
Alchemy Doesnt Exist

2 Days Later

Naruto was sitting by the cacoon as he fed his son his bottle, "You need to fight Caitlin. You're one of the strongest people I know. I need you to come back to me...so does our son."

Naruto placed his hand on the cacoon, "I love you." he said before he stood up and walked away as a ding was heard from the cortex,

Walking down the hall and placing his sleeping son on the crib, and turning on the baby monitor, Naruto walked out and met Iris, and the two hugged and shared a kiss, "What're you doing here?" he asked smiling

"Well I came to see the little one, and to give you this." Iris said handing Naruto a coffee

"Oh thank god," Naruto sighed taking the coffee and hugging Iris, "HR, has been killing our coffee supply, guy drinks the stuff like its water."

Iris laughed before she and Naruto walked into the cortex only to pause as it was filled with Christmas decorations, "Holy winter wonderland." Naruto said

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Cisco said working on a gadget as he looked at the monitor of Caitlin's cacoon in the med bay

"Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours." Iris said

"Some traditions are multi-versal." HR replied drinking his coffee

"Hm," Naruto nodded before he looked to Cisco, "So any more info on Savitar?"

"Nope, all the we know is that there is a sun that is called Savitar, and this guy is as fast as you." Cisco said

"All right, well, Alchemy is Savitar's high priest and he gets his power from the stone that he uses to create meta, so I was thinking if we can find out what that thing is, maybe we can figure out how to stop him, and getting Caitlin out of that thing."

"I want to see if I can dig something up." Cisco said getting up and walked to his desk but paused as he saw his brother but shook it off and continued to the desk

Naruto turned to Iris, "I know this is our first Christmas together as a family and I want everything to be perfect, but-"

"You need to get to this. Yes no, I totally get it." Iris said nodding

"Hey, uh, I got a dissertation here from Oxford University about the myth of an ancient Hindu weapon called the Brahmastra." Cisco said pulling it up the monitors for everyone to see, "Legendary artifact with incredible powers, capable of wait for it Creating metas.

"That looks just like Alchemy's stone." Naruto frowned

"More importantly look who wrote this paper." Cisco said bringing up the photo of the author

"Julian?" Iris asked, with a grunt Naruto walked to his necklace, "Where are you going?'

"To get answers." Naruto said before he sped off


Julian was looking over some paperwork when there was a knock at the door, "Knock, knock.'

Julian looked up and quickly stood up as The Flash walked into the room, "Flash? W-what are you doing here?

"I just need some information from you about that stone that Alchemy has used." Flash said

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Apparently, you know a lot about it." Flash said holding up Julian's paper on the stone, "Now, why don't you tell me everything you know?"

"If I don't?" Julian frowned

"You will be fired for withholding valuable information that could've helped us take down a known cop killer." Singh said walking in glaring at Julian who sighed

"Fine. Many years ago, I heard about the Brahmastra, or as it's colloquially called, the Philosopher's Stone. It is said to be the first object to give human beings powers." Julian said sitting down

"Like the Particle Accelerator." Naruto nodded

"Over the years, it got lost. I became quite obsessed with trying to find it. Did every piece of available research I could and much to my parents' dismay, I used my future inheritance and funded an expedition to try and find it. But we never found it. Pretty soon after that, I came here." Julian said

"In your research, have you ever come across the name Savitar?" Flash asked

"How do you know that name?"

"Alchemy is just a lackey, Savitar is pulling his strings." Flash said

"As far as I know, Savitar is the first meta with speed. That's all I know."

"Another evil speedster?" Captain Singh asked

"I know right." Flash said patting Singh's shoulder before he sped off

Uzumaki Labs

The cacoon burst open with mist flooding the room, as a blonde haired Caitlin stalked out of it, her glowing eyes surveying her surroundings before she turned and headed for the exit, frost appearing on the walls as she walked through the hall, "Time to have some fun."

