Emperor Yang Zhou looked at Long Qian Xing and snorted. He had already waited here for some time and watched the two of them walking around. In fact, he began to wonder when did Long Qian Xing learned to be that considerate.
When they were studying, Long Qian Xing would never hold back just because he's the prince <or emperor after he was selected as the heir>.
"No need for formalities, Nan Hua." Emperor Yang Zhou waved his hand at Nan Hua then looked at Long Qian Xing. "I thought that you're the one who asked me to come here?"
"I did, but it's for you too." Long Qian Xing shrugged. "Anyone you would like to pick among those women? If you don't want to pick by yourself, I'm sure Her Highness Empress Dowager Yan would be more than happy to pick your future bride by herself."
"I don't care either way."
Long Qian Xing was speechless.