T.A.R. Labs, before he blinked and the next thing he knew his head was grabbed and slammed into the wall he was hiding behind, rendering him unconscious

Naruto watched the man, and picked up the camera the man had and cycled through the pictures and frowned seeing they were of him, and his team, meaning this man whoever he was knew his identity.

Looking around, Naruto grabbed the man "Let's go for a jog shall we." Naruto said before he sped forward and vanished with the man

Pangea, Jurassic Era

The man groaned and clutched his head before he blinked remembering what he was doing and looked around before he saw Naruto on a cliff overlooking nature

"Welcome back to the land of consciousness." Naruto said turning toward the man as got up.

"What happened?" the man asked and frowned when Naruto held up his camera

"You've been spying on me, and my friend." Naruto said causing the man to raise his hands to stop Naruto who had began advancing forward

"I can explain." the man said

"Quickly." Naruto glared

"Okay, my name is Jay Garrick."

Naruto blinked "Really?' he asked smirking

"Yes, your world is in danger. When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours.

"Okay, so, Jay, how exactly do you know all of this?"

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash." Jay said as Naruto crossed his arms over his shoulders raising an eyebrow "Before I arrived on your Earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom."

"Zoom? Catchy." Naruto said

"He's a speedster, like you and me. And fast. Maybe the fastest of all. But evil. He is an unstoppable demon with the face of death."

"Dramatic." Naruto thought

"We were engaged in our fiercest battle ever, racing throughout my city. But I wasn't fast enough to stop him. Zoom had me beaten. He was about to kill me when suddenly there was a blinding light and the sky split open. A breach, between my world and yours, caused from the singularity. It pulled me in and I somehow ended up in your world. Powerless, and unable to return home."

"So you don't have your speed, and you just began to follow me and my friends."

"I would've confronted you all when I grew more comfortable, but you found me." 'Jay' said as Naruto nodded and walked forward "I need your help to save my world from Zoom."

"Okay, well first thing first." Naruto said before he kicked 'Jay' in the knee causing his leg to snap inward causing the man to scream and pain and go down clutching his awkward broken leg "205 bones left. Who are you?"

"I told you,"

"My uncle name is Jay Garrick, if your from a parallel Earth, you should be his doppelganger, yet you look nothing alike. So, who are you?" Naruto glared

"I told you, I'm the Flash on my Earth, a hero!" the man yelled causing Naruto to sigh, and shake his head "All I want to do is help you!"

"Yeah only I don't want or need your help, you've displayed so far that your a liar, and did surveillance on me, and my friends going back to a few days after the Singularity. So tell me who you are or,"

"What you'll kill me? Your a hero Flash." the man said glaring at Naruto

"Kill you, no, I won't touch you," Naruto said before he looked over Jay into the forest behind the man "but they will."

Jay blinked and looked back and his eyes widened in fear when 5 velociraptors appeared at the edge of the forest

"I'm telling you, I'm Jay Garrick!" Jay yelled looking back at the raptors as he dragged himself away from the treeline

"Your lying, I can feel emotions, an old gift that I'm actually glad I got back. You are filled to the brim with negative emotions, and if your not going to come clean, I guess there's no reason for me to stay here." Naruto said just as the alpha raptor roared, and the pack charged in while Naruto smirked "See ya."

"Nathan!" Jay yelled as Naruto sped off "NATHAN!"

Jay watched in horror as Naruto ran into a blue portal that closed behind him, before he turned to the raptors that were looking where Naruto had dissappeared before looking at each other and turning back to Jay, and all lunged forward snarling, Jay's screams as he was killed filled the area

Central City, June, 2015

Naruto sped to his house, and relaxed on the couch before Felicity, Caitlin, and Linda joined him "You both won't believe what just happened." he said flipping through the channels on the TV

Next Day

Naruto, was in S.T.A.R. Labs with Linda, Felicity, Cisco, and Caitlin who came to help him with the renovation currently they were sitting at the table reading over the new books Naruto had brought back, while Naruto was working on the A.I he was building when a chime went off, and they turned to one of the various monitors that showed a man in a suit walking down Naruto opened the door

"Um, could I help you?" Naruto asked

"Are you Nathaniel Allen?"

