
Famously Infamous

Formatting info:

- text – text = Inner thoughts

* Text * Text = Sound effect

~Text~ Text = Time stamp


"Hey, do you see that guy there?"

The ever-curious people pointed at me, the man with dyed hair and chains hanging from his jeans. The stares directed at me flew right through me, I didn't care about them: Nor had I for some time at that point. It was similar to a routine at that point, it could be likened to some sort of public humiliation exercise, helping me get used to this lifestyle.

"Yeah, That's that Kaharu guy, isn't it?"

I'd gotten a reputation and status to follow that, a lot of people wouldn't see that as a problem, would they? I was well-known throughout the school, being popular wasn't a bad thing was it?

As I walked down the ever-long corridor, I chuckled lightly to myself. You could practically feel the coldness from the people around me, but it had no effect. My jacket was thick enough to resist it after all.

"That guy's trouble, isn't he?"

I continued down the hallway and stumbled upon one of the many problems of being popular in this part of the school. A person stood before me, as whispers were heard from the side

"He's a delinquent, after all."

I was more infamous than famous.

The introduction of the first term in High school was exciting to a lot of people in the smaller town near the large town of Tokyo, including Kaharu Kahari, his sibling and his former classmates.

Kaharu Kahari had also thought so at the start of it, and everyday had its own ups and downs. He made a lot of friends, and the go home club after school let him have all the free time he wanted.

But after a while, he'd started getting certain comments from his parents when he got home, like

"Why are all beat up like that?" and

"You're late, what were you doing?"

Kaharu's reply followed a similar pattern when he was questioned

"Ask Kaori"

He wouldn't answer anything related to it after that, and he wouldn't talk at all until the subject was changed. Kaharu would never want to talk about the incident with anyone, his pride being more hurt than ever because of it. Like stepping onto broken egg shells, it shot a sharp pain up his brain whenever he thought about it.

It was to be buried deep down somewhere, nowhere to be found by anyone ever.

Entering the classroom with dignity, Tsukino Scott took her seat in the front row and already prepared herself for the oncoming English lesson. Which ultimately was unnecessary for her to do. She noticed a weird presence to her right, a calm but ominous one. The blonde, average bust-sized girl took a note of a peculiar looking boy standing in front of an intimidating figure. He had the same hair color as her, although it looked a lot darker at the roots and his eyes were brown and filled with angst. He was wearing a weird purple school uniform, unlike her own, that had a peace sign on it's sleeve and a chess piece looking like a queen on his breast pocket. The boy was calm as he looked at the intimidating figure. She had never seen him before in the past week she'd been at that school. The blonde, blue-eyed girl started thinking of what other class he could be going to.

A figure suddenly took up space in her vision, a large face with brown hair and green eyes. The figure looked into Tsukino's eyes and then traced the path it was looking at, until it hit the infamous person outside the classroom. She suddenly turned her head back and shook her head lightly as a somewhat unsatisfied and remorseful look took its place and she said

"You're interested in Kaharu, Tsukino?"

Tsukino jolted her head back in surprise as a light red color shaped her cheeks. She then refused it quickly by saying

"No, not really. I was curious as to who he was. I haven't seen him before."

The black-haired girl got a light smile onto her as she giggled lightly, she then returned to her neutral smile as she said

"I see. But you don't want to get involved with him, he's problematic to say the least."

Tsukino nodded as she turned her gaze towards her own desk and said

"I understand. By the way, have you done your English homework, Kaori?"

The black-haired girl nodded with a smile and said

"Nope, because you were supposed to help me, Tsukino! Traitor---!"

They both laughed at it as the teacher entered the classroom and demanded silence.

Kaharu Kahari had now officially missed another lesson.

~ Thursday, the tenth of October: 15:42 ~

-The longest day of the entire week, not really for me since this is the first time coming here today. This is my first lesson in a while, and I don't even want to go. I have to go though, I have to try and pass at least so my parents don't kill me. -

I walked down the hallway and suddenly encountered a distraction in form of a human barrier. I'd been walking with my head down to the ground, so the sudden vision of a bunch of legs got me to stop my tracks. I then traced the line of legs upwards until I saw the leader's face, staring right at me with a challenging face. The roughness of his features and the intense stare he had told me that it wasn't with the best intentions he stood before me. I started talking

"Whaddya want? You're standing in my way."