Suddenly she stopped when she heard a baby melody, and opened the door to the nursery, and entered walking to the crib, before she paused looking down at her son as he slept peacefully before he awoke and looked at her. Immediately Caitlin's eyes stopped glowing and her hair returned to normal as she picked up her baby smiling brightly as tears fell from her eyes

"Cait?" Naruto asked causing her to turn and smile at him

"Hi." Caitlin said causing Naruto to walk to her

"Hi." Naruto said hugging Caitlin and his son

"How long?" Caitlin asked

"2 days." Naruto said

The two stood there embracing their son and each other a moment longer,

Later, Earth 3

Screaming was heard in a bank, as the Triskster with a Tommygun and a bag of money exited, "I told everyone inside I'd let them live if they followed my instructions. But I tricked them. Which is so me." he laughed before in a orange streak of lightning Jay flashed on the scene

"Give it up, Trickster!" Jay demanded wearing a hat that Zoom wore when he was parading as the flash on Earth 2, as a way to steal something from him for a change

"Hiya, Swiftie. Will you do me the honor of allowing me to kill you?" Trickster asked before he to shoot at Jay who sped around before he paused beside Tricked with his hat holding all the bullets

"You're out of ammo."Jay smirked as he handcuffed himself to Trickster who smiled

"But I'm not out of bombs." Trickster said opening his jacket to reveal the explosive vest he had on, "What do you say we take in the afterlife, big boy?"

Suddenly white/golden lightning surrounded them before the Trickster was handcuffed on the ground as Naruto appeared holding his vest as Jay put on his hat while the cops walked over to take in the Trickster

"Nice timing." Jay said

"You're welcome." Naruto said handing the vest to a cop

"There's something wrong with my eyes. I'm seeing double. The Flash hit me too hard! I'm gonna sue you, saucer-head! One day, I'll own that helmet, and I'll use it as an ashtray or a candy dish. No, wait, a hubcap!" Trickster yelled as he was tossed I to a squad car

"I had that, kid." Jay said

"I don't doubt it." Naruto smiled

"So I'm assuming you didn't come all the way to Earth-3 to stop my Trickster." Jay wondered

"I have something I need to talk to you about. A speedster. Calls himself Savitar." Naruto said causing Jay to frown

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto and Jay exited the breach in the breach room, "So Savitar. Apparently, you've grown powerful enough to challenge him."

"Who is he?" Naruto asked

"Don't know, never seen him. You're the first speedster I know of who has. But every story I ever heard about Savitar is basically the same. Savitar was the first man ever granted speed. And over time, he became the god of motion, the fastest of us all. Before Savitar graces an Earth with his presence he sends a predecessor to prepare for his arrival."

"Alchemy." Naruto frowned, "What's he preparing for?"

"A battle with you." Jay said

"Why me?" Naruto asked

"You're threatening his power."

"How do you know all this?" Naruto asked

"Speed Force myths, legends, rumors. If Savitar's come for you once, he'll be back."

"Then I'll be ready." Naruto said

"We'll be ready." Jay corrected placing a hand on his shoulder, "Harry told me that I'm your father's doppelganger. Am I him? No. But you and your team gave me my freedom, and I will be happy to help you in anyway that I can."

Naruto nodded, "Thank you."


Naruto was speed reading through books on Hindu mythologies while Caitlin was running test on herself to figure out what her time in the cacoon may have changed, besides her ability to manipulate ice, wind and water growing stronger she was healthy, before with a grunt he tossed the book into the pile as Jay walked up. "I've read every Hindu textbook there is on mythology and spirits and demigods and nothing. No mention of Savitar, not once."

"In my experience, the answers usually tend to come in time." Jay said

"Yeah, I can't just sit back and wait for Savitar or Alchemy to attack." Naruto frowned

"You can't worry about what may or may not lie ahead. Besides it's Christmas. A time to be with the ones you care about." Jay said as Naruto looked over to Caitlin who was smiling as she watched Dash sleep, "This is the first Christmas you have as a father. Make it memorable. Get your head out of the books and back into your life with your loved ones while you have them."

Naruto nodded


Caitlin with Dash in her arms walked to Cisco's workshop to see him at the board, starring into space "Hey, Jay thinks he figured out a way to find the stone...You okay?"