"Yeah." Naruto said

"I am Greg Turk, I'm an attorney at Weathersby and Stone." Greg said shaking Naruto's hand

"What can I do for?" Naruto asked

"We need to talk about S.T.A.R. Labs." Greg said as Naruto looked at him with a raised eyebrow knowing that everyone was watching from the cortex "As you know, Harrison Wells left the property to you as part of his living trust."

"Yeah, which I did not ask him to do, but I've been keeping the place up." Naruto nodded

"Well, It's going to take more than cleaning the floors to retain it, I'm afraid. The facility and the real estate were originally scheduled to go into receivership in November, but a buyer has come forward "S.T.A.R. Labs will be sold by the end of the week, unless you watch this." Greg said handing Naruto as thumb drive

"What is this?" Naruto asked blinking

"A video message drafted by Dr. Wells." Greg said causing Naruto to frown

"What's on it? Have you seen it?" Naruto asked

"No. He was very specific. It was only to be watched by you. The device will send me a notification after you've viewed it. And at that point, I'll have everything ready to execute, and S.T.A.R. Labs and all of its property will be yours."

"Thank you." Naruto said nodding slowly

"No need for you thanks, I'm only here to represent Harrison Wells' final request. Good day." Greg said walking away


Everyone turned as Naruto walked into the cortex, "The guy was wiped from existence and he still doesn't give up." Felicity said

"Let's just get this over with." Naruto said, as Joe walked in having just arrived

"Get what over with?"

"Wells left a video." Naruto said putting handing the drive to Cisco who put it into the computer and everyone turned to a monitor as the video began, and everyone glared as Dr. Wells appeared

"Hello, Nathan. If you're watching this, that means something has gone horribly wrong. I'm dead and the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer. 15 years. You know, we were never truly enemies, Nathan. I'm not the thing you hate. And so, I want to give you the thing that you want most. It won't matter. You'll never be truly happy, Nathaniel Allen, trust me. I know you." Joe was close to just turning the video off, but Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder still watching "Now erase everything I said up to this point. Give the following message to the police. My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound mind and body, I freely confess to the murder of Nora, and Bartholomew Allen. In their home, on the night of March 18th, in the year 2000. I attacked Nora Allen in her dining room.

"Oh, my God." Linda gasped along with everyone else as Naruto's eyes widened

"I stabbed Barry in the chest with a large butcher knife when he got in the way before doing the same to Nora,

"He confessed." Felicity said

"The knife, came from the drawer to the left of the sink in the kitchen."

"This is what I need to free my dad." Naruto smiled as Joe quickly took out his phone and called the DA, while Cisco erased the message, and took the confession and emailed it to the DA with the email address he got from Joe

Next Day

Iron Heights

Naruto stood in front of the prison having spent the night in Joe's car right outside, when he saw his Das step out before the gate opened allowing Henry to leave and immediately the two hugged each other tightly "Let's get out if here." Naruto said

"I'll race you." Henry said causing Naruto to smile

"You'll be horribly disappointed with the results." Naruto said as the two walked laughing

Henry Allen was a free man, and it was achieved the legal way

5 Months Later

November 6, 2015

Uzumaki Industries quickly rose to popularity, everyone was amazed with the advancements the company was making in medicine, cybernetics, pharmaceuticals and avionics. Army representatives had tried to form a partnership but were flat out denied, the new corporation found cures for deceases, new tech coming out with a new line of cell phones, and tablets. Police were issued protective armor, and Iron Heights were given new cells capable of holding meta humans.

Naruto was hounded for interviews and people wondering if he was hiring but the answer was and would always be no, as in Naruto's mind Caitlin, Cisco, and his friends were all he needed there were no need to bring in new faces especially if they couldn't be trusted

Felicity had went back to Starling now called Star City and was running Palmer Tech, while helping Diggle, and Thea with their vigilante business, before Oliver and Laurel returned and the team was back together with the exception of Roy who was still of the grid.