The guy in the center, with a somewhat familiar school uniform on him that reminded me of something from before, curled his lips in disapproval and exclaimed

"What are you talking about, punk!? You think you just can rough up one of my boys and get away with it for free?"

I smacked my lips with furrowed eyebrows resting on top of my eyes while I got increasingly irritated. I said

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't even know who you're talking about. Get outta my way, I need to go to class."

The leader gritted his teeth in frustration and took a step forward, he said angrily

"You---! Tomohisa, does that name ring a name, idiot? Or are you completely demented!?"

His companions were backing him up with insults, but I didn't hear any of them since I blocked the unnecessary noise out. It quickly connected in my mind, and memories flew up like a movie in a cinema. That was why I remembered those school uniforms from somewhere, That guy wore it when he messed around. I drew in closer, next to the leader's left ear and said calmly

"Right, the guy who tried to disturb me when I was buying a drink. That was his own fault, he played with fire. And do you know what happens when you play with a dangerous fire, Kosuto? You get burnt, that's what happens."

Kosuto burst out in anger, enough to make the entire hallway seem hotter, and grabbed a hold of my collar in a swift movement. The hoisting felt very passionate, the heat could be felt. I looked down on his left hand holding my collar and instantly got irritated, with an equal level of heat. Kosuto looked right into my eyes and said

"You bastard, you shall pay for showing that level of respect to one of my subordinates! Let's go!"

I turned my frowning face right onto Kosuto's with a deeply unsatisfied grin that was serious to the nth degree. I said calmly, but with a pissed off undertone

"You dare to touch my uniform, huh? Screw class, I'll teach you to never play with fire again! Let's go"

I casted his hands away from my collar and made sure that he wasn't close to touching it. I pointed sloppily in a direction and they obliged with its intentions and walked in its direction.

Not before long, I could feel the cold autumn breeze rough up my hair in different directions. As we exited the block-shaped room on top of the roof, onto the rooftop, we placed ourselves in opposing sides of it.

The sight was breathtaking with the setting sun taking over the entire horizon, spilling a golden glaze onto the entire town's scenery. It could be described as a painting-like view, but with a lot less of the glory to its context. I looked at Kosuto with a sligthly hunched over pose, positioning my arm slightly in front of me.

I brought up my hand and waved two fingers at him, and the sight of Kosuto running was soon visible as he heeded the challenge. He ran towards me as I prepared a punch, which he noticed. He approached me, but quickly fell down to the ground as he slid the remaining way. Caught unprepared, I fell for his sudden change and got a punch in the stomach after he quickly jumped up with a punch, similar to an uppercut. I hunched over slightly, and took the opportunity to headbutt him. Having a thicker head, my well-being remained for the most part as Kosuto backed up a couple of paces due to the pain. His cheering squad writhed in disapproval. I raised my leg and kicked the side of Kosuto's torso with a turning kick. He moved in the direction of the kick and I jumped with the momentum to get another chance in. I spun in the air until I could throw another kick, which I did at the opportunity. But I didn't expect a reaction to it, as Kosuto grabbed it in the air and threw me back. I was forced to fall several steps back and Kosuto ran forward to deliver a kick of his own.

The kick landed at the roughly same spot as mine had on him. But the implication were different, the action made me furious as I saw the dirty spot left on my uniform. A looming sense of anger hoovered over my heart as emotions took over control. An emotional coup d'etat had been staged, and it was a success. The new seat of power wanted vengeance as its first act, and my body complied.

I yelled, causing the cheering squad to halt


I made my landing on the ground without falling over, and ran towards Kosuto the fastest I could. I jumped up and almost paused in the air as I stared at the face of Kosuto. A face of distress, filled with the desire of vengeance for someone he cared about. The same as my reason, but I had the power to pull through with my convictions, leaving his in the dust. He probably knew that as well, when he saw me almost floating in the air next to him. This was a battle of convictions, and I was lucky enough to be the victor that time.


Kosuto's body slammed into the ground as my legs extended and slammed against Kosuto's middle torso. I also started falling to the ground as both of my legs had been used for the attack. Before also falling to the ground, I said

"… did I say about my jacket!?"