"I don't know. I keep seeing my brother. Everywhere here, in the cortex." Cisco said pitching the bridge of his nose

"Well, this is your first Christmas since Dante died. Maybe your mind's playing tricks on you." Caitlin replied

"Yeah. Probably...There was this one Christmas, big family Dante and I, you know, we used to fight all the time as kids, but that one Christmas, we didn't fight. We just sat and we talked and we drank a whole bottle of whiskey, and that whole night, we were laughing and that one night that one night, it was like we felt like brothers."

"The last Christmas before my dad died, it snowed and snowed. He and I just sat inside, watching old movies while the whole world turned white. It was magical." Caitlin said smiling softly,

"I hope I'm not going to be the Grinch this year?" Cisco said causing Caitlin to laugh


Naruto, and Caitlin walked into the townhouse to see Iris, and Linda had decorated the living room, and the area around the tree was filled with presents, "Nice use of restraint." Naruto said

"Yeah, well, we shopped, and now, we're ready to drop into your arms." Iris said as she and Linda plopped down on the couch beside Naruto who scratched the back of his head

"I'm sorry I missed Christmas shopping with you guys." Naruto said as Linda took Dash from Caitlin who went to go take a shower before going to put the baby in its crib

"It's okay. We got everything we need. So are you as excited to give me my present as I am to give you yours?" Iris asked

"Yeah, of course. Definitely. Yeah." Naruto nodded looking away from Iris who turned his face to her as she looked at him seriously

"You did get me something, right?" Iris asked sweetly

"I did get you something, yeah. I just haven't wrapped it yet, is all. Its a gift we all can enjoy."Naruto smiled

"Okay, um, by the way, after you told me about Julian's archeological dig, I started doing some digging of my own." Iris said

"Uh-huh." Naruto nodded paying attention as Linda entered

"Turns out, a few years ago, four scientists were killed in an excavation in India and Julian was the point person." Iris said causing Naruto to narrow his eyes as Linda frowned

"He didn't mention that." Naruto frowned

"You said he was obsessed with that stone for years. What if he was covering something up?" Iris asked

"Or someone." Linda said

"You think this is about Alchemy?" Iris asked

"There's only one way to find out." Naruto said looking to Linda, "You coming?'

"Yeah." Linda nodded


Singh was about to leave his office, when Flash and Lady Flash appeared in the precinct causing all the officers to look at them in surprise, "Flash, Mrs. Flash." Singh said

"Oh I like that." Linda said as Naruto laughed slightly

"Captain, Julian lied about the Philosopher's Stone."

"I did some digging into the archeological dig, he neglected to tell us that his entire crew were murdered. You think he found it"

"More than that, we think he's working with Doctor Alchemy." Linda said

"He's not answering his cell." Detective Michelle said walking over, "He could be in the wind."

"He won't get far." Flash said before he and Lady Flash sped off and meet up with Jay,

"Cisco picked up an energy signature coming from the top of the Schults building. It could be the stone." Jay said before the three sped off

Schults Building

Alchemy, The Rival, and the other metas were at the Schultz building as Alchemy used the stone, "With energy form this stone, and this building as a refractor, I shall restore the powers of all the metas from Flashpoint. They will become the servants of Savitar."

Alchemy looked over his shoulder and saw the 2 white streaks accompanied by the orange one headed for them, "Rival, be prepared to follow along with our backup plan."

"Yes master." Clarissa nodded

Flash, Jay, and Lady Flash skidded to a stop, "It's over, Alchemy!" Naruto said

"Not even close." Alchemy said before Naruto and Jay looked up and saw Savitar land in front of them, "Savitar."

