My little play pen for the ideas that pop into my head, have fun IG. TBH, because I'm copying and pasting this from Spacebattles, the forum site I'm more active on, the formatting and other things breaks.
"PERSONA!" A voice screamed, startling everyone in the USJ, then, they all heard the sicking click as they turned their attention to a girl standing on top of the now broken water fountain. She stood in an unfamiliar uniform as she pressed a gun to her temple, they heard the explosion of a 9mm round being fired.
*Glass Shatter SFX*
Her head jerked to the left, glass shards blasting from her swirled in blue flame that now surrounded her. It collected into a large being behind her, her neck cracked sickeningly as she righted herself up from a stumble, she stared down Shigaraki with a smile and bright yellow eyes as she yelled.
A blast of pressure burst from her body as the creature finally fully materialized, vaguely humanoid with long flowing brown hair, a red scarf and a golden-coloured torso. Its limbs moved with the fluidity of Muscle yet looked to be robotic as it pulled the giant Heart shaped lyre from its back. It gave it but a single strum.
"What the fuck kinda Hidden Miniboss are you!?" Shigaraki yelled at her, scratching at his next in rage as he pointed at her, she smiled as she flourished her arms, a Naginata spinning into existence as she jumped from the fountain, Aizawa screamed in pain when the Nomu further mutilated his broken arm. The students had stared at her with horror written on their faces from what was a perceived suicide.
"Kotone Shiomi... Minako Arisato... Female Protagonist... Fool, Death, Judgement, and Universe Arcana. All names that I've been referred to by." She serenely walked forward as what was obviously her Emitter type quirk hovered behind her. "But you... you can call me... Senpai!" She posed with a V over her eye.
The creature gripped the teacher's head and lifted as Shigi's scratching picked up, "Agilao!" She screamed as she rushed forth, the creature strumming its lyre as fire erupted on the Nomu's head. "NOMU!" The idiot looked away from Protag-Chan allowing her to close the gap with surprising Agility, slashing at his wrist to push it away from the frog girl's face.
The Nomu was suddenly in front of Shigi, defending him from the swipe, "Deku! Get them to the Entrance, I'll hold him off!" She yelled as she took up a defensive posture with her weapon on full display, her Evoker glinting from her thigh holster as she held a card in one hand. "But-" She cut him off, "GO!" Deku rushed to grab both Asui and Mineta as the Nomu descended on her, Shigi's hands were reaching for both of the children before a loud smashing sound erupted.
Everyone's heads turned to the entrance to see All Might arrive, "Have no fear students... FOR I AM HERE!" His face was stuck in a grimace as shadows covered half, he eyes roaming the battlefield as Tomura paused. "I couldn't shake the feeling of something going wrong here when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls." His eyes stopped upon an obvious teen wielding a traditional Naginata, a Villain's hand mere inches away from her and his Students.
"You're late to the Party, Shitass!" She yelled, stunning everyone from her rather crass response, right as he ripped his tie even. She ducked under one of the Nomu's heavy hands and kicked off it's forearm, launching herself to Aizawa. Villains fell as Big M reached the bottom, checking over Aizawa before Kotone pointed at the children about to be dusted, he launched himself forward saving the kids and retreating all at once.
And then All Might was standing in front of her, hands locked with the Nomu, "I do not know why you use such language young lady, but just for now I'll let it slide." He wasn't smiling as he held off the Nomu, the Naginata having disappeared, the girl carefully picked up the unconscious teacher. "That's fine by me! I'll be your Navigator for this battle, so fight hard." She yelled as she backpedalled away from the Monsters. Deku, Tsu and Minieta all following her as she pulled back.
They quickly reached the doors, the students weary of her, but ultimately caring for their teachers was more of a priority. Then, when she put her pistol to her head again, they tried to stop her, but they weren't fast enough. "JUNO!" She yelled, her body enfolded by a beautiful creature, the wings of a peacock from his back. Her voice heard to all Students and even All Might.
