
Pure Insanity.

As everyone was sitting down for breakfast, Galaxy starting to feel sick to her stomach.

"Oh good lord..." Galaxy murmured.

"Sis, you ok?" London asked.

"I don't feel good as you can tell, idiot." Galaxy remarked.

"Ok, don't get smart with me." London said angrily.

"Oh yeah well..." Galaxy pauses.

Galaxy collapses and lays on the floor in a pool of her own sweat.

"GALAXY!" Everyone screams at the same time.

London rushes next to her.

"My god, Galaxy! You're more than burning up! Your head feels like a ramen bowl that just came out of microwave!" London said with concern.

"You're hungry." Goldie said.

"Damn right! Can't tame this black hole of a stomach." London said with confidence.

"I'll be the judge of that." Goldie whispered to himself.

"We can't take her to the hospital because of our reputation. We need to see what her condition is and what we can do to stop it." Darla said.

"Obviously!" London said, starting to cry.

"Come on. Help me get her to her room." Darla remarked.

"Hang on." Goldie said.

Goldie snaps and Galaxy appears in her bedroom, in front of a nice, cooling fan.

"No...stop...I no want this dumb fan." Galaxy said, shivering.

She tosses all her blankets over her.

"Galaxy, please, we're trying to help you..." London said, sitting on her bed.

"Why?" Galaxy asked. "All I do is tease and argue with you. I never show you any respect. Why help me." Galaxy said.

"Because you are my sister. You don't deserve any sickness. You helped me when i was seriously ill and now its my turn to help you." London said, starting to cry.

Galaxy slightly smiles.

"You have always been such a good brother. I don't even know what I could've done without you." Galaxy said, nearly in tears.

"Goldie. If you don't protect him while y'all are at school, I will get up and kill you." Galaxy said.

"You got it." Goldie remarked.

"Don't start with your sass. I may be sick, but I'm more sick of that face of yours." Galaxy said, smiling.

Everyone snickers.

"Classic Galaxy." Goldie said, smiling.

Galaxy slightly laughs.

"You know I'm kidding, buddy. Go have fun at school. Don't kill anyone." Galaxy said, shooing them away.

"No way. I'm staying here whether you like it or not." London said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"But..." Galaxy stuttered.

"Nope. We aren't going anywhere until you're feeling better." Goldie said with confidence.

"Yeah we aren't going anywhere." Darla said.

"You're crazy if you think we're gonna leave you in here alone." Scarlett said.

Scarlett proceeds to look up information on Galaxy's symptoms. No serious search results came up. Simply a normal virus.

"Oh thank god, it's just a normal virus." Scarlett said with relief.

Everyone sighs with relief.

"You boys go to y'alls room or whatever. Me, Scarlett, and Galaxy are gonna have some girl time." Darla said.

"You got it." They both said at the same time.

London and Goldie leave the room as the girls start talking.

"So what do you-" Goldie said, being interrupted.

London sprints full speed into the kitchen and starts making food.

"Wow. Your stomach really is a black hole." Goldie said, shocked

"You got that right." London said, inhaling food.

"Galaxy, how do you really feel about Goldie's presence?" Scarlett asks.

"I don't mind the guy. When he's breathing on me though is when I do mind his presence. He's not the robotic killer that I thought he was. Though I will say it's weird how protective he is of London. That's why I keep teasing them." Galaxy explained.

"Darla, what about you?"

Darla laughs a wicked laugh.

"That bear is about to get his face knocked in." Darla said.

Scarlett and Galaxy look at her with wide eyes.

"W-why?!" Scarlett said with a small stutter.

"He's so despicable. I can see through that dark veil of his. I'll make sure he's dead before he goes anywhere near London." Darla insanely said.

"Yeesh, I see why they sent you to prison." Galaxy said.

Darla laughs.

"Oh, Galaxy. You can't protect London forever. Goldie will eventually infect him the same way this virus is infecting you." Darla said wickedly

"Like hell he will. Just because he has magic doesn't mean I can't kick his butt." Galaxy said, coughing.

"Darla you're taking this out of proportion. I think Goldie genuinely has a special place in his...heart...for London. I mean he did set him free after all." Scarlett said, making a point.

"I know what he's up to. I don't mind his presence. I do not care about what he does. He will not be doing anything out of place with London. I forbid it." Darla demanded.

"You can't stop love, Darla." Galaxy remarked.

"Like hell, I can!" Darla exclaimed.

Laughing is heard from the kitchen.

Darla angrily sighs.

"Darla, stop acting insane just because London is interacting with Goldie." Scarlett remarked.

"Make me." Darla scoffed.

Scarlett's eyes turn black with light blue pupils.

"Darla! I'm not going to ask you again! Stop acting like a jealous school-girl and grow up!" Scarlett yelled.

Darla backs up nervously.

Scarlett looks at Galaxy and starts trying to make conversation before realizing the look Galaxy was giving her.

"What?" Scarlett asked.

"Your eyes look like Goldie's. Except for blue instead of white!" Galaxy tried to raise her voice, only to cough mid-volume.

Scarlett shakes her head. Her eyes revert to normal.

