
From Death To Power: A Vampire's Growth

Allen has had it rough for some years and finally he could not take it anymore, therefore, he sought death. But mysteriously, he wakes up again only to find out that he was no longer a human. At first, he didn't want to accept the fact that he was now a monster because everything happened too fast for him but along the line, he slowly began to accept the new him. Now, he has a new dream — Taking over the world. He thought that it would come easy as long as he has the power but then, there is his father, the lord of the void walkers; a group of special scientifically made monsters. His father's dream is to take over the world as well but unlike his father who wants to destroy it, he wants a place for him and those he loves. Now faced with these fast rising and vicious monsters, Allen is left with two choices — To forgo his dreams and save humanity or to let humanity be destroyed while he saves those he loved. As ambitious as he is, he tends to pick the two choices. Find out more about the MC's journey and his growth... During the journey, he is faced with betrayals, deaths, pains, blood-spilling and many more but above all, he is surrounded by a few individuals that love him and are willing to die with him.

Ruby_banks02 · 奇幻
11 Chs

The wrong school

'If only I did not use all my energy in trying to bring that girl back, I wouldn't have ended up in this situation,' Allen thought with a pained expression as he closed his eyes and embraced the darkness that was already consuming him.

None of the kids in that bus knew what was happening to them, where they were being taken to, and why they had to drugged in order to get to their destination. All they knew is that it took them hours before they finally came back and what brought them back was a splash of cold liquid on them.

Allen, just like the others jolted and was surprised to see himself standing on a field of plain grasses. Looking around, he saw himself surrounded by tall buildings built in the shape of humans. No, they looked like humans from afar but when observed closely, they weren't humans but human-like shapes.

'The voidwalkers?' he questioned himself the moment he saw those things. He would never forget what they look like even in his sleep.

As his eyes roamed about the sea of about hundred or more kids, he noticed that aside his companions, no one knew what those statues were. Unlike him who was shocked, they were instead marveled by the sight.

"Listen up, everyone!" The sergeant's voice echoed. Allen and the others tried to find him but he was nowhere in sight. "If you are looking for me, you should stop because you won't see me."

"What's he trying to say?" A student asked but no one replied because just like him, no one knew the answer.

"From today henceforth, this is where you will be staying. Don't try to escape because you can never escape out of here alive. As you can see, this place is surrounded by an invisible barrier so escaping is not an option, and if you are caught trying to escape, you will be killed!"

As soon as he mentioned the word kill, many students began to panic. This wasn't the reason they were brought here so why would the sergeant suddenly threaten them?!

"I know many of you will be wondering so let me make it clear to you," the sergeant said, clearing his throat. "The purpose you have been brought here is for one reason and that is to be trained for the upcoming war with the voidwalkers. No one knows when it will come but for us not to be at the losing side, we must be prepared for it at anytime, so all of you... I mean every one of you must be prepared for it! We won't entertain lazy or weak ones, if anyone should falls in any of these categories, that person must and shall be punished severely, you won't like being punished so I hope you start making the right choice now. Every weekend, every student will be evaluated by their strength and achievement during the week, and at the end of the term, they will then be placed in classes and these classes will be determined by their achievement level. Those lacking behind will not be able to advance further in class, bear it at the back of your minds!"

As he spoke, a bright light shone brightly above the kids and then their attire began to change. Instead of the clothes they were putting on before, they were seen in black military uniforms.

"These clothes on your bodies will be your uniforms starting from today! You will always out them on no matter where you or what you are doing, except whenever you want to take your baths. And dont worry, it never gets dirty and can not be destroyed, so you have no reason whatsoever to take it off your body."

While the kids were still checking out their uniforms, a digital wristwatch appeared on their wrists.

"And on your wrists is your lifeline. The object on your wrists will prevent you from escaping..." As he spoke, everyone began to look at the wristwatches on their wrists. There was nothing shown on it; it was blank. "Not only will it prevent you from escaping, it will also grant you access to all the buildings and equipments here. Just like your uniforms, they are indestructible. It will only be self-destructive when the user dies, that is, the wristwatch will be destroyed automatically when the user dies. Enough with all the spoken words, before I leave, you will all be accessed and your power levels will be checked and documented. One after the other, you will come to the front and stand at the center of that circle, your power levels will then be checked and displayed on your wristwatches."

After the sergeant was done speaking, he made a hand signal to the first student on the line and the boy walked to the front and stood at the center of a glowing circle that had appeared out of nowhere.

The light shoned brightly around the boy and it lasted for a while, all the students had their eyes on him during this time. They were eager to see the outcome of ehwt was happening.

Minutes later, the light retreated back to the circle and then the boy looked at the wristwatch on his wrist.

"0.0!" The sergeant declared in a disappointed tone. "It is very poor, I hope that by the end of the week, you will improve. If by that time you still haven't progressed,you will be punished!"

The boy's shoulders dropped as he returned to his line. The next student came up and the same thing happened to him, his power level was the same as the first boy's own.


For hours, students went up and did theirs. When it got to Kyle's time, he went up and stood in the middle of the circle just like the others. After the whole process, his power level displayed on his wristwatch.

"1.1," the sergeant said. From his voice, one could tell that he was surprised. Among all the students that had come up to check theirs, he was the first student whose power level is above one. Some power levels were 0.1 while a few of them were 1. He was the first to be above 1 so it makes him the best among them. "That is wonderful, you are a gifted child!" Said the sergeant. Some students after hearing this became jealous of Kyle.

"Wish me luck!" Treasure said to Kyle who stepped out of the circle.

"Good luck," he replied and she went over and stood in the center.

"1.1! Great!" The sergeant said and Treasure beamed and returned to Kyle's side.

"Ain't I great?" She asked him with a smile on her face.

"You are," Kyle replied gently and she giggled and grabbed his arm.

"My brother is the best," she whispered. Even though she was disturbing, Kyle never found it annoying. Among the four of them , Treasure liked him the more.

"Next!" The sergeant said and Jalen walked up to the center and stood. As soon as Jalen's power level displayed, the sergeant gasped. "2.1!" He yelled and all the students gasped in shock. "This is the best so far!" He exclaimed.

"Big brother is so cool!" Treasure cried out in excitement as Jalen walked over to their side. Kyle rolled his eyes and looked away and Jalen noticed it and smirked.

"The next!" The sergeant yelled, he was now very much happy and from his tone, it showed he expected the same outcome from the remaining two students.

Thelma walked up to the circle and stood in the middle. The light began to glow but suddenly, it stopped halfway.

"Why did it stop?" Treasure whispered to her brothers. "Could it be...?" She asked them with a scared look on her face.

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