"Where?" Lady Flash asked looking around

"What do you mean where, he's right in front of us." Naruto said

"Later, just get that stone. I'll cover Savitar!" Jay said speeding forward at Savitar who caught him and vanished with him

Clariss shot forward at Naruto, but Linda punched him in the face before he could reach Naruto who shot for Alchemy, as the stone glowed and energy began to surround him but Naruto grabbed Alchemy by his uncloaked masked face and slammed his head into the building causing him to drop the stone

Clariss seeing Alchemy unconscious, saw Linda heading for him and quickly he sped away, as Naruto placed the stone which seemed to have been cut into two pieces into the box and closed it,

"Clariss is on the move." Linda said

"We'll deal with him later, we got who we came for." Naruto replied walking over to Alchemy and snatching the mask off, and frowning as he looked at the unconscious face of Julian

"So do we take him to Singh?'

"Not till we find out what the hell is going on. Call Singh and have him meet us at Uzumaki Labs."

"Really!" Linda asked surprised

"Yeah." Naruto nodded

Later, Uzumaki Labs

Naruto still in his outfit walked to the spare room where Jay was lying down as Caitlin ran test on Julian who had yet to wake up

"Hey." Naruto greeted

"Hey." Jay said sitting up

"How you feeling?" Naruto asked

"Not too bad for a guy that got beat up by a myth." Jay said as Naruto nodded, "You stopped him. Well done, Nate."

"It was nice, having you out there with Linda, and I." Naruto smiled

"Yeah, I never had a sidekick." Jay said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"Oh, I'm your sidekick?" Naruto asked

"Well, as a senior partner." Jay began

"Senior citizen is more like it." Naruto retorted causing the two to chuckle

["I'll bet your dad would've been proud of you." Jay said causing Naruto to frown slightly

"Right. Hey, why won't you just take it easy, all right? I'll see you in a little bit." Naruto said tapping Jay's shoulder and leaving as Jay got comfortable


"Okay, what do we think about this box, Cieco?" Naruto asked walking into see Cisco staring off into space,

"It's creepy. Like, "Indiana Jones" melt your face creepy."

"Have you figured out anything about it yet?" Naruto asked

"It's nothing." Cisco said

"Mm, pretty sure that it's something." Naruto replied

"No, I mean the box is literally nothing. I've run it through every possible test I can think of MRI, x-ray, mass spectrometer, the photon shifter. Not a single reading. Nothing. It's like the box doesn't even exist." Cisco said as Naruto frowned before Gideon appeared

"Captain Singh has arrived." Gideon revealed

"Thank you Gideon." Naruto said before he created a clone in his street clothes, a red/white/black v-neck, blue jeans and black/red Jordan's,

Caitlin wheeled Julian into the cortex handcuffed to a chair as Cisco walked off to analyze the box some more

Singh, Linda, Whitney, Iris and HR walked in, "What's going on?" Singh asked

"Flash, and Lady Flash captured Alchemy." Naruto said as he handed Singh the mask

"Finally." Singh smiled before Naruto moved out of the way and Singh saw Julian beside Flash AMD Caitlin, "J-julian was Alchemy? No way. Sorry to say Flash but you got this wrong."

"David." Naruto said causing Singh to look at him before Naruto showed Singh the video of how Julian ended up in there custody causing him to frown

"We were going to ask him some questions and thought you should be here." Flash said just as Julian groaned as he regained consciousness

"Where am I? What's going on?" Julian asked looking around before focusing on Flash, Naruto, Singh, and the others

"Let's just say you're gonna be our guest for a while." Flash said

"You." Julian frowned before he looked to Naruto, "I always suspected you either had your own private facility or backing from someone with the means to help you. You care to explain what I'm doing here?"

"We know you're Alchemy, Julian." Naruto said

"What?" Julian asked

"Turning innocent people into meta-humans, worshipping this Savitar?" Flash said

"Sorry, um, I'm still not following. You think that I'm Alchemy? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard."

"Its really not." Singh said holding up the mask

"Captain, I'm sorry but I've never seen that before in my life."

"The Flash and his team caught you! They caught you wearing this mask." Singh said in frustration

"Then he's trying to set me up." Julian said as everyone looked at him in shock at the flat out denial, as Julian glared at Flash, "You're framing me, aren't you? The Flash, of all the people, you're setting me up. The hero."