Linda had grown more powerful in the use of her powers, along with Caitlin who could now turn her body into mist and travel great distances in a short amount of time, also Naruto had played around with his new Kinetic manipulation abilities and didn't make any big strides in the as he was more focused on his speedster abilities and one particular area Aurakinesis, the art of manipulating aura which he used to recreate his beloved Rasengan, he had decided to focus on some of the other elements like wind and fire and expand his reach I'm lightning, also he had helped Caitlin venture into Hydrokinesis, with his Aurakinesis the wonder art of seals was returned to him which he was happy for, his first seal and so far only completed seal was used on Caitlin giving her the ability to separate wind and water at will just like she could with ice.

Cisco who still couldn't control his powers, and was a bit afraid of them, for his final conversation with Wells had affected him deeply. Naruto didn't push the issue, as it took Caitlin time to get comfortable with her own abilities so Cisco deserved to make his own choice if he wanted to embrace that side of himself,

Linda was still at CC Picture News along with Iris, and the two actually began to get closer, befriended one another, but what was a good 6 months, was about to end

Uzumaki Industries

Naruto was in his office, on FaceTime with Cisco via the Whirlpool tablet, as pictures of a man who kinda looked like Edge a wrestler on a earth he had visited "So, the victim's name is Al Rothstein. He's a welder here at the nuclear plant. Co-worker found him this morning." Cisco said

"So, what do you got?"

"Petechiae on his face and the whites of his eyes, and the bruising around his neck,"

'So he was strangled." Naruto said as quiet gagging was heard underneath his desk

"Mm-hmm." Cisco nodded not hearing anything "By someone very strong and very large."

"You think Grodd, is back?" Naruto asked

"No, there are no animal hairs on the body. Whoever did this is an unknown." Cisco said getting a nod

"Alright, keep me posted."

"Gotcha" Cisco said hanging up ass Naruto's face immediately changed to one of pleasure as he leaned back and looked down at Caitlin whose head was bobbing underneath the desk

Caitlin made eye contact with Naruto, for the past 2 months she and Naruto had been sleeping together usually with Linda, a few times with Talia before Talia left town, and just with each other. She had been devasted when Ronnie died, and Naruto had been there for her every day, causing the feelings she already had for him to grow even stronger. Ronnie told her to continue living her lofe, and she will do just that, no matter how much she misses him she will be happy, and Naruto makes her happy.

Naruto smiled down at Caitlin, before he pulled her up into his lap, and lifted her dress up so that it rested over her plumped ass, and pulled her top down and took her left 42D-cup breast into his mouth, as Caitlin began to ride Naruto who gripped her as tightly, before she grabbed Naruto's hair and forced him to look up and slammed her lips into his own, before he slapped her ass, and causing her to moan into his mouth before Naruto jumped when her puss suddenly became cold and she laughed before she hissed when Naruto vibrated his member inside of her causing her to hiss, and tighten her hold on him, before Naruto pulled back as she caught his bottom lip in her teeth and released him

"Your not the only one with powers, sweetheart." Naruto grinned trailing a finger across her skin, leaving a trail of purple lightning, before Naruto was on his feet and Caitlin was lying on her back, with her legs on Naruto's shoulder as he began to pound her into his desk, soon the sound of skin slapping skin could be heard along with moans, and grunts


Joe was watching watching a report on Flash Day celebration, before Singh with his new beard walked up "Joe, where are we at with the murder at the nuclear plant?"

"The evidence is still being analyzed, but there was definitely something weird." Joe said

"Yeah, which is why I let you have that Anti-Meta-Human Task Force. Speaking of which, where's your scientific advisor?" Singh asked

"Ho, ho, ho! Fear the beard!" Cisco said walking up with a crate before he sail Singh standing at him "It's a very distinguished look Sir."

"What is all this, Mr. Ramon?" Singh asked

"Oh, this right here? This is a little something I'm working on. I'm cooking it up for Joe and the task force to take down meta-humans. I'm think I'm going to call it the Boot." Cisco nodded before Singh walked off and Cisco turned to his retreating form "Oh, um, Captain, one more thing."

"You are not getting a badge, Mr. Ramon." Singh called causing Joe to laugh

"He's really stingy with those badges, isn't he?" Cisco asked

"Yeah, cops are funny that way." Joe said before he looked into the crate "So you really think you can get this to work? Don't have me caught out on the streets with my pants down."

