

you know what?

i will just stick on this novel type

if i were going to write new fanfiction novel then i will go to fanfiction type

thank you for commenting guys

now back to the story


While at sea, Usopp daydreams, unbeknownst to the other crew members.

Since the crew has increased to four, Luffy wants to make a jolly roger. With "50 years experience" of painting walls, Usopp creates one for the Straw Hat Adventurer Team(next time i woll change it to Re-team). He also paints the sails as ordered by Luffy.

Their first destination is Legendary Treasure Island. There, they encounter strange looking wild animals. 'Get Out of Here! Get Out of Here!' the Guardian God of the island commands.

 The Guardian God attacks the Straw Hat Pirates. When all the attacks fail to hurt Luffy, the Guardian God runs away.

Luffy catches him and finds out that he is actually just a man living in a box, named Gaimon.

Twenty years ago, he was a pirate who fell into the box and was stuck ever since.

Luffy and Zoro futilely try to pull him out of the box but their efforts were in vain.

Luffy introduces himself as the one who is going to be the Re-King(yes i shorten it from adventure to Re)after getting One Piece.

Gaimon fills Luffy in on what happened to him 20 years ago: how he fell into the box.

Gaimon takes the pirates to the hill where there is a treasure when Nami promises to get it for him.

Luffy rockets up the hill and finds six treasure boxes but he refuses to hand them over to Gaimon.

Nami thinks he's keeping them for himself, but Gaimon already knew/felt that the boxes were empty.

{i just write this because the were jolly roger scene or else will not wrute about Gaimon}

While out at sea, Luffy finds a box of cannonballs in the Going Merry storeroom and brings it onto the deck.

Nami finds a place on the map where they can go practice cannon shooting.

This gets Luffy excited. while luffy is excited,zoro start to remember his childhod

Zoro was a Doujouyaburi, collecting dojo signboards. When Zoro challenges Koushirou, the owner, he accepts but offers his daughter Kuina as his opponent.

Zoro grabs a huge amount of shinai (several in each hand, and three in his mouth) to prepare.

Even before the match begins he has dropped 2/3 of the ones in his mouth.

Zoro is able to block the first overhand strike with his shinai collection.

The second vertical strike is more powerful and knocks Zoro back to the ground, causing him to drop all of the weapons.

Zoro gets up and strike a great "two sword/shinai technique" pose.

This causes visible surprise in the master and his daughter, who ask if he has been trained in kendo before.

Zoro explains that this is the first time he's ever held shinai. Zoro charges towards Kuina and gets smacked between the eye and ends up losing.

Zoro joins the dojo and swears that he will beat Kuina one day.

Kuina tells Zoro that he would have to train a few years until he can fight with two swords.

A training montage is shown where Zoro works himself to exhaustion on a daily basis, regardless of it being hazily hot or chillingly cold.

In addition to smacking a training post, Zoro is seen competently fighting off adult male members of the dojo.

One most usual training is Zoro standing on a pair of rocks with a stream running in between them.

A bite in his mouth is attached to a large boulder with a piece of rope, and he is holding that position to strengthen his biting muscles (as well as legs and torso).

As he is training, Kuina is seen watching him from the shadows.

The scene then cuts to Zoro losing a two thousandth consecutive fight to Kuina. She then calls him weak.

The younger male students comment that he is not weak and able to defeat adult male students.

They then ask Koushirou if he is giving his daughter special training on the side due to favoritism.

He explains that he is not, and that she is also getting stronger.

Kuina later overhears her father discussing with another man that a female sword fighter has many barriers and that he would not let her inherit the dojo.

This visibly angers her and she breaks in (revealing her eavesdropping, which her father criticizes) and claims that she will become the strongest and that she deserves to inherit it.

Koushirou replies calmly that a woman would not be able to become the world's best. This causes her eyes to glaze over in shock and she walks off, stricken.

Kuina is sitting by the road in the middle of the night, apparently crying.

Zoro approaches and challenges her, carrying a pair of real metal katana instead of the wooden shinai they had used in previous battles.

Kuina accepts the challenge, and goes into her family's shrine and retrieves the Wado Ichimonji for their duel.

In their first exchange, Zoro manages to cut off some of her hair with his second blade.

After fighting for a while, Zoro is visibly gasping while Kuina is not breathing heavily at all.

She comments that two swords must be heavy and that he is still lacking stamina.

In response's to Zoro's usual rude reply, Kuina lunges in and is able to disarm both of his weapons in a single upward swing.