"That was so wierd. I felt like me but like another entity was there." Scarlett explained.

Galaxy groans.

"I hate being sick. This sucks." Galaxy remarked.

"I'll show that idiot." Darla whispered.

"Darla, no!" Scarlett yelled.

Darla walks out of the room and toward Goldie and London.

"...And so I said, get your own pizza, Galaxy!" London said, laughing.

Goldie laughs.

"That's a good story. I have a few stories of my own." Goldie said.

London turns to look at Darla.

"Hey, Darla!" London happily said.

Darla walks up to Goldie and puts her hand around his neck, only to proceed to start choking him.

Goldie teleports away from her.


"INDEED I AM!" Darla yelled insanely.

"DARLA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" London asked loudly.

Darla pushes London out of the way. He hits a wall and collapses.

"NO!" Goldie yelled.

He teleports over to London. Scarlett and Galaxy heard the loud bang and rush out of the room.

"What's going on here?!" Scarlett yelled.


Goldie angrily screeches and takes a low stance and proceeds to launch himself at Darla. Scarlett made an Abyssal Bubble around them. A bubble with infinite volume inside, but a finite volume on the outside.

"London...are you ok?" Galaxy asked quietly.

London grunts as Galaxy puts her hand on his head. He opens his eyes only for Galaxy to find that his eyes have changed from a deep brown to a very vibrant lavender purple in one eye, and pure black with a white pupil in another.

"Woah..." Galaxy said, shocked.

London's right arm starts crystallizing into a deep blue, sapphire-like crystal. His left arm is engulfed with this ink-like substance. He gets up and launches himself into the bubble.

"No!" Galaxy said, reaching the bubble.

"YOU WON'T WIN, GOLDIE!" Darla screamed.

Darla glows a very vibrant neon red and the light continues growing until a figure in the shape of Darla is seen.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM LADY?!" Goldie angrily yelled.

Darla laughs very loudly. The light figure reaches down at Goldie. picks him up, and proceeds to electrocute him. Goldie yells very. very loudly as a result.

"STOP." London demanded loudly.

The light figure looks to stare at London.

"And what are you gonna do about it little boy?" The figure asked wickedly.

"I know this isn't Darla. You are not Darla. Leave. Or I'll make you." London said with his head down.

"Make me, little kid." The figure remarked.

London takes a fighting stance.

"Good. You aren't a little baby when faced with danger." The figure again remarked.

"Not much more of a baby than you." London remarked.

The figure throws Goldie onto the ground as the floor proceeds to cave in around him as he hits the floor.

London reaches up and a tornado proceeds to lift him up.

"A tornado?" The figure said laughing.

"No. YOUR DEMISE." London said, smirking.

An inky-black tornado pierces the figure's physical form.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, chump." The figure said, grunting.

The tornado proceeds to dissipate as the figure reverses its rotation.

"Heh. You have no idea who we are, do you." London said.

"We?" The figure said, visibly confused.

"Yes, WE." London yelled at full volume.

An icicle comes up from the ground to impale the enormous figure.

"Burn in hell." London said.

"Do the same, you unjust freak..." The figure said

The figure disappears as Darla falls to the ground.

London runs over to both of them.

"Oh god, my head..." Darla said, getting up.

London walks into the crater which was formed from the impact of Goldie to the ground.

"G-Goldie...?" London asked with a stutter.

He does not respond. London exhales slowly. He turns back to normal. An orange crystal pierces the wall of the bubble and it pops.

Darla lied on the floor for a bit before getting up. London was sat there in tears. Goldie looked very beat up.

"Oh my god..." Galaxy said, looking at Goldie.

London turns back to normal as Goldie grunts.

London gasps.

"Goldie!" London shouts as he proceeds to hug him.

He opens his eyes.

"H-hey...I tried and ultimately failed." Goldie said, attempting to get up.

"No. Save your strength." London said.

"Y-you can't carry me." Goldie said, in pain.

"Nope, which is why you're sleeping right here." London remarked.

"Heh. Thanks." Goldie said, closing his eyes.

A few hours pass. Galaxy walks out of her room with a blanket over her as she looks toward the kitchen. She walks in.

"He's still out like a light, huh?" Galaxy asked.

"Yeah..." London said with concern in his voice.

"You know. I don't think he would do this for anyone else. You really are one of a kind to him." Galaxy said.

"What do you mean?" London asked.

"Come on. You have his head in your lap. I'm pretty sure if you were anyone else, they would be dead." Galaxy said, softly laughing

"Y-you really think so...?" London asked starting to blush.

"Oh, I know so. Get some sleep, bruv." Galaxy said, as she puts her blanket over him.

"If you don't live Goldie, when I die, I'll beat you in the afterlife." Galaxy said.

Galaxy walks out and back to her room. She pulls a photo out from under her bed.

"I miss you, Marcy. I hope you haven't forgot about me yet." Galaxy said in tears.

Galaxy turns off the lamp as she holds the photo close to her chest.

Everyone is fast asleep, all except London. He is generally concerned for the health of Goldie. No Z's were caught by him that night.