"Ayra Thompson Nut, Can we talk now?"
Ayra stared at the floor unable to meet her accusing wounded eyes.
"Ayra that little stuff you pulled off, wasn't necessary at all I thought you - we liked kachi? Gosh and she was so skeptical about coming to your home unannounced but I convinced her, more like dragged and forced her. What were you thinking? you fucking treated her like shit " Ella spat furious.
Ayra's eyes remained on the floor as she silently listened as Ella read her the riot act.
"Haven't you got anything to say for yourself" Ella questioned breathing in quick secession, gosh this was the reason she hated confrontation and fights it took all her energy and always leaves her weak.
"Ella i'm - so sorry I feel like shit myself, I - don't know what came over me to behave in that manner i'm the nice one right? I don't know how all those mean stuff erupted from me."
"Well you have to take responsibility for your actions, fix this ayra while you still can. "
"Do you really think she would forgive me?" Ayra asked raising her eyes to meet Ella's for the first time that night.
"Tsk ayra I don't know I really don't know, but you have to try."
"Yeah I guess so tsk I messed up Ella."
"More like fucked up big time, you behaved like your twin sister."
Ayra's face burned hot and she could feel bile rise up to her throat but she swallowed it, her emotions has caused enough problems for one night she would control her emotions better from now on.
"Ella you of all people should know that Alice isn't my twin and you are making me feel worse , like I stomped on puppies in the street" she whined.
"You are not supposed to feel better ayra, you literally destroyed kachi with your mouth and she didn't deserve it at all."
"Okay okay you can heap all the blame on me, it's my fault I agree but it was just impulsive words and I honestly regret what I said. "
"Tsk this isn't the ayra I know , the ayra who is my best friend would never utter implusive words especially when it concerns another's well being. What happened to my best friend? "
"Oh my God Ella I don't know - I freaking don't know what happened to me!! , I'm surprised by my own attitude lately. "
"I miss my best friend and want her back" Ella muttered with emotion felt voice.
"Yeah I miss her too and would bring her back." Ayra muttered.
"Thanks ayra I missed you so much" she said hugging her tightly.
Giggling a bit she embraced her back a little bit tightly " I missed you too Ella I thought I had lost you for ever."
"What do you mean? Why do you say so? "
"No never mind, forget I said anything."
"No wait a moment" Ella muttered scrunching up her face, like she was about to discover the solution to worldwide hunger. "You dumb ass so you have been acting up lately because you were jealous that makes sense, gosh I could have noticed earlier you were just plain jealous she finished off" tickling ayra.
"Hey wait up, who - is jealous? ".
"You of course."
"Don't be delusional, I wasn't jealous not by a long stretch. "
"You were,admit it already but you shouldn't be ayra" she said turning serious at she stared at her best friend. Ayra we will always be best of friends no matter what happens okay? She asked spreading out her hands to do their best friend handshake which ayra gladly obliged.
"I thought you would have forgotten about our "little handshake "."
"Never ayra never. "
"You were so enthralled by kachi, you were always talking about even defending her against me I felt left out" ayra said with a low voice.
"I sincerely thought we were on the same track, and kachi is having a hard time being the new girl and all , so sorry I completely ignored you. "
"Tsk it's fine Ella, I 'm being petty anyways."
"No ayra your feelings are valid at least to me. "
"Hmm thank you Ella. "
"You're welcome" Clearing her voice she asked the question that was on the tip of her mouth for a very long time . "So what is going on between you and jack and don't you even dare lie to me."
Ayra covered her face with her fingers "Omgggg Ella you would never change."
"Thank you now spill" she said spreading her hands akimbo.
"Okay long story cut short, jack asked me out and I accepted" she said closing her ears anticipating the screams that were about to erupt from Ella.
"Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Omggggg Ayraaaaaaaaaa" Ella screamed at the top of her voice.
"Sshhhhhh Ella please keep quite it's late, and you don't want Alice to wake up do you?"
Don't blame me,you are the reason i'm shouting like a lunatic, gosh who would have thought that you and jack would become a thing , I 'm angry at you - you accepted without seeking from me your best friend."
"Elllla don't be mad we weren't in good terms, and to be honest I just accepted to date him today few minutes later you emerged with kachi."
"Oh okay you are forgiven, you made a good decision anyways so why we're you so vexed when I asked you in class? You acted as though I stole your doll. "
"Ella you know I don't roll with dolls."
"Yeah sorry but you get what I mean."
"Tsk sorry about my behavior, it's just you know jack's reputation. wmWhat if he gets tired of me? Or his feelings for me are just fleeting crush that would die away soon, I don't want to be looked upon with pity by everyone when it happens. "
"Oh nonsense ayra your over thinking tendency would be the death of you, the relationship hasn't even sailed properly yet, and you are thinking of the ship sinking? "
"Well you can't blame me Ella, I really like jack but I don't want to get burned or hurt. "
"Tsk my dear friend it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all, look at you coming out of your shell and comfort zone and testing new waters you are really brave, plus I think jack is really into you. " Ella said gleefully.
"Really you think so?" She asked with expectant eyes.
"I know so and he is not callous enough to make you fall for him and leave you hanging, I'm sure his feelings run deep omg I am so happy for you."
"Thank you Ella you are the best."
"Yeah I know but I still can't believe you got into a relationship before me , you are the nerdy one for crying out loud. C'mon tell me all the details don't leave any single information out."
"Okay let's go to my room" ayra replied stretching her cramped limbs, you are sleeping over right?
"Of course I already texted my mom, nothing would stop me from hearing this gist this night."
Ayra chuckled leading the way, gosh she had missed Ella so much thank God they were alright now she thought with a smile but it disappeared when she remembered kachi and what she had said to her.
imagine yourself in kachi's shoes would you forgive ayra for her hurtful words or not? Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!