"Yes, once I finish the Boot, CCPD will totally have what it needs to take down a meta-human." Cisco said nodding as Iris walked up

"Hi Cisco, Hi dad." Iris greeted hugging Joe

"Hey, baby." Joe said

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd talked to Nate about the rally." Iris said

"He still doesn't want to go." Joe said as Naruto felt that he didn't deserve to be rewarded when 2 people lost there lives that day,

"I'm sorry, but, I can't believe they're gonna give the Flash the key to the city. Although technically, as members of Team Flash, we should all be getting keys." Cisco said causing the father daughter duo to laugh

"Well, you know Nate. The more we try to convince him to do something, the less he's gonna want to do it." Joe said

"Yeah, but he should go." Iris said

"Someone should try and get through to him. Maybe his best friend." Joe said looking to Iris

"Joe, believe me, I've tried." Cisco said shaking his head

"I meant her." Joe said motioning to a smiling Iris "Bye, baby." he said needing to get back to work

"Yeah." Cisco said before he went to assemble the Boot

Iris began to head out, but paused and frowned slightly at the photo of Eddie, before she took a deep breath and left


CC Jitters

Purple lightning zipped around the destroyed coffee shop, as the sound of tools at work could be heard, before the once run down coffee shop was back back to its original condition, and Naruto stopped, before he looked over his shoulder when Iris walked in "You know, if you ever decided that you didn't want to be the Flash, you have a good future being a contractor." she said causing Naruto to smile

"Thanks." Naruto said clapping the dust off his hands "I'm just trying to put it all back exactly how it was before the...you know.'

"Seems like a lot of local businesses are being rebuilt at night. In secret." Iris said as Naruto sipped his Gatorade "I was thinking about writing an article about it for the paper."

"Don't. Please." Naruto said shaking his head, causing her to sigh

"So how's Linda's mom doing?" Iris asked

"Better, Linda is going to stay out there with her for a bit." Naruto said causing Iris to nod

"Look Nate, what happened with...Eddie, and Ronnie wasn't your fault, they decided to help you in there own ways. You can't keep bottling up your pain, with sex, running to other earths, and work. It isn't healthy." Iris said walking up and placing her hand on his cheek "You've been there for Caitlin, and I making sure we weren't alone, you helped the both of us, now help yourself. I didn't know Ronnie that well but Eddie believed that you were the hero Central City needed, be that hero."

"Go to the rally."

"I don't deser-"

"Look, people have heard the stories. They've read the articles. They've maybe even seen the streak racing past them. But they've never seen the Flash, Nate." Iris interrupted "Central City believes in the Flash. So do I."

Iris handed Naruto a flyer, kissed his cheek, and with a smile left, before she paused and looked back to him as she was at the door "Oh, and I'm running the story." she said before she left, as he sighed and sat down

How could he get rewarded when he caused that black hole, that destroyed half the city, nothing went right that day, his future self stopped him from saving his mom, Eddie unnecessarily sacrificed himself, as did Ronnie.

Looking at the flyer Naruto, gained a determined expression before he placed it down and finished up, before leaving

Next Day

Central City Park Plaza

The citizens of Central City were enjoying themselves, all excited to see their hero The Flash some for the first time, in real life, Cisco and Joe were with the task force in case something happened with a raised eyebrow Cisco asked "Are we expecting trouble?"

"Cops always expect trouble." Joe said having told Naruto the same thing once upon a time "Hell, in this city, I expect super evil flying monsters."

"That's a solid expectation." Cisco laughed before everyone looked up and cheered when the Mayor stepped to the podium

"Good morning, Central City! A year ago, our world changed. Our city became ground zero for some pretty weird stuff. We got a new breed of criminal: Men and women who defied not only our laws, but physics and reason. But we got something else, too. We got the Flash!" The Mayor said causing the crowd to cheer louder "Our wounds run deep, and I know many of you are afraid of what threats tomorrow may bring. But the Flash doesn't just protect us," a large man clad in black walked forward pushing his way through the crowd toward the stage "~He restores hope where it was lost. That's why I'm honored to present the key to the man who saved Central City: The Flash!" The Mayor finished holding up the key to the city