"We get nothing from setting you up." Naruto said, looking at Julian,

"Have you been losing time? Blacking out? Hours passing, waking up somewhere different? Not being sure of how you got there." Caitlin asked

"No! I've had enough of these baseless accusations and ridiculous theories of yours."

"Julian, we're trying to help you! But you need to trust us." Naruto said

"I don't trust people in masks.' Julian said looking at Flash

"Well its time you started because your future is headed to a jail cell for the murder of officers of the CCPD." Singh glared as Julian frowned, "Now, have you been blacking out?"

"...Yes." Julian nodded

"When did it start?" Caitlin asked

"...My sister, Emma, died when I was 20. And it really broke the family up, you know? Mom and Dad weren't speaking, they wouldn't even stay at the house. One night, I was there alone, and she came back to me. She stood right in front of me, clear as day a ghost or a vision, I don't know, but she was real." Julian said as Caitlin's eyes widened

"What happened?" Flash asked

"She told me about the stone. She told me where to find it, she told me that if I got it, then it would bring us back together again. And at that point, mate, I would've done anything to have her back. That's what I did. I mounted an expedition to India. Days we searched, weeks. Nothing. And then we found it. And the next thing I remember, I woke up in the hotel room. I didn't remember anything, and that's when the blackouts started happening. There was a news report saying that every other member of my team had been found dead at the site. I panicked, I thought they were gonna blame me for their deaths, so I ran. I ran to America."

"What happens when you black out, Julian? How does it start?" Singh asked

"I hear the voice." Julian said

"Guys." Caitlin called causing everyone to ltook at her, "We may have a problem. Cisco has been seeing visions of Dante."

"What?" Naruto asked surprised just as an alert went off

"Cisco's workshop, he opened the box."

"Stay here." Flash said speeding off to the workshop to see Savitar standing behind Cisco who was looking into the box at the glowing stone, "Cisco?"

"Bow to your god." Savitar said before he rushed Flash taking him down to the speed lab

Speed Lab

Flash grunted as Savitar began to punch him through the air, before he caught a punch and pulled his body forward to knee Savitar in the face sending him stumbling back as Flash landed on his feet but Savitar tackled him into a wall with his wrist blade extended before he stabbed at Flash's chest but the blade wouldn't puncture the suit

"I love vibranium." Flash chuckled before he swung a vibrating hand into the blade severing it before he pushed Savitar away

The armored speedster skidded back and swung at Flash who rushed him, but Flash ran into the arm and swung around it turning midspin to grab the back of Savitar's head and slam it into the ground causing cracks to form

Cisco's Workshop

Cisco was still in a trance when Caitlin ran in, "Cisco? Cisco, you have to close the box!"

"I'm gonna save Dante." Cisco smiled

"It's that's not Dante, it's Savitar. Please, he's using your memories against you!" Caitlin said

'You're a good brother, Cisco." 'Dante' said

"Cisco, we're running out of time. Please, just hand me the box." Caitlin pleaded reaching for the box only for Cisco to aim his hand at her

"I won't lose him again. I will not lose my brother again!" Cisco yelled

"Cisco, Dante is gone. I'm so sorry, but there is nothing you can do about it. But there are people you can save right now. If you don't close that box, Savitar will be on the loose and a lot of people could die."

Cisco frowned and dropped his hand before he turned to Dante, 'If you do, we can't be together." Dante said

"Lo siento, hermano." Cisco said teary eyed before he closed the box

Flash and Savitar were in the middle of the Speed Lab, hands clasped as they tried to overpower one another before Savitar was suddenly pulled up and away in a flash of white lightning as Caitlin hugged a crying Cisco


Everyone stood around the box, looking it over, "Are you sure you're okay?" Linda asked Flash

"Still in one piece." Flash nodded

"I don't know what happened." Cisco frowned

"So now that the box is closed, Savitar's, what, gone for good?" Singh asked

"I don't know, but we need to find out. Cisco? If we can't use this box, Julian, he may be our only link to Savitar now, right?" Naruto asked as Julian frowned

'I think we can use both of them. If Caitlin's right and this thing messes with brainwaves, then I have a plan." Cisco nodded

