

" Alice , Alice!!! "

Alice turned away from her friend she had been conversing about the ideal gift for visitors on her day to know who was yelling her name so early in the morning, she wasn't surprised to see Troy approaching her with a tight frown on his chiseled face .

" Alice I have been calling your name" He growled like a wounded lion.

" I didn't hear you bae, was engrossed in my conversation. What's poppin? " She replied sweetly tugging the laps of his jacket seductively.

" I need to talk to you now " He ordered.

" Are you blind? Can't you see I'm having an important conversation here " She emphasized pointing at an uncomfortable Sasha .

" I don't give a fuck if you are having a conversation with the president, I want to see you now.!!! " .

" Uhm guys I would see you in class, Alice we can conclude later on " Sasha muttered walking to class astonished to witness the couple almost fighting . Alice and Troy never fought ,they complimented each so well, well after their lost match and Alice snubbed him for a kiss in front of the whole school, she had expected for things to go rocky for them. " Hmm all couples have their ups and downs I guess " She decided cat walking to class .

" Troy you would do well not to shout at me again, you just embarrassed me in front of my friend " She cried shrieking in anger.

" Not as much as the embarrassment you melted out on me during the match day " He shouted right back.

" Reduce your voice or I will walk out on you" She warned through clenched teeth smiling at passing students.

" I called you several times after the match but you ignored them all an- " .

" Because I knew you would be in this mood" She interrupted.

" Fuck Alice!!! Why will you do that me? To us?? "

She stared at him in boredom trying to stop herself from yawning, this was the least of her problems. She had an epic birthday to plan and dealing with a sulky grown ass boy was just plain irritating. The truth was she hadn't planned not to kiss him, it had been on the spurr of the moment she had suddenly felt very tired and repulsed at the idea of kissing him at that particular moment, she was tired of pretending to be happy while it's the opposite but she knew she had to bear on at least for the sake of her birthday .

Sighing tiredly she reached out to hold his chin but a certain green eyed flashed before her face, she quickly stepped away from him wondering why she couldn't get Jiminy's stupid face out of her head "Troy I didn't do anything to us. We are still together ain't we?".

" Not like like before and you know it tsk the whole school magazine is all about how I got snubbed by my girlfriend, don't you see how that affects my reputation in a bad light? " He questioned heatedly still angry but trying to hold it all in.

" I see, it's always about your damn selfish self " .

" What the heck are you talking about Alice?" .

" You are vexed not because you crave for my kiss but because the whole school is talking about how I snubbed you!!! " .

" You're talking trash " He made to grab her arms but she swatted his hands away.

" Don't you dare touch me with your dirty hands and guess what Troy? You want an explanation on the reason I didn't kiss you right? Well that's because you lost the match, you're such a sore loser and you should be embarrassed for losing out on one of the most important matches of your damn life " .

Her words were like sharp knife shredding his soul into pieces, football was his whole life if he wasn't good at it then what is the purpose of his life ? And now she was shoving his failure in his damn face, could it be she knew. He thought silently to himself but that's impossible he had been careful, he came looking and expecting apologies from her but it seems like he would be the one giving it out because no matter the way he looks at it he still needed her by his side couldn't afford for some other guy to steal her away from him.

" Babe I'm sorry for disappointing you by losing the match and for any other stuff you're mad at me for but your words hurt like hell " He murmured.

Alice mentally rolled her eyes are him as he continued with his charde " You know I love you right? "

" Not as much as I do " She replied reverting back to the Alice the most envied girlie in school.