My fall was a lot more graceful than Kosuto's, and I avoided any significant pain except for the mild embarrasment of being looked at by his cheering squad as I fell. But that was an unnecessary worry, they had other things to worry at that moment. They broke out in simultaneous panic as their leader fell to the ground. I dusted off my jacket with an annoyed feeling, as I thought about my victory against Kosuto.

- He definitely deserved it, he prevented me from going to class and then dared to touch my uniform several times. There's no doubt in my mind, that little bastard deserved it. I hope he learned something. -

I quickly stood up and stared into the cheering squad's eyes, and pointed sharply at them and said

"You've learned now, haven't you? Don't play with fire, and never mess with me again! Do You understand!?"

The cheering squad suddenly rushed over to the fallen Kosuto, who hunched over slightly as a result of the pain. They propped him up and put him in between two of their shoulders and started walking.

One turned around and said

"Don't think this is over, your luck won't last forever! We now have two reasons for vengeance!"


The door shut violently as they left, leaving only a boy pointing his lonely finger at a door. The wind picked up it's pace as I changed my point of focus to my finger hanging in the air. As the air blew past my hair, I wondered about its capabilities, and the responsibilities of its owner. I looked at the door again in deep thought, and then broke it by suddenly walking towards it.

I had already missed class, so there was no point in staying at school. It wasn't like I had any friends or things to do there.

~ Friday, the eleventh of October: 13:31 ~

A dark, figurative, mist covered the person in front of me as I was approached. It wasn't like an actual dark mist was there, but the intimidating aura was undeniable: Even for someone who acted as tough as I did. But I didn't cower in fear, I was more-so covered in a mild sense of dread but I stood strong against the aura.

The principal of Akumu High School crossed his arms calmly as he stared into my eyes. My attention was quickly drawn, he opened his mouth slowly and voiced

"Kaharu Kahari, follow me to my office immediately."

I dug my hands into my pockets in order to act careless and calmly said with the appropriate eyes

"Aight, lead the way."

The students around the hallway had already quickly disbanded as the bells had rung, signaling another hour of learning. I would miss that, ironically enough by the chief of this educational institution. I exhaled at the remark as we walked through the different hallways of the school. The air was dry, and time moved slowly. It could only mean that something bad was ahead.

I started worrying a bit, something I wasn't supposed to do after that incident. I'd broken one of my rules. I looked around carefully as I inspected my surroundings, I had nothing better to do besides look. I couldn't run away either, that wasn't an option.

I had to remain in this school, no matter what.

A weird feeling bloomed up inside my heart, like a new flower species suddenly appearing out of nothing, as I thought about why. Once I thought about, I didn't know, but the feeling of urgency was there attached to the thought.

The slowly ticking time passed by as I debated it, forgetting about what was ahead of me. The large doors entered my vision as I realized my position and the mist-covered principal slowly opened up the doors widely, releasing gas that burst out. Or that was the perception in my mind, the doors also seemed a lot bigger than they probably were.

I passed through them and stood in the middle of the principal's formal office. The bookshelves stored books on all different sorts of topics and the desk in front of me housed a pile of documents, a computer and more.

A large body passed me to my left and sat down in the large office chair with confidence, making a loud and frightening *THUMP* sound.

- Here we are, in the heart of education's authority-center. I've never talked to the principal specifically before, I've just had talks with some teachers. Useless, they were just a waste of my time. I'm never returning. -

I stood with a straight back as I stared at the principal who did the same at me. My attention was drawn again as he raised his large hand and pointed to one of the two chairs in front of the desk. He said calmly

"Please, have a seat. We need to have a talk, Kaharu Kahari."

I gathered some courage to move on, and turned my head towards the chair he pointed to, situated to my right. I smiled and turned left and sat down in the opposing chair.

"So…? What do you want to talk about?"

The principal cleared his throat at the unexpected movement I'd made, which made me smile at the work my legs did.

The dark mist turned towards me, which caused a sudden sense of dread to come again, and said

"This isn't necessarily about your recent personality change, but it is indirectly about it in a sense. I'm here to talk to you about the incident that occurred yesterday."

I raised my eyebrows and said

"Incident? What are you talking about?"