Everyone cheered and waited for their hero to appear when he didn't they all quieted down before beginning to look around, when suddenly a whooshing noise and a strong breeze appeared before in a purple streak of lightning Naruto dressed as The Flash skidded to a stop on the stage

Immediately everyone cheered and began to chant "Flash! Flash!" Naruto despite himself smiled and waved to the people, as they continued to chant, before he gave a nod of acknowledgement, and looked to the Mayor

"The doors to Central City will forever be open for you, Flash." The Mayor said presenting the key, Naruto. nodded and with a grateful smile made to grab the key when a feminine scream caused him to turn around and look up where he saw a metal hot dog grill flying over toward the stage

"Look out!" Joe screamed, as the crowd screamed in horror, and began to run away as Naruto grabbed the Mayor and his 2 assistants and sped off the stage as the grill slammed into the podium

Dropping the Mayor off with the cops, Naruto asked "You all right?" the mayor nodded before an officer got him to safety

Naruto looked around, for the attacker and saw him, a huge man dressed in all black with a hood and mask on, "The man who saved Central City, hate to rain on your parade." the man said taking off his hood as he walked closer,

"Take him down!" Joe yelled before immediately the cops opened fire but their bullets had no effect, before Naruto sped in and the man stumbled back when a knee slammed into his chest, before Naruto flipped and kicked the man in the face sending him stumbling back, as Naruto landed on his feet and sped forward and slammed his shoulder into the man's gut sending the man flying back,

Cisco who was watching Cisco was watching when suddenly he got a vibe and was standing in a warehouse, where he saw the man talking with some guy with blue electricity cackling around his body


Cisco came back to reality at the sound of Joe's voice, looking up to see a squad car about to land on him, before Naruto appeared, and caught the car, standing over Cisco who had fallen with the car on his shoulder "Can't be drifting out like that bro!" Naruto said causing Cisco to nod before Naruto flip the car placing it back on the ground before Cisco handed Joe The Boot

"Locked and loaded. Go!" Cisco said as he handed Joe the large weapon

Joe took the weapon and shot it at the man as a boot locked around the man's ankle "Booted!" Cisco said before the man began to grow bigger causing the boot to snap off

"Cisco, you said this thing would take him down. He's not going down." Joe said

"He went up." Cisco said before Joe handed him the weapon

"Run! Run!" Joe ordered before Cisco reluctantly ran off,

Naruto narrowed his eyes as the man tried to rush them, before Naruto, with a petrol tank, nodded to Joe who pulled out his gun, and when Naruto threw Joe shot the tank when it was in front of the man's face causing it to explode as Naruto caught shrapnel before it could impale Joe, or himself, the man returned to normal size, as his mask receded

"That's Al Rothstein. The body we found at the nuclear plant, he's alive!" Joe said surprised before the man ran off,

Uzumaki Industries

Iris, Joe, Naruto, Caitlin, Martin, and Cisco were in the cortex "According to the coroner's office, Al Rothstein's body was in the morgue all night." Caitlin said looking at the report

"So we can scratch off "zombie attack." Cisco said

"Rothstein have a twin brother?" Naruto asked

"Nope. Only child." Caitlin said

"And get this, the night the accelerator exploded, Rothstein was on his honeymoon, in Hawaii." Cisco read

"So we're looking for a guy who's really strong, can grow twice his size, and just happens to look exactly like the guy he murdered?" Joe asked

"I would think this meta was really cool if everything about him didn't just terrify me to my core." Cisco said

"Is that what happened to you? You looked really spooked there for a minute."

"I saw something." Cisco said taking a deep breath

"What did you see?' Naruto asked

"The meta, talking to some guy with blue lightning around his body." Cisco said

"So he has a partner, great." Iris commented before she spoke "So, the hospital next to the Flash Day rally, The x-ray and CT machines all failed at once. Was that because of you? "

"I did not do anything that would cause that. I'm 92% sure." Cisco said

"Hang on." Naruto said before in sped off and returned with a radiation tag "Can you see if the badge was tampered with?"