Flash got up and looked at Julian, "Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, I noticed that he and Alchemy, they had the same voice." Flash said

"All right, what does that mean?" Singh asked

"I don't think there is an Alchemy, I think it's Savitar speaking through Julian." Flash said

"Savitar clearly possesses someone who rallies worshippers." Caitlin said

"But he's like a poltergeist, he needs a medium to manifest himself. You." Cisco said

"Right, but what does that mean?" Julian asked

"We think we figured out a way to sync your brain to the stone." Naruto said with his arms crossed over his chest

"And it'll allow us to speak directly to Savitar." Cisco said as Julian began to shake his head

"If you want to try to be free of this, you need to trust us." Naruto said frowning

"Fine, I'll try it." Julian said and immediately Cisco, began to hook him up to the machine with a headset

"Deep breaths. Okay?"

"Yeah." Julian nodded

"You're gonna count backwards from ten." Cisco instructed

Julian sighed, "Te-" Julian's head lolled back as he went unconscious causing everyone to look surprised

"That was quick." Cisco said walking to his computer

"Okay, so, um, how long till this works?" Iris asked

"Not really sure, it may take a minute for his brain waves-"

Julian suddenly screamed as he awoke causing everyone to step back in surprise, before he looked around and focused on Flash and Naruto, "Hello, Flash. It's been a while."

"Savitar?" Flash asked as the Savitar possessed man looked around

"None of you are on your knees.,It's a smart move to bow before a deity." Savitar said

"You're not God." Flash replied

"To be a god, you just have to make people believe you are." Savitar said

"Making people believe your a god, and actually being one are totally different." Naruto retorted

"Yeah, and no one believes in you." Iris said

"You should, Iris. I hold the power of life and death over all of you." Savitar replied looking at Iris

"How do you know so much about us?" Caitlin asked

"I know you, Caitlin. Cisco, Linda, Whitney. The fake Wells. I know your fears and I know your weaknesses. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your destinies." Savitar said looking to the Flash, "One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer a fate far worse than death. This is the knowledge I have for you. About your everlasting damnation."

"Who are you?" Naruto asked

"I am the real Flash." Savitar smirked

"What do you want from us?" Flash asked

"Everything! Everything you took from me, I want it back. And I'm gonna take it back. Then, I will destroy you." Savitar spat

"Then why haven't you already? If you're all-powerful, then why don't you just go ahead and kill us all now, be done with it? Because you can't." Flash said

"You did this to me. You trapped me in eternity. Your future self you did this to me, Flash. And now the age of my revenge has risen. My freedom is at hand. You will feel my wrath. The wrath of Savitar!"

Flash went to unplug the device from Julian's head but Naruto stopped him. "Gideon are you picking up any energy signatures from the stone and Julian?" he asked causing Savitar to look at him as Gideon appeared

"Yes, the energy of the stone is pure Speed Force energy." Gideon reported

"Interesting. You said you were trapped in eternity. You're inside the speed force which is why only speedsters can see you." Naruto said

"We need to find Clariss, he may have the other half of the stone.' Flash said looking to Cisco who nodded and raced to his computer as Flash and Naruto looked to Julian

"Thank you for your cooperation.' Naruto said before he unhooked Julian from the device allowing him to regain control

"Did it work?" Julian asked only for everyone to look at each other

Moments Later

Singh and Julian left so that Singh could help in the search of The Rival, and question Julian more extensively as everyone was sitting around

"That was so scary. I mean, that was was it not truly frightening, what the voice and the prophesies and the oh, it was I mean, that a scare-a-thon, wasn't it? I'm gonna have a mint tea and a coffee and a lay down." HR said walking off

"Do you think the things that he said about one of us betraying him and one of us dying could really be true?" Caitlin asked looking to Cisco as they looked at Naruto who was looking at his necklace that housed his suit

"I mean, if it really was future Naruto that pissed him off and locked him up somewhere, then maybe he knows what happens to future us." Cisco said

"He doesn't. He's never getting out of his prison." Naruto said turning to look at the two

"So how are we supposed to stop him?" Linda asked as Jay walked in

"The stone." Jay said

"Jay's right, the stone has been the key to everything. It's how he controlled Julian, it's how he's created more metas."