I swallowed a deep gulp in anticipation of what was to come. Was that fight snitched on? From what I thought, delinquents weren't supposed to snitch and rely on others to fix their problems. They were supposed to fix their personal problems by themselves.

Was Kosuto just a fake? Had he broken the rules?

If he had, he would have something waiting for him after school.

The principal leaned back in his chair and exhaled, he said

"I'm talking about the fight you had yesterday. I'm not telling you who, but a student saw Kosuto being carried away by his friends and then subsequently saw you walk down the same stairs. The conclusion is undeniable, and considering your behavior it wouldn't really surprise me. Although it does disappoint me immensely, that you'd behave is such a way. At this rate, drastic measures will have to be taken to assure you behave correctly."

I reacted, the words 'drastic measures' sent shivers down my spine. I adjusted my seating position and, with a nervous feeling hidden, waited for a continuation. He picked up on my unintentional signals and struck by saying

"I'm sorry to say this, but if nothing's done we're going to have to give you some sort of punishment. If the situation becomes worse than it is now, we might even have to suspend or expel you. This is an educational institution, where you're supposed to learn. We can't have people who do not care about learning or their own future roaming around our school, causing trouble for its students."

The dark mist only grew larger as I stared at him in shock.

-I should've assumed that this could be a consequence, but I didn't think that it would turn out like this already! That bastard, he's going to threaten my presence at school like this!? I can't be expelled, what would my parents think…?

Maybe I am bad at being a delinquent, since I care too much about my parents' feelings. Am I weak in conviction…?

Damnit! -

The Principal had shown part of why he'd gotten his job, he knew how to correctly read a person and act accordingly. One of his major talents was Human interaction and persuasion.

The dark mist made a note of the silence in the room, as it was completely silent. Not a single sound was made as the principal read the atmosphere.

He then said

"Well, then. Do you have anything to say? Or should I continue?"

I lifted my head from its previous downward position and looked right through the dark mist, without being able to clearly see the principal face. His aura was just too strong, it was crushing me and my heart felt cramped as he sat there calmly.

I gathered some courage and said

"Go ahead and continue, let's see what you want to say."

The principal nodded affirmatively and said

"You won't be given such a harsh punishment as of now, so rest assured"

I might not have been able to see his face completely, but I was sure of a cheeky smile flashing on his face. Like he'd read me like a book, it pissed me off.

He continued with

"So, I want you to tell your parents about this incident and have them take care of the punishment for this time. Although I would like to add that if they decide to relieve you of any punishment, We will have to step in and provide one. Also, don't even try to ignore me and avoid telling your parents. I will check it by calling them. I imagine it would be easier for you if you told them yourself, wouldn't it? They would probably be devastated if they had to hear about it from the principal himself."

I gripped my pants strongly, while I gritted my teeth.

I'd been completely cornered by the principal, an escape route nowhere to be found. I smacked my lips quietly as I stood up and turned around. I let out a quiet voice in defeat

"… I understand"

The principal widened his smile at an accomplished task and said

"Good. You may now leave."

The air immediately loosened up as I left the room, I was able to breathe again. I leaned against the wall and regained my breath. The frustration returned, and a trash can was kicked to quell it.

Eyes penetrated me again as I realized it was time for me to leave.

I had to accept my situation and move forward with bravery. I wasn't going to lose.


A pair of shoes got randomly thrown to in the hallway, and a jacket was supposed to be put on a hanger but the decision was regretted. Kaharu Kahari had gotten home after a quiet walk home.

He walked up to the door frame leading to the kitchen and took a peak, the sight got his heart to skip a beat.

Both of his parents, and his sister were sitting at the table eating food. His mother was the first one to notice the arrival of her son, and she held her stare on him for a bit before, without emotion, saying

"Welcome home. Join us for dinner."

Kaharu ran to his room and threw his jacket on the bed before returning to the kitchen and slowly sitting down. He forked over some food onto his plate, it was Pork cutlets over rice. The scene remained quiet as they all started eating, with the atmosphere making it hard for Kaharu to eat properly. Something must've been wrong with him that day, because he felt so weak in the scenarios he encountered. Unlike the ideal he was reaching for.

The father, named Wahazu Kahari, looked at the recognizable white shirt of his son that he saw everyday and said

"How was school today?"

