

They both held their breath as the door creaked open each hoping for the best but also expecting the worst and the worst came in the form of Catherine " What's going on here "? Catherine questioned worried at their panicked expression.

" Nothing " They replied at the same time standing too close to each other .

Catherine stared at them while stroking her jaw, she knew her children too well and by their actions she was certain something was really wrong but what could it be? or was she mistaken "Are you guys really okay? "

"Mom we told you already nothing is wrong , everything is fine " Alice muttered hoping she sounded like ayra.

" Alright love " Catherine replied then turned to Alice ( in ayra's body ) and said " The hair stylist and make up artists are downstairs and are waiting for you " .

" Huh?" Ayra managed to get out of her mouth while clutching Alice 's fingers freaking out .

" You look a little pale honey are you nervous about the party "? She asked genuinely concerned on seeing sweat form at Alice's forehead, Alice was the dare devil how could she be nervous about a party she had been planning literally all her life.

" Yes mom may- maybe we can resu-".

" Mom don't mind Alice what she means is she would like for me to go with her together so we can get the same hairstyle and everything " Ayra ( now alice) explained glaring at her sister .

" Oh that's a new one but the birthday girl gets whatever she wishes for " Catherine said looking from one girl to another queerly.

Finally deciding that something was wrong somewhere but she just couldn't pinpoint it exactly but it's really strange that Alice who's sassy, bold and assertive is suddenly meek and mute on her freaking birthday!!! . She could only hope the problem wasn't a big one and resolved to find out at the end of the party .

" We will be downstairs shortly after you just give us a moment " Ayra ( now Alice) commented showing Catherine to the door.

" Alright my dears come down soon, don't keep them waiting " .

Alice shut the door at her face and made a close your mouth sign at ayra signifying to her that Catherine was still at the door and soon enough they heard her footsteps finally walking away.

" Phew that was close " Ayra ( in Alice's body ) muttered slumping down on her bed.

" I can't believe you just did that ayra!! " .

" Did what? "

" You almost told mom to cancel the party my party!!! How selfish can you be? " .

Ayra stared back at her reflection in shock

" Alice in case you forgot I'm currently in your body and you in mine !!! How am I supposed to be you? I don't know even know how to be you" She cried closing her face with her hands, Christ it felt really strange being in another person's body.

" Well you will have to try ayra at least for today, for my birthday " She added with a low tone.

" Why is this party so important Alice? I mean you can always reorganize and pull as much crowd as today, you are Alice and people would always clamor to be around you" She said softly.

" My life would be ruined after today I - I can't explain more but please we have to do this birthday " .

Apart from few times , ayra had never heard her sister speak so heartfuly and what the fuck did she mean by her life will get ruined? Christ she still couldn't believe she was in Alice's body she thought pinching her laps a little but Alice squealed in pain.

" Oh I'm sorry " She apologized.

" What do you say baby sis "? Alice questioned starring intently at her face. Pft it felt strange viewing herself from another person she thought frowning a little.

Ayra looked up to her and this time she didn't shrink in fear, wasn't this what she had always wanted? To be like Alice she thought feeling a new rise of excitement. For the whole day she would get to be beautiful confident Alice, alice that was loved and envied by many and by God she would have fun being her sister .

" Alright let's go downstairs already else mom would come here again " .

" Thank you ayra thank you remember don't smile too much, always stare at a person's eye ball when talking, be rude but not too much receive all compliments gracefully and never ever eat your nails or act tired even when you feel your body is shutting down.

Ayra ( now in Alice's body) swallowed hard and widened her eyes in panic she just couldn't keep up with all the rules " And here I am getting excited on living your life " .

Alice ( now in Ayra's body) smiled cynically

"My life is - phew " She exhaled wondering if she should let ayra know that Troy was cheating on her with her best friend 'nah ayra would be so shocked she wouldn't want to play the pact anymore hopefully everything would go well tonight and there would be no need to reveal shocking secrets to the whole world " She thought to herself

" Uhm apart from being smart anything else I need to know on your end " She questioned " And please I hope jack isn't coming today? " .

Ayra ( now in Alice 's body) lowered her eyes discreetly " Uhm not only is Jack coming I also invited Ella" She said waiting for hell to break loose.

" Fuck!!! What the hell did you do and yesterday you lied that you haven't seen my missing invitation cards " Alice accused.

" Well I'm sorry but I can explain, you invited kachi and Ella got interested I had no other choice but to oblige her " .

" You could have asked me ayra " .

" Really Alice would you have simply given it to me because I asked? And why did you invite kachi I'm curious " .

" I did it out of the spur of the moment " Alice replied immediately " And c'mon let's go do our makeup and you can tell me everything about your nerdy friends.

Ayra smiled a little "First don't ever call them nerdy " She informed ticking off an imaginary list off her head.

Wait a sec, Troy is cheating??

simply_mackycreators' thoughts