"So we destroy the stone and Savitar is gone for good." Iris said

"It's impossible to destroy. It's been around forever, there's a reason for that." Caitlin frowned

"Why don't we just bury it again, put it back in the ground where you found it?" Whitney asked

"Mm-mm. "Jumanji." Cisco said

"Someone would just find it and we'd be right back where we started." Linda frowned

"We need to make that box disappear forever." Jay said

"Any suggestions?" Naruto asked

"Somehow Savitar is using the stone to get a foothold here, so why don't we toss it into the speed force?" Jay asked

"Wait, you can do that?" Whitney asked

"Oh, yeah. The Speed Force is eternity itself, an endless void of time and energy. It'd be like trying to find it after it got lost in space." Jay nodded

"But that stone is loaded with gravimetric force. I mean, I don't think even you could run fast enough to reach the Speed Force and carry that at the same time." Cisco said

"He can with my help. We run as fast as we can. You trail behind me, siphon off some of my speed, combine it with your own, and when you have enough, throw that thing deep into the Speed Force." Jay instructed

"Okay, but we only have half a stone, and I'm pretty sure it would be a bad idea to hand Savitar the stone. It makes me nervous." Naruto said

"So what do you suggest?" Jay asked

"We lock it up for now till we know more about it, and why Savitar is capable of manifesting himself with it." Naruto said

"Okay but lock it up where?' Linda asked

"We have plenty of rooms not being used here. We could renovate one to hold this, till we find a way to render it useless to anyone." Naruto said

"I'll get started on it." Cisco said before a beep was heard and everyone looked toward the computer, "A large energy signature at the race track. Its Clariss."

Naruto immediately sped off

Central City Motor Speedway

On the track a red trail of lightning sped around with a white glow at its head as Clariss used the stone to enhance his connection with the speed force boosting his speed, before Naruto arrived and chased after him

"Flash." Edward said in Savitar's voice signifying that Savitar was in control of Edward

"Stop!" Naruto yelled as he began to gain on Clariss who smirked and continued to accelerate before he left the track and began to run across the ocean

Naruto frowned as he followed Clariss who was steadily increasing his speed with the space stone, "Enough of this." Naruto swung an arm and a wave rose up threatening to swallow The Rival who dove forward spinning at high speeds allowing him to punch a hole through the wave

Naruto phased through the wave as Clariss came out of his high-speed spin and caught his leg when he tried to kick him, gripping his boot, Naruto sped off carrying Clariss with him, before Clariss leaned up and punched him in the back of the head causing Naruto to stumble as Clariss flipped out and him with his neck in his grip before Naruto was slammed into the beach and dragged

Naruto elbowed Edward's arm away and flipped to his feet and restarted his pursuit, before he ran along the side of a building jumping from building to building before his eyes widened when he saw a portal opening and Edward tossed the stone and quickly he dove after it and as he was centimeters from grabbing the stone an explosion from the speed force overtook him

Central City, Unknown Time

Naruto landed harshly but rolled to his feet and looked around to find himself in an alleyway on Infantino Street, before he walked to the bus stop as a news report was playing, "In other legal news, the highly publicized trial of Jared Morillo, AKA "Plunder," comes to a close."

"Who the fuck is Jared Morillo?" Naruto asked himself

"Morillo was found guilty of grand theft and aggravated assault after he was caught by the Flash robbing the Central City Museum earlier this year."

"What?" Naruto asked looking at the date incredulously before he looked up when he heard his voice

"Don't! Please don't! Don't do this."