But he had no choice, it was to be revealed even whether he wanted it or not. He struggled as he put in another piece of meat in his mouth and got lost in thoughts. The courage wasn't coming to him like it used to. The courage he always could rely on at school in case trouble was brewing. The, what was to him, bravery that gave him a life only he could live.

Wahazu looked strangely at Kaharu as he himself stuffed a piece of meat inside of his mouth. Usually, he'd say something. Not much, but atleast something that showed a lack of regard.

Kaharu had to answer quickly, but it was the first time he'd announced any sort of fight to his parents. Usually, he'd be able to hide any type of fight from anyone. Who was that person that saw it? Kaharu swore to himself that if he found out, they'd get something from him.


The kitchen utensil used by Kaharu was dropped onto the bowl as he showed his conviction, not to be scared by a situation like the one he was in.


Kaharu slammed the table in frustation, in his imagination: as he actually cleared his throat to properly articulate the following sentence

"I got into a fight today."

Wahazu, and the mother, named Mimi Kahari, stopped their eating immediately. A short pause took place as everybody around the table exchanged looks for a second. The little sister, aged 13 and named Mimizu Kahari, understood that the situation could take a turn for the worse, and quickly excused herself out of there.

Wahazu was the first one to open his mouth, he said

"A fight? Kaharu, did I hear that right?"

Kahari shrunk down slightly in his seat as he responded

"Yeah, the principal forced me to tell you."

Wahazu scratched his forehead before he continued

"What is going on with you!? First, you start skipping school and now you're getting into fights!? You used to behave like a civilised person and was kind, look what you've become! You won't even talk to us about it, you keep quiet and delve deeper into it. You have a problem, Kaharu! You need Divine intervention!"

A hypothetical red cloud dragged over Kaharu as he got pissed, nothing but insults were thrown at him. He thought

- Divine intervention!? What are you talking about, old man!? Just be quiet. -

He looked over to the other half of his parents, and was met with a piercing look. A look of disappointment like never before. He continued thinking

- Don't look at me with those eyes. You wouldn't understand! Leave me alone. -

Wahazu came close to slamming his hands to the table, but stopped himself and said

"You need a punishment. I think it's time you learn how to behave. You know how I mentioned 'Divine intervention'? Well, I'm sending you to work at a shrine three hours everyday from now on."

Kaharu raised himself from his chair quickly and reacted

"What!? What do you mean?"

Wahazu continued

"You're going there to learn how to calm down, and to learn some manners. I'm contacting the head of our local shrine tonight for it. I'll be checking with a person in charge there everyday to make sure you come. If you don't, there will be considerable consequences."

Kaharu quickly stood up and exclaimed

"What!? You can't do that!"

Wahazu crossed his arms and said

"You start tomorrow, after school, which you'll be attending for once."

Kaharu turned around and quickly stormed out of the room, behaving like a young child.

Wahazu quickly uncrossed his arms as a distressed facial expression displayed itself. He said quietly

"Was that the right thing to do, honey?"

He was quite visibly upset and Mimi answered

"You did the right thing. It's for the best."

Wahazu gulped down the last of his glass of water and said

"I just don't like treating anybody like that. Especially my own son.

Really, what have I done? Did my absence cause this?"

I stormed into my room and threw myself onto the bed. I lied there for a bit, staring into the ceiling.

- Everybody has to screw with me, why can't I just be left alone!?

Tugging my shirt like they control me.

Everyone at school talking about the future…

A goal, huh?

I don't have one, do I?

Who needs that, It's just for people acting like they know what they're doing. Obnoxious people who think they're so much better than everybody else, when we all don't know anything in reality. -

The hours went by with the oncoming day nearing, and the introduction to a new everyday life. I was determined to live through, and I wasn't going to half-ass my work there because when I did something I did it fully. No matter if I was forced to or not. That was why I often wanted to avoid doing unwanted things, so that I didn't have to bother doing it fully. Otherwise, I'd be breaking one of my policies.

So I decided to release the two chapters I was done with in this series. But I'm focusing on my other series right now(Cool I got super, check it out if you want to ;).), so the release schedule will probably be irregular

Orange_Omegacreators' thoughts