

She shouted with every remaining strength left in her but the words she heard next chilled her to her bone marrows.

" One more shout from you and I will hurt you " The masked man said with a low groval showcasing a shiny little knife that looked none the less efficient to kill.

Kachi prayed for all the gods she knew to come down and save her, how did she get into this kind of nefarious situation and most importantly how will she get out if it unscathed. Christ!!! She didn't even know the man not where he was taking her to and by God this only happened in the horror movies she watched, she didn't deserve this one bit she thought images of her parents back home in nigeria swimming through her face. This is not the time to break down in tears she warned herself, she had to do something, from what she noticed from the man's gait he seemed drunk maybe he mistook her for someone else.

" Who are you and what do you want from me?? " Kachi tried to sound brave and all but her voice shook throughout and sounded like a shiver plus the man didn't reply he seemed intent in taking her to some place and her instincts warned her that place wasn't gonna be good. She tried using her legs to hit him in his private parts but he seemed to have anticipated that move and stilled her movement and in the process ran his lewdy fingers across her legs, kachi shrunk in disgust realizing the real motive of this man not just to steal from her she lost her cool and suddenly shouted unable to bear it any more. " Ahh someone please help me!!!!! Anyone??? I'm being kidnapped by a pedophile here!! , Someone please help me!!!. "

The man slapped her suddenly across her face and his large hands left stamps " I told you don't make a sound " He muttered removing her blindfold and using it to tire her mouth instead.

Two fat tears balled down kachi's eyes swallowing hard , she wished she had listened to the tiny voice that had told her to call her aunt to come get her from work. She really didn't like being a bother to anyone coupled with the fact she had really been in a hurry to get home now look where it had gotten her, was this how her whole life was gonna end? She haven't even achieved half of her dreams nor kissed a boy yet she thought in misery still praying for a miracle to occur and it seemed like God heard her prayer because someone she least expected , in fact he was the last person on earth she could count on but there he was Patrick with something akin to anger in his eyes.

" Let go of her this moment " He commanded without mincing words.

" Mind your business boy unless you want to ge- g- get hurt " The masked man slurred.

" She's my business and I am asking nicely because I don't want things to get ugly " Patrick said advancing towards them. Kachi wanted to warn him to stay back and inform him that the man was wilding a knife but the slap she had received had robbed her of her power of speech .

" Tsk you're just a mere teenager trying to play hero and it's gonna end badly fo- " As he was still speaking Patrick attacked him so fast that kachi didn't realize that she was released from the tight suffocating grabs of the nasty man. Heart thumping above normal she looked around for a weapon at least to help Patrick but looking at him, he needed no help whatsoever gosh where did he learn to fight so well she thought admiring the multiple kicks and punch the drunk man received from Patrick , he tried to retaliate but Patrick gave his a flying sucker punch that knocked his breath away. Kachi had the urge to cheer loudly but she winced in pain anytime she tried opening her mouth.

Glancing at the man passed out on the ground he licked his bloodied lips while his eyes locked on kachi's pale face he suddenly wanted to wake the man up and beat him to a pulp again but he restrained himself and slowly walked towards her and offered her his hands which she gratefully took and stood up.

" Are you okay? " .

Kachi simple nodded in reply hating herself for not being able to talk and show her gratitude to him .

" C'mon let's get out of here, it's dangerous staying here a minute more " .

Kachi had a litany of questions for him ,how did he find her? How did he guess she was in trouble? But before she could say her full name she found herself carried carefully in his arms and when her eyes widened in shock he said hastily " You have a cut on your leg and you look exhausted I will get us out of here faster through this method " .

Patrick took her to a clinic and after her injuries both the one on her face and legs has been taken care of it seems as though the old Patrick was back because he was glaring at her at the moment which was very different from the way he had looked at her when carrying her in his arms.

" I tagged you as intelligent " He began softly unable to stop his outburst " But it seems as though you don't have a lick of sense in you because tell me why the hell you would go home on your own by this time of the night, do you think you're wonder Woman huh? Or perhaps you are ignorant of what that man wanted to do to you!!! ".

Kachi bite her lips to stop tears that threatened to flow but she refused to cry in front of him , she had cried enough for the night and the after shock of the event had caught up with her that her hands trembled so bad.

Patrick only had to look at her face to know he had acted like a jerk once again "fuck why was he unable to control himself when it comes to kachi? " Swearing loudly he crounched low to her sitting position " I'm sorry for yelling come on I will take you home, you have had a hell of a day " .

" No you have every right to yell at me I have inconvenienced you a lot tonight and thanks for the offer but my aunt is on her way here already " .

" I'm not leaving without you kachi " He said authoritatively.

" How did you know I was in trouble? " She muttered asking the most recurring question in her head . " And most importantly why did you save me? We both hate each other.

OMG how did kachi get herself in that kind of situation??? Thank Almighty Patrick came to the rescue.

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