Turning around Naruto saw himself in his suit with his mask peeling away, standing across from Iris, and Savitar

"Now, finally, I am my revenge is at hand." Savitar said

"Nathan, I love you." Iris said crying as Naruto had a feeling of dread

"No, don't say that, all right? You're gonna be all right." Flash said to Iris before he glared at Savitar, "You can't do this, okay you may hate me but its Iris! Please, I'm begging you, just, Please Ba-"

"You lose, Nathan." Savitar interrupted before he extended his wrist blade

"No!" Naruto and his future self yelled as one before both shot forward but a portal opened behind Naruto and a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back but Naruto saw Savitar run Iris through just as his future self caught her corspe, Naruto planted his feet in the ground fighting against whoever was pulling him

"Hey, hey, Iris. Iris, hey No. Iris. Iris, Iris." Future Naruto said before he began to sob, and yelled in sadness, and anger as he clutched Iris to him before Naruto was pulled back through the portal

Present Day

A portal opened and orange lightning shot through Central City and sped to Uzumaki Labs, coming to a stop in the breech room, as Jay released Naruto who had his mask peel away

"Jay, what the hell was that?" Naruto asked

"The future." Jay said

"No, that can't be right. I saw myself. And Iris. And Savitar, he killed her. That's five months from now. Is that actually gonna happen?"

"I don't know." Jay said as Naruto frowned shaking his head, 'You shouldn't have seen that."

"This doesn't make sense." Naruto said taking a seat as he clutched his head

"Nathan, what you saw was one possibility of the future. What may be, or may not." Jay said

"Okay, then I can stop this from happening. I will run back there,"

"You can't go back there. Not again, not ever."

"I am not about to lose her!" Naruto yelled standing up, "I can't. Not anyone else."

"Nathan! This is why speedsters don't travel to the future. Nobody should know this much about their own. Just as their are infinite Earths in the multiverse, there are infinite possibilities to the future. It's always bending, always changing. Every decision you make creates another alternative. The future isn't written yet. And it might not even turn out to be what you saw. You need to focus on the here and now. You have to live your life." Jay said as Naruto frowned

"You expect me to just forget about watching myself fail to save someone I love?" Naruto asked

"No, you have to continue moving forward but you cannot obsess over this."Jay said to a frowning Naruto

Later, Cortex

Naruto walked to the cortex to see everyone there, "Hey, guys."

"Hey. Are you okay? You and Jay disappeared, and," Iris asked as she, Linda, and Caitlin hugged Naruto who picked up Dash,

"Nah, I'm okay." Naruto smiled slightly

"So where's Jay?" Linda asked

"Jay, uh, decided to go ahead and go back to Earth-3. But he wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas." Naruto said

"So, did you get it?'

"No, Savitar took control of Clariss, and outran me long enough to open a portal. that half of the stone is gone."

"Great, I don't know about you guys, but being mind-punked by a speed god that we piss off in the future, it's it's enough to kill your Christmas spirit." Cisco said only for HR to scoff

"Guys, Christmas time is here. We need a little Christmas. Right this very minute. Who's with me? NA."

"Please don't call me that." Naruto said

"No promises." HR said sipping his coffee

"HRi is right. It's Christmas, we should be together. Let's have it." Naruto said

"I'm still in if everybody else is." Linda smiled

"Yes!" HR cheered

"Okay, I'm in." Cisco said

The Flash family celebrated Christmas together, forgetting about their problems AMD being happy to be together, while Naruto's mind was still plagued with what he witnessed, and after Cisco, HR, and Whitney had went home,

Naruto took Linda, Iris, and Caitlin to see their gift, "Okay, going through a door, be careful." Naruto said as he held Linda's hand and lead the girls into the empty mansion , "Okay, right here."

"Okay, are you ready?" Iris asked

"Yeah. Open your eyes now." Naruto said causing the three to open their eyes and look around at the interior if the large Mansion

"I don't understand, where are we?" Linda asked

"Home." Naruto smiled

"What?" Caitlin asked shocked

"The townhouse is getting a little cramped, and I figured we could use a place big enough for our future family, so I brought a few acres of land and built this place on the highest hill that overlooks Central City, and the ocean. All it needs is some furniture and you guys." Naruto smiled as the grils looked around in surprise before they gave him tearful smiles

"I got you a wallet." Iris choked out

"I don't need anything but you guys." Naruto smiled

"I love you." the girls said together before they rushed Naruto hugging and kissing his cheeks as he smiled.