

"Quick, find somewhere to hid "ayra wishpered fear in her eyes.

"There is no where to hid ayra " he replied wondering why she was so scared.

The knock persisted and this time it was louder, "Ayra come on open the door " catherina screamed from outside.

"Uhm i'm coming mom, just a minute".

Ayra turned back to Jack "please Jack hide I don't want anyone to see you in my room please "she pleaded with him.

Unable to bear her worried expression, he got up to do as she said" where should I hide ?" He questioned unbothered if someone saw him or not.

"Ayraaaaa are you gonna open this door now or should go get the key? "

"No no mom, please am am changing my clothes just a moment . I will open the door in a moment."

Ayra scanned her room, searching for possible places Jack's lithe masculine body could hid in . "Quick hid under my bed its -"

"Your bed?? Ayra you have got to be kidding me. "

"Jack please, do as I say "she said in a low voice.

"I would rather hid outside and hold my hands among the pillars", he wishpered back to her.

"No I won't let you do that it's too dangerous c'mon hid in my wardrobe "she suggested holding his hands and dragging him towards the wardrobe, taking the decision out of his hands.

Begrudgingly he got in between her dresses, "Ayra I'm only doing this because I like you he muttered".

Ayra closed the wings of the wardrobe on his frowning face and thanked him in her mind.

Taking a deep breath, she said a silent prayer in her heart and opened the door of her room for her mom.

"Christ finally, Ayra why did you take your sweet time before opening the door for me?"

"I'm sorry mom, I - I was changing my clothes".

"And so? It doesn't take up to few minutes to change your damn clothes, I was knocking on your door for hours".

"Sorry mom, I wasn't expecting you to come to my room tonight".

"It's fine, are you ok you look quite fidgety."

"What do you want mom? I want to go sleep you know tomorrow is school day".

"Yeah i just came to check up on you and make sure you had your dinner, you seemed really upset when you came back home" she said sitting down on her bed.

'Gawwwd why the hell is she sitting, is she planning on staying longer? No I can't let that happen else poor jack would suffocate in my small wardrobe she thought to herself.'

"Ayra hey where did your mind travel to? "

"I'm sorry mom tsk I spaced out a bit".

Catherine frowned at her, "You are always doing that honey".

Ayra merely shrugged, "Uhm mom don't you have anything to do? "

Catherine stared at her eyebrows raised.

"I mean your work, don't you have any pending work to finish? "

"Are you chasing me away from your room?"

"No mom but as you can see I'm fine, your presence is preventing me from going to sleep".

"But honey you can go to sleep and I can watch you sleep just like old times".

"No mom, not a child anymore just go" she said hating herself for chasing her mom away when she would have loved her company tonight. Unfortunately her hands were tied , it was not her fault jack chose that particular night to visit her.

"Okay okay I can see when my company isn't needed, just needed to make sure you are fine but before I go can I tuck you in? You can begrudge your poor mom that right? "

"Of course mom you can tuck me" in she said embracing her lightly and letting her lead her to bed. She covered her up with a duvet fussed over the edges before gently kissing her forehead. "Sleep tight baby".

"Thanks mom, you too sleep well".

Meanwhile jack was initially was fascinated that he was in between ayra 's clothes, he could feel her comforting scents from the various dresses and even touched a few of them imagining he was touching his precious ayra. There was a little line in between the wardrobe, where he could see what was going on in the room and he could see ayra and her mom speaking. He really hoped she wouldn't get into trouble because of him, taking a deep breath he tried to remain still and calm but the space inside the wardrobe was cramped and too small . His back was literally acheing from the manner he had folded his body to fit in, he hoped he could hold on for a little more moments from what he saw it seemed as though her mom was about to leave. Carefully he tried to move his foot a little to cause a little friction between them, but his foot mistakenly knocked against an unseen bottle in the wardrobe.' Fuck!!! Who the heck leaves bottles inside the wardrobe. '

Catherine was almost at the door when she had a sound from the old wardrobe, she turned back immediately . "What was that sound? "

Ayra sprang up to a sitting position "Uhm- uhm it's nothing mom".

"No I heard it clearly honey, I will check" she said moving to the wardrobe and reaching for the brass handle but ayra 's fast hands stopped her immediately.

"No mom, it's really nothing maybe it's a rat that lost it way I will check it out later mom".

Catherine was surprised to see her stand up from her bed in second," Are you sure honey? "

"Positive mom c'mon scoot to your room".

"Okay just give a yelp if the noise is too disturbing".

"Okay mom thank you and good night".

"See you tomorrow honey, I will check on your sister now".

She nodded her head afraid of any further words leading to a conversation.

"Good night honey".

'Christ how many times already, just go mom for crying out loud gooooooo!!'.

"Good night mom" she said with a tight smile, shut the door and balanced her back at the door while counting to ten to make sure that her mom really went to her room. She couldn't take any chance,after her count she strained her ears for the sound of her footsteps and was relieved when she heard the soft pads of her steps going to her room.

"Thank you Lord, jack you can come out now" she said loud enough for him to hear.

Jack slowly came out of hiding place as though he wasn't dying to hear those golden words. He started at her eyes and lost himself at the deep abyss and said softly . "Really ayra? A rat you couldn't come up with better lie? "

Hey guys, I really hope you had fun reading this chapter because I had fun writing them. Thank you all for the honest reviews and kind words, I have the best fans in the world. Please if you have any questions concerning the novel or you have a great idea about the commencement of the novel, do well to let me know in the comment section and remember your thoughts matter to me. Happy reading and Stay safe. ❤❤

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