"Attention please: All students, Initiating Escape Route." Her voice followed with confidence, a green aura bursting through the entire USJ, enveloping the way-ward students and returning them to the entrance of the USJ. "Initiating Full Analysis, All Might, He has Shock Absorption but that thing has a Limit! Even if you do get past that, beware it's Regeneration, He can get back full limbs in seconds!" All Might only nodded to show he was listening as Juno faded.
"You all need to shut the fuck up!" She turned and yelled at the students that were panicking over her, All Might getting caught in the trap, a Katana now in her hands as she rushed forward ahead of Midoriya. Bakugo and Todoroki rushing down as well to provide aid. "OUTTA MY WAY EXTRA!" Bakagou yelled as he impacted with the Living Portal, Todoroki quickly freezing the Nomu and allowing All Might to escape.
"NOT TRYNA BE THEIR DICK WEED" Kotone shouted as she landed, Covering Bakugo with Kirishima, Her gun raised to her Temple again, by now the rest of the students flinched but let her get away with it anyway. "NO-!" All Might was cut off with a yell. "Cybele!" A naked blue lady with long horns and hula-hoops around her body appeared before the out stretched hand of All Might, surprising him as Kotone's Yellow eyes showed glee.
"Mediarahan!" She yelled, a wave of green bursting from her body, energy surged in the students and All Might, he paused, flexed his hand and smiled. "Thank you, young lady! Now let the real Hero handle this!" He turned back in time to watch as the Nomu regenerated the lost limbs it acquired from escaping the portal and Todoroki's Ice.
All Might blocked the hit meant for Baka-gou, with a strained smile, the blue lady faded as Kotone breathed a heavy sigh, her shoulder slumping as her form fell, the very air she exhaled burst into mist. "Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro!" A creature appeared, blood-red and black, it floats in the air with a Naginata of its own.
"Heat Riser! Debilitate!" She yelled, the creature roared as it sliced the air, Red energy coalesced around Toshinori, He felt the Power, the Speed, he felt like he was back in his Prime. Blue coalesced around the Nomu, notably making it slower, be able to hit not as hard. "YOU FUCKING CHEATER!" Shigiraki yelled, rushing toward Kotone, the other students unable to stop the man as he grabbed onto her head, pushed away by the very force that empowered All might and sent them flying from his clash. He punched relentlessly going beyond 100% of his power easily, giving it his all without feeling the pain, throwing hands on the Nomu and launching it through the Sky.
Her blood flowed down from her head, the skin decayed as her skull and brain turned to nothing but ash, "THE WHITE MAGE IS DOWN!" He yelled, revelling in his victory over the no good dirty hacker. All might was unable to stop it, he was pre-occupied with defending his students. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" All Might yelled, "I KILLED ONE OF YOUR PRECIOUS STUDENTS, ALL MIGHT!" He screamed, rushing toward him with a manic grin
All Might channelled his rage, but was Frozen in place, a Bone chilling roar sounded throughout the USJ. The first creature the mysterious girl summoned was back, screeching as it held its head in pain, red light shined from its head as it threw its arms down, arms sprouted from it's necked ripping into the head. Pushing it down, the body expanding and contracting until it popped.
A creature emerged, raging into the air, Thanatos wailed as his possession was killed. He clung to her body, her headless body, tears streaming from what appeared to be eyes and dropping on her corpse, everyone had covered their ears at the shrill sound. Her body twitched, her neck bubbled with blood and then-Her head was back, her eyes opening with malice as she stared down Shigaraki, exhaustion clear in her face and body.
*Bang!* A gunshot sounded out, blood spurted from Shigi's hand before he was pulled into Kurogiri's warp gate, leaving her to float in the air supported by the very being that loved her with jealousy unlike any other. She slowly floated down, touching the ground with grace full steps she walked up to the now downed All Might, his body smoking.
"Catch me." Her words were simple, and in a blink, Thanatos was gone, Orpheus back in its place gently strumming a steady beat into the tense air. She collapsed forward, Orpheus turning into motes of light, she was caught by All Might's arms when Cementos pushed a barrier between them and the rest of the students.
"See you later... Uncle." She eerily said, her eyes glazed over as she slumped unconscious.