

After the raves and speciality of the night Catherine fell into a deep, peaceful sleep in the arms of her love uncaring about tomorrow and it's problems. Every other day Catherine wakes up very early and prepares for the day by gardening in the morning because being with her flowers gives her peace but today the sun woke up before her and it wasn't her fault ,she was too exhausted to lift a finger up, it definitely wasn't everyday she woke up with a man next to her in bed . Stretching her limbs slowly she burrowed closer to his chest and smiled like a fool when she felt his lips on her hair.

"Good morning sweetheart " He mouthed peeking her two closed eyelids but they remained closed tightly.

"C'mon sleeping beauty wake up already, what do you want for breakfast I will go prepare it ".

She shook her head negatively in reply .

" Words baby I need words " He enthused tickling her ears .

" Please can we stay like this for like five more minutes please " She begged fluttering her lashes at him.

" You know when you do that I can't say no to you, Christ you can ask for the stars now and I would get it for you. "

" It's too early to want the stars, I want only you dear " She said closing her eyes and they slept for another hour instead of the five minutes they had expected and unfortunately when she opened her eyes again the second time for that morning she stared into the shocked eyes of her daughters. " It can't be them I'm probably hallucinating they are meant to come back tomorrow not today!!! " She thought with panic .closing her eyes again and hoping it was a terrible nightmare that would be over soon but alas she knew it was reality when she heard the strangled cry of Alice.

" Mo- mom!!! What's going on here?" Ayra shrieked refusing to believe her eyes, if someone had told her she would ever find her mom in bed with a stranger gosh this was their father's damn house " How could she stoop so low ...

Catherine reached out her hands " Baby i- I can explain " She made to stand up from the bed but on realizing she was nude she swore viciously and slumped back on the bed wishing for the ground to open up and swallow her form whole.

" You slime bitch how could you disrespect father in this manner?" Alice raged in anger. She had never actually learned to control her emotions while ayra's anger was cold and freezing to the bones Alice raged like a flareing fire when annoyed and had she ever been as angry as she was now? Probably not " Why was everything falling apart in her life, first it was her boyfriend now her mom? Her precious mom she had always held in high esteem and for a moment she wished she could unsee what she had seen but the image was imprinted in her memory " .

The sudden noise also awakened Martin and brought him out of his light slumber, seeing two girls starring at him with genuine hatred in their eyes he knew Catherine's worst fear has materialised. Quicker than Catherine , he swiftly shoved his pants on and made for the exist, personally he wanted to stay and help out of this mess but he knew he didn't have a right to stay and Catherine would want him to disappear and damn he would always respect her wishes and deep in his heart he was glad her daughters had caught them together now the cat and mouse game would finally come to an end and maybe just maybe they could have a normal relationship without having to hide all the time , but what he didn't expect was the vase that flew right through his eyes if he had blinked for a second it would have been a bull 's eyes he turned in horror to see one of the girls lunge at him with full force

" Christ now he understood the reason Catherine was so anxious about her daughters finding out about them " .

" Alice no- please don't " Ayra tightly held on to her waist to stop her from physically assaulting the stranger " You would only get dirt on your hands by touching him, let's leave them to their immoral act, I bet poor dad would be turning in his grave right now " She muttered dragging alice with her downstairs scared she would actually beat up that man .

On seeing her daughters leave, Catherine stood up from the bed and broke into tears while putting on her clothes and wondering the next line of action to take "How did she get into this mess? Sniffing loudly she told herself she brought this mess upon herself, yesterday she had been thinking about only her needs and she didn't even think how this whole shenanigan would affect her poor babies.

" Cath hey don't cry everythi- " .

"What are you still doing here "? She interrupted rudely "haven't you done enough?" She cried in pure agony.

" I know it's time for me to leave but I can't bear to see you in pain Cath, and believe me they might be mad now but soon they would come to terms with the fact their mom is in love and deserves happiness " .

" Keep quite just zip it " She shouted tears streaming down her eyes " I don't deserve happiness I'm a horrible mom " She said in panic and " my children hate me - did you see the look of utter disgust written on their faces?" blinking her eyes ,fresh batch of tears flowed down " I'm sure they would never forgive me especially alice " .

" The one that tried to stone me with a vase?" I guess she's the one he muttered to himself when he didn't get a reply. Crouching down he sought to take her hands but thought better of it, "Cath your children don't hate you, all that shit they said was anger speaking not them and you are not a horrible mom ".

Her eyes hurt and blurred but tears continued to stream out if them " Martin I don't know what to do - I don't know how to fix this gosh what should of do? " .

" Calm down I have an idea " He stated taking her hands in his this time.

Hey guys!! If you were in Catherine shoes what will you do to absolve yourself from this mess, and do you guys think Catherine has a right to see another man ? regardless of the fact she has two children?

Please share your opinions and thoughts with me they matter. Thank you for reading and stay safe.

simply_mackycreators' thoughts