Caitlin nodded and took the badge "I'll see what I can do." she said getting to work

"So do we have any theories about why our meta looks so much like a guy he killed?" Martin asked

Naruto frowned 'Maybe there was some truth to what that guy was saying." he thought "I have a theory, Cisco, Martin would you both work together to see if you can find any breaches?"

"Breaches?" Joe asked

"What if our meta human is from another Earth." Naruto said lookin around "What if the energy that caused the singularity when it was dispersed spread out throughout the city connecting our Earth to another."

"Then how did the meta get here?"

'Maybe the guy Cisco saw with the blue lightning had a hand in that, we won't know for sure till we find him." Naruto said getting nods before Cisco, and Martin left to brainstorm, while Caitlin entered

"The badge wasn't tampered with, the radiation was absorbed." Caitlin said placing the tag down "I think our meta's been sucking up all the radiation around him and using it to power himself.

"Which is why the x-ray machines at the hospital failed the day of the rally." Iris said

"So if we want to find him, we gotta look for places without radiation." Naruto said before Caitlin got to work

" Got him. There's a three block dead zone near a hazardous waste reclamation plant. It should be blooming with radiation, and right now it's at zero. That's where you'll find atom smasher." Caitlin said causing everyone to raise an eyebrow "What, he absorbs atomic power, and he, well, smashes."

"I like it." Naruto shrugged causing Caitlin to smile "We need to lure him out if the dead zone he created."

"Okay, well if he loves radiation so much, you should give him some." Caitlin said,

"Well, we'll have Cisco come up with bait." Naruto said getting nods from everyone


Atom Smasher was in his hideout, eating while glaring out at the city, when a spotlight shined in the sky with the Flash emblem "Showtime." he said

Abandoned street

Naruto stood next to a spotlight that he shined in the sky, before Atom Smasher walked up, and he turned it off "Sup." Naruto greeted as Atom Smasher glared at him "Why'd you attack me, and kill Al Rothstein?" he asked

"You wouldn't believe me if I told."

"Try me." Naruto smirked

"Enough talking." Atom Smasher growled as his helmet overtook his face, and he tried to rush Naruto but Naruto sped in and punched Atom Smasher in the jaw, causing the man to go sliding back, regaining his footing Atom Smasher lunged forward with a hook but Naruto blocked it easily, and Atom Smasher wheezed when Naruto punched him in the gut causing his body to lurch forward before Atom Smasher brought his knee up, that Naruto slapped down before he punched Atom Smasher in the gut with a right jab, followed by a left jab to the chin, and a round house, repeating the three move combo at super speed 100 times before a strong jab sent Atom Smasher flying away

"W-what?" Atom Smasher thought as his body ached all over before Naruto sped up to Atom Smasher's airborne body and began to punch him at high speeds, while still running, and alternating between a hook, or a kick when he needed to change directions

Nuclear Power Plant

Atom Smasher was launched through the wall, into a radiation chamber "Now!" Naruto yelled

Uzumaki Industries

Team Flash were in the cortex waiting for the signal and immediately Cisco closed the chamber, "The amount of radiation about to flood that room." Caitlin said

"Atom Smasher won't be able to absorb it all." Martin said

Power Plant

Naruto ignored the alarms blaring, and the loud beeping as he watched Atom Smasher try and fail to absorb all the radiation that he was being exposed to the man was breathing heavily on his back, before the radiation drained completely from the chamber "The radiation's been cleared. It's safe for you to go in." Cisco said as the door opened and Naruto entered looking down at Atom Smasher

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you hurt anyone else. Why did you want to kill me?"

Gasping Atom Smasher looked at him "He promised he'd take me home if I killed you."

"Who?" Naruto asked

"Zoom." Atom Smasher answered before he died as Naruto frowned deeply

Next Day

Joe's House

Team Flash was celebrating, their achievements and honoring the sacrifices of their friends when Martin got everyone's attention "Gather round, everyone, please. Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us," Iris, and Caitlin frowned sadly before Clarissa, and Linda rubbed their backs in comfort "I'm reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation. Kadima. It means, "Forward." Martin said raising his glass

"Forward." Joe said

"Forward." Iris nodded

"Forward." Caitlin smiled

"Forward." Cisco nodded

"Forward." Linda smiled

"Forward." Naruto said before they all tapped their glass together.