As he lies helpless on his back, she goes in for the finishing blow, but intentionally plunges the Ichimonji into the ground an inch from his cheek.

Still undefeated, after the fight Kuina consoles Zoro, telling him that as they grow older, Zoro will eventually surpass her. Kuina tells Zoro that a woman can never be the world's greatest swordsman.

Zoro disagrees and challenges her to compete and see who between them will become the world's greatest swordsman. Kuina accepts.

Kuina is seen continuing to train enthusiastically while beating an adult male student.

Zoro is seen doing another strange exercise by himself where he holds a dumbbell in his mouth while pulling down a pair of ropes slung over a tree branch (used as a pulley) to lift a pair of boulders, to increase his stamina.

It is at this point when some younger students approach with gaunt looks on their faces and tell him

"Zoro!!!,kuina...kuina she died!!!"

"what!??!" then zoro run as fast as he can even his misdirection(hemmm zoro always loss when it about direction) cant stop him

Kuina had apparently died falling down the storage room stairs while looking for her katana whetstone.

but then even worse happen

"put my daughter back!!" shouted Koushirou and he held his katana'who is this man,what he want with my daughter?!'

"hey let go off kuina"shouted zoro

but the man just take kuina body in princess carry and said

"if you wany her back,come to new world adventure guild hq" said the man as he disappeared

"wait!!" even koushirou dont had time react as the man take her daughter

"kuina!!!"shouted zoro as he cry

After that accident, the master thanks Zoro for joining the dojo and motivating Kuina to train her hardest.

Zoro asks for Kuina's katana. He swears that he will keep the promise made with Kuina, to become the strongest swordsman in the world.

The master leaves Kuina's soul and dreams with Zoro. Eight years have passed and it's time for Zoro to leave the dojo to fulfill that promise.

Back to the present, Luffy and Usopp practice shooting cannons, Usopp hits the target in a single try.

Unknown to them, they have hit someone, Yosaku. Later, back in the cabin, the Straw Hat Pirates are having a discussion about adding a new crew member, either a musician or a cook. When they hear a commotion on the deck, Luffy goes out to check.

 Johnny, whose partner was hit, is seeking revenge. Zoro recognizes Johnny's voice.

They were friends back in the days when he was a pirate hunter. Zoro asks Johnny why he is alone and where Yosaku is.

Zoro is surprised to find Johnny alone and asks about Yosaku. Johnny recounts what happened that day, how Yosaku fell ill and they decided to rest on a rocky island when they were "attacked" by Usopp.

Nami examines Yosaku and finds that he has scurvy which can be easily cured with Vitamin C.

Johnny is relieved to hear that Yosaku will be alright in a few days time, and when Yosaku was feeling better after taking some lime, they introduce themselves to the rest of the crew.

The crew decided that they need a cook to take care of their diet for their long trip, as they do not want to get scurvy like Yosaku. Johnny suggests that they go to Baratie, the floating restaurant.

On the way to Baratie, the Straw Hat Re-Team runs into Iron Fist Fullbody, a lieutenant in the marines who did not think much of the Straw Hats, or Johnny and Yosaku.

Johnny is particularly offended and flings a series of wanted poster across the deck of the Going Merry to prove he and Yosaku don't go after the small fry.

Provoked by his boasting, Nami is curious to see the criminals the duo tend to hunt and peers at their collection of collected and desired bounties.

Unfortunately, Nami sees something so disturbing to her that she chokes up and quietly trembles.

She is taken very aghast at a specific poster: one bearing the face of a crook named Arlong.

She wrings the poster in her fist viciously as if she had a personal grudge against him.

As Fullbody heads to the Baratie with his date, he orders his crew to sink Going Merry.

A shot was fired but Luffy managed to divert it from hitting Going Merry, but due to losing his grip, Chef Zeff's cabin on the Baratie was hit.

The Baratie crew drag Luffy to Chef Zeff's cabin. Luffy naïvely thought that Chef Zeff lost his leg from the attack and immediately apologizes. Chef Zeff sets Luffy straight and wants him to work in his restaurant for a year to pay for repairs and medical bills.

Luffy disagrees and gets beaten up by Chef Zeff. Meanwhile, in the dining hall of the Baratie, Fullbody gets into a fight with Sanji, the Sous-Chef (second-in-command chef).

{i dont know how did chef Zeff beat luffy,maybe with haki?}


thank you for reading guys

Adventure team = Re-team

adventure point = Re- point

Adventure card = Re-card

adventure guild = Re-guild

so to make your reading easier

next chapter----->

luffy and sanji