
The Great Escape

"You guys should probably stand back for this," Darla stated, preparing to kick the wall.

Darla begins kicking the wall with steel-toed boots and brute force. As the wall chips away to her mighty kick, she begins tearing through the wall with her hands to reveal a set of wires and circuits leading to the lock outside. Each of the ten wires is a different color and plays a different sound when pressed.

"Galaxy, what are you humming?" London asked.

"I'm not sure. Ever since we got put in here, I have been humming this little tune," Galaxy replied.

Galaxy continues humming a tune of six different tones. While Galaxy is humming away, Darla thinks attentively about how to trick the lock into opening the door and begins messing with the wires. Different tones play on the other side of the wall when she pushes on the corresponding wires, indicating a button being pressed outside. Darla listens closely to the tune Galaxy is humming.

"Wait a minute…" Darla whispered to herself.

Darla pushes the wires in the order that Galaxy hums and the door quickly slides open.

"Galaxy! You memorized the sound the buttons made when we got put in here. If it wasn't for that tune, we probably would have died in here!" Darla said, hugging Galaxy.

"Okay, enough with the hugs. We must get to the cabin right now because I overheard the guy who put us in here saying that the cabin goes back to the mainland to pick up more people sentenced to Radioactive Island," Galaxy explained.

They all head out of the room and into a long hallway. Many different noises can be heard from the ship's hallways like crying, frustration, and the whirring of the internal mechanics of the ship. Darla signals London and Galaxy to be quiet as someone knowing they escaped may cause extreme outrage among the ship's passengers. They all walk up to the cabin's door and examine the lock on the wall for a few minutes. Darla signals the siblings to stand back once more as she round-house kicks the electronic lock. The panel explodes and the door slides open as they enter what is to be the cabin of the ship. The sun beams through the transparent material as they enter the room, and the door shuts behind them.

"Holy mother Mary, look at all this stuff!" Galaxy squealed.

London looks around and notices Darla staring out of the window.

"Hey Darla, thanks for saving us. You have no idea how much this means to my sister and I," London said with a gentle tone.

Darla's gaze is fixed upon the window but still acknowledges what London said.

"Hey, are you okay?" London asked, waving his hand in front of Darla's face.

Darla grabs his hand and points out the window. A massive island, black as night, with glowing green materials as large as boulders, can be seen from the window.

"Radioactive Island…" Darla whispered to herself in disbelief.

The cabin begins to violently shake as the ship is torn apart by the radioactivity from the island. The trio gets knocked off their feet by the violence of the shaking as they cling to the closest object next to them. A few minutes pass and the shaking has ceased as Galaxy and Darla get back on their feet. The cabin, being on autopilot, turns around to reveal a decaying ship with the lifeless bodies of dead criminals floating in the water.

"That could've been us…" Galaxy uttered, both relieved and scared.

"We just escaped certain death, Galaxy. I guess that means we are all friends for life now considering we almost died together," Darla said, laughing a bit.

Galaxy turns around to see London playing a doll that is standing up on its own.

"Uh, what in the holy name of karaoke night in that thing?" Galaxy asked, backing up a bit.

"It's a little rabbit doll, obviously. It fell on top of me while the cabin was shaking," London replied.

The little gray rabbit doll seemed to have a mind of its own. It could walk and move without the assistance of a person and seemed to take great interest in London. The doll had a little black button for its left eye and a stitched, black "x" for its right. A small zipper on the back of the doll can be seen. It clung to London's head with no signs of letting go.

"Zipper," London said out of the blue.

"What?" Darla and Galaxy questioned at the same time.

"His name will be Zipper!" London exclaimed with glee.

The doll nods its head, indicating it really likes the name.

"Way to assume its gender, smart guy," Galaxy remarked sarcastically while crossing her arms.

The doll shakes its head at Galaxy, indicating that it is, indeed, a boy.

"So, you are a boy?" Galaxy questioned, wanting to make sure she has it right.

The doll nods responsively.

"Well, I guess we have a new friend to take care of, huh?" Darla commented.

"What is our plan now? We escaped and we are alive, but what happens when someone sees us on the mainland?" Galaxy asked with deep concern.

"I got that covered. When someone is sentenced to Radioactive Island, their name is not disclosed to the public and only the family knows what they were sentenced to. So, as far as the public knows, I'm still in town, possibly at the county jail," Darla replied, mocking the Judge for half the sentence.

Zipper taps London's head as he points to an object across the room.

"What is it?" London asked.

Zipper points to an open, small compact mirror on the ground. The mirror is silver and has a silver rose with a gemstone that appears to change colors on the top. Darla walks over to it and picks it up.

"Wow, this mirror is beautiful. I'm stealing it because the law sucks here and they can deal with it," Darla said, putting the mirror in her pocket.

"I'm going to steal this cool-looking rod I found," Galaxy said, waving it in the air.

The wand was a thin silver rod with the outline of a crescent moon on the end. The shape of the moon was made of some sort of crystal.

"I guess I will be stealing Zipper then," London shared.

Darla noticed that the cabin of the ship has stopped moving and points it out. Voices and footsteps can be heard approaching the cabin door.

"Quick! Under the bed!" Darla whispered loudly.

They all hide under the bed as the door slides open and a few pairs of shoes can be seen.

"Can anyone explain to me why the lock is damaged?!" A voice yelled.

"Seems the siblings and Darla escaped their rooms and tried to enter the cabin," Another voice said.

"Clearly! I highly doubt they got into the cabin because this lock is designed to alert us when an unknown person touches it. We never got an alert, so I assume they didn't make it," The voice explained.

"Do we want to check the cabin just to be safe?" The second voice questioned.

Darla and the others put their hands over their mouths.

"Nah, we will be fine. The lock may have suffered some water damage, or they may have tried to hit it with a blunt object. I am so confident that they didn't make it that I don't feel the need to search, and you take orders from me, so deal with it," The first voice said with an angry tone.

They all leave, and the door shuts behind them. Darla and the others let out a big sigh of relief.