
The Compendium

The Main Gods

??? Goddess of Life, Growth, and Forgivness

??? Goddess of Magic, the Elements, and Knowledge

??? God of Seasons, Weather, and the Harvest

??? & ??? Goddess and God of Love, Children, Marriage, and Fertility

??? God of Sex, Addiction, and Greed

??? God of Sun, Growth, and Fire

??? Goddess of the Moon, Sleep, and Ice

??? God of Luck, Thievery, and Gambling

??? Goddess of Death, Destruction, and Conquest

??? God of Healing, Divinity, and Holy Essence

??? Goddess of the Undead, Resurrection, and Necromancy

??? God of the Patheon

The Forgotten Gods

??? Goddess of Fates, Alignment, and Balance

??? God of Light, Good, and Law

??? Goddess of Darkness, Evil, Chaos

??? God of Forging, Lava, and Metalwork

??? Goddess of War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death

??? Goddess of all the Elements

??? God of Agriculture, Unity, and Kingdoms








Sorcerer- The standard magic user. Various subclasses such as Warlock, Necromancer, and Sage can be found.

Warrior- The standard weapon user. From fist combat to polearm combat, subclasses like Paladin, Monk, or Slayer can be found

Rogue- The jack of all trades. Assassins, Adventurers, and Thief are the main subclasses for this one.

Bowman- Long range fighters. Hunters, Rangers, and Beast Tamers, this class has many subclasses from people who enjoy taking down enemies from hidden positions.

Adventurer Levels (Guild Levels)

Orichalcum- The highest tier possible. Akin to being gods amongst men, these scarce individuals have reached a pinnacle that very few can even begin to grasp, much less obtain.

Mithril- Capable of taking down a million man army by themselves, no matter how many people stand in their way, they all fall.

Blood Steel- Dragons amongst men. Even emperors bow their heads to these beings.

Diamond- Seen as wandering kings, these adventurers are the leading figures in every guild. Though not the most powerful, kingdoms very rarely purposefully offend these people.

Gold- The highest commissioned adventurers. Still active in the field, only the truly rich can barely afford these people. Dealing with the most immediate crisis that arise, against mortals they are unmatched.

Silver- They hold a lot of say in every guild they call home. They deal with large scale exterminations and the powerful monsters that appear.

Iron- The standard of the guild. With sufficient experience, anyone can reach this tier. These people are the most active in the field and in training the new recruits

Bronze- No longer newbies, these adventurers deal with the low level quests and commissions such as bodyguards, dungeon clearing and saving villages.

Copper- The fresh blood in guilds. Able to at least take on 5 goblins, these newbies usually have a Bronze or Iron instructor with them as they learn the basics of being an adventurers.

The Compendium will be updated whenever a big event happens. Now we can actually get to the story. New stuff will also be added as the Protagonists learn more about the Forgotten Realms and they level up.

Sleepy_Cultivatorcreators' thoughts