My little play pen for the ideas that pop into my head, have fun IG. TBH, because I'm copying and pasting this from Spacebattles, the forum site I'm more active on, the formatting and other things breaks.
Leonia stared down Armsmaster, her hands cuffed together after she tried to escape yet again. She huffed on the curb of the street as they waited for the PRT normies to arrive... She totally didn't glare at Taylor, who slowly inched away.
With the explanation of what happened to lung, he wasn't going to be pumped with a tranq that might kill him, if fan fiction was influencing reality, but Bastardmaster asked Taylor to say, She tried to slip away but was told to stay because and I quote. "You're a twelve-year-old, you shouldn't be awake right now, you should be enjoying your youth and not fighting gang leaders." The way he slightly titled his head told her that he was listening to the best person on this godforsaken planet, Dragon, at least in her opinion.
And then, after they had gotten to street level near Lung's body, she again tried to slip away down an alley, yet Armsmaster turned to hear at that exact moment and caught her trying to leave… She couldn't outrun the grapple hook of the halberd.
"It's not like this isn't my earth and all of my family and friends are dead." Colin's head snapped to her, as did Taylor, she merely dismissed them as 'insignificant peasant's that don't understand the power of the Azure.' though from the way Taylor hissed in a breath she must've mumbled it out loud again, curse this body's impulsiveness.
"Could you repeat that?" Armsmaster asked, his voice held unease, especially how the young girl who appeared to be around the same age was vista if a bit taller or older, locked eyes with him, her eyes were a black charcoal colour, wearing what was honestly raged and had shaggy hair. The way she spoke and acted, only hinting at how this girl had taken care of herself.
"Its. Not. Like. This. Isn't. My. Earth. And. All. Of. My. Family. And. Friends. Are. Dead." She held a beautiful smile, with a melodic voice... But her eyes were just dead, with no spark of life in them, as if she was going to burn the village just to feel its warmth. The rumble of engines startled the skitter girl into sitting up straighter as Miss. Militia arrived ahead of the convoy.
"Miss. Militia," He nodded to the aforementioned hero, "Lung has been apprehended by these two over here." His voice somewhat strained when mentioned they had captured the infamous leader of the ABB, Hanna looked over to the subbed man, a steel cage welded to the sidewalk keeping him in place as he slumbered.
"Can either of you give me a play-by-play of the events that happened?" Miss. Militia asked, turning to both Taylor and Leonia. "Oh that's easy, Bug girl here," Leo pointed a thumb at the girl, her cuffs jingling and getting what appeared to be a frown from Miss. Militia. "Overheard that fucker over there talking about going after kids, and so she attacked and was backed into a corner on the roof before I jumped in with the Susanoo unit and Ragna the Bloodedge." She breezed past the unfamiliar items, Taylor shrinking as both heroes turned to look at her, "She pumped him full of bug venom before Glory hound over here arrived."
She flipped off Armsmaster with both her hands, his mouth now set in stone as a solid line. This was the most the young girl had spoken, besides constantly insulting him whenever he tried to fish for more information on what happened.
"Now, of-course, I glossed over my involvement, but I'm pretty sure everyone heard me scream my activation phrase." Seeing the confused looks on everyone, she selected Aigis and Es. "CAN'T ESCAPE FROM CROSSING FATE" I felt the system start up of Aigis, my body now taller, the cuffs gone.
"Standby complete." My eyes open, Armsmaster had his halberd out, ready and waiting, an AR-15 Rested comfortably in Militia's hands. "Good morning! Joint operation battle. Here we go!" I Orgia boosted forwards, raming into Armsmaster and sending him skirting across the floor.
"Azure! Stand down, now!" He yelled, I suppose it's only fair to tell him… "Unfortunately, that option is unavailable, opponents designated Miss. Militia and Armsmaster, or Aigis and Es must be incapacitated for the battle to end, or until time runs out." Both grimaced at my words, my voice neutral at all times, "Changing modes!" I blinked red, "Return to safety." I was now Es Mitsurugi, I was now smaller than both Armsy and Miss gunny, I noticed Taylor lock onto my bigger… assets, obvious jealousy.
"Go!" Hannah shouted, firing a couple rubber rounds at my head, the blue barrier coming up as I block, Armsmaster's halberd going for my feet in a sweeping motion, jumping over him, I spin, creating a glass like structure of energy that blooms into a spiky but elegant design and launching him away.
I get hit by a bullet but immediately swap midair, Aigis' robotic body slammed into Militia's stomach, sending her flying back, but just before she got out of reach I grabbed her, my hand turning into an explosive and knocking her out.
"Commencing high mobility assault." I said Orgia dashing over the downed Miss Militia, Taylor had chosen now to send a swath of bugs after me and hopefully stop me.
"Targets changed, Skitter and Armsmaster, opponents' combined output is predicted at 200%" I smiled, she had joined the battle and tagged out miss Militia, the Troopers stood back, "Fire everything!" My back opened up and unleashed 6 different rocket launches, all of them firing at the man in blue armour, who finally rushed me again. The blasted him back into the wall which he bounced off of and into my waiting embrace, hitting him with a grab explosion I jumped kicking him in the air and doing it again before finally ending with another Pandora Missile Launcher.
"Target eliminated." Their chest's still rose and fell, I turned towards Taylor and raise an arm. "Paladion numbers…-" I flew in the air a bit, numerous bits of gunfire hitting Taylor and sending her a bit into the air, a giant gun appearing beside me. "-set! Maximum Charge Liberator!" the gun charged up and sent a blast of blue energy towards her, hitting her midair and knocking her out. "I've... overheated!" My body was now on the ground smoking. "ASTRAL FINISH!" My body start to blink again, and now I was back to my rags and cuffs on my hands, I turned towards the PRT troopers, noticing the Golden Snitch flying above them, I pointed at it.
"This lobby's full fucking SCRUBS! I'm going back to the entrance to hit tactics mode, Y'all better learn how to play this stupid as fighting game!" She flipped them all off and turned around to stomp off, before anyone could do anything she just winked out of existence in a blink, there one moment and gone the next.
I just winked into existence appearing in the entrance of BBTAG, the soothing music I choose, Wings, from the RWBY OST playin.
"Ahh, damn, I really did fuck shit up." Leonia said, her head looking around the place, walking over to the shop she checked the cash she got for defeating those. Just enough to get a meal, a bed and a nice thick wool blanket.
"ROB damn, I know I got what I wanted, but I hate earth bet…" She sighed, pushing her bed next to the shop, and turning the volume down on the jukebox. "Luckily, I have access to the rest of the lobby that was blocked off in game, but the houses cost way too fucking much…" She thought of the 50 million flats being the cheapest, at least the restaurants, even if run by a NPC with only a few lines of dialogue, had decent prices.
"Night Chibikaka's." She waved to the Chibikakas manning the shop, and curled up on her newly purchased bed with her blanket after consuming the bowl of Ramen she bought.
"Tomorrow will be another day to fuck around and find out."