
The Deal

"Spill it," Elias demanded. "Tell us your relationship with Ailee Bai, and why you were sent here to attack my sister."

He pressed his back against the wall, and still, no words came out.

Elias eyed his hands as little gold sparks flashed under his fingers. He sneered.

"It's four against one, good sir," Elias said flatly. "My sister can handle you by herself, what makes you think you stand a chance with the four of us?"

He released his shadows and his gaze darkened, letting them flow dangerously around him. "Last chance, or we'll start with the legs," he hissed.

Wayne twitched as he felt the same pressure as he felt on the last day of the trials.


The man held up his hands in surrender, extinguishing the gold fire as he couldn't take the pressure any longer. "I- I'll comply! I'll tell you everything! Pl- please don't- don't kill me..." he sputtered, sweating bullets.

Elias smiled darkly, and in a second, the shadows were gone. "First question. What is your name?"

The man swallowed and pulled at his collar. "Kang...Liam Kang," he said nervously.

"Alright Mr. Kang, what's your relationship with Ailee Bai?"

Liam Kang hesitated, taking in uneven breaths.

When he didn't answer, Elias flashed him a dark look and he gave in.

"I'll say it! Yes! We are seeing each other! I confess! Is that good enough?" he begged.

"No. Next question. Who's child is Ethaniel?"

"M- m- mine..."

Wayne fumed, curling his fists. Before anyone could stop him, he was on top of him, his hands wrapped tightly around his neck, strangling him. "You f*cking b*stard!" he roared. "You still dare to admit it?"

Whitney took hold of her brother's arm, forcing him to let go. "Calm down!" she hissed, glancing at Liam Kang. He was turning blue, and his mouth was open, struggling to gaso for breath. "You'll kill him!"

"I want to kill him!" Wayne growled as he was being pried away. "Let me at him!"

"No!" Whitney said, holding him back. She struggled to do so as he was taller than her.

Liam Kang frantically pushed himself away in fear once he was released and massaged his throat, hacking. "G- get him away from me," he pleaded, his eyes wild with terror.

"Don't worry about him," Elias said, waving it off. "Just answer my questions. Why did Ailee Bai send you?"

"She wanted me to kidnap Eryn so that she would have leverage against you to make you do as she says!" he answered quickly.

Elias raised an eyebrow. "What? Does she still think she can control me? Heh...whatever. Just tell her to go to hell."

Elias spared Eryn a glance before turning back. "Seeing that you've answered my questions, I'll let you go."

"What?" Wayne shouted. "How can you let him go? You- hmmph!"

Whitney covered his mouth with her hand, forcing him to be quiet.

Liam Kang scrambled back as he took one step forward. "Re- really?"

"Of course. But on one condition."

Liam Kang got onto his knees, begging. "Please. Name it. I'll do anything."

Elias grinned and turned to Eryn. "I'll let you decide, 'Ryn," he said as he turned on his heel.

Eryn sniffed. "Fine."

She approached him, her eyes fill with disdain. "Tomorrow you will confess in front of the entire court of you and Ailee Bai's crimes," she declared.

"What?" he exclaimed. "But-"

Eryn's glare hardened. "You will," she repeated, "confess of your crimes. Tomorrow."

She emphasized the last words.

"We will be there. If you don't say the whole truth, you know what will happen," she added.

She gestured at Wayne. "I have no problem letting him beat you to a pulp."

Liam Kang trembled on his knees. How did this result in this? He only did as Ailee asked...

He took in a shaky breath and lowered his head. "O- okay. I will."

"Excellent," Eryn muttered. She turned to leave but stopped with he grabbed onto her skirt.

Wayne's eyes widened and Elias uncrossed his arms, alert.

Whitney dodged as Wayne trashed in her grip, throwing his fists. "Get your hands off of her!" he yelled.

Eryn glanced down at him. "What do you want?"

Liam Kang looked up at her, his eyes turning glassy. "What- what about my son? Ethaniel? What will you do with him?"

Eryn released a breath. "I am not Ailee Bai. I am not that cruel. Ethaniel Kang will be raised by the Bai family, considering his mother is the head's legal wife."

The man let out a sigh of relief. "Tha- thank you!"

Eryn kicked away his hand. "Now get lost. We'd better see you tomorrow...or else!"

He scrambled to his feet. "Yes! Yes! Thank you for your mercy!"

Then he limped away hurriedly.

Whitney let go of her brother, who was steaming red. "Why did you let him off?" he groused. Then he turned around and jabbed a finger at his sister. "And you! How dare you hold me back! I am your elder brother!"

"Don't blame her," Eryn said, brushing off her skirt. "We still need him. If you kill him now, we have nothing to hold against Madam Bai, and you will be charged with murder."

"They- they can't charge me unless they can beat me," Wayne muttered, crossing his arms. His face and neck had reddened significantly, and he kicked at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

Whitney slapped her brother on the back and dragged him along. "Come on, idiot. We still have to find dad."

Elias nodded. "We can explain everything to him then, I'm sure he will understand."

The four headed out of the street, and the maid followed excitedly behind them, all flowers and rainbows above her head.

She was in complete awe with her two young masters and misses.


Master Xia wrung his hands as the next day came.

How did the children uncover something as big as this? Heavens! His wife cheated on him and even had a child with this other man! How could something like that happen to Alan?

But this cannot be overlooked. Even if Ailee Bai belongs to the top influential families in Pheonix City, the judge is someone from the Imperial City, who outranks everyone here, Master Xia said in his mind.

He pumped his fist, silently cheering for the four kids as they made their way to the courthouse in their carriage.

I can't believe they managed to reveal Ailee Bai's true colors within one day, he cheered in his head, smiling. Ho, ho! So many problems will be solved after that cunning witch is taken care of.

Master Xia rubbed his hands together excitedly as they got off the carriage, arriving at the Grand Courthouse.

Two soldiers stood at their posts at the front gates, wielding swords. They bowed low at the sight of Master Xia. "Welcome!" they said at the same time.

Master Xia chuckled. "Thank you! Thank you!" he said as they passed through.

Inside the Courthouse, Lord Hui from the Imperial City sat on the raised dais behind his desk, flanked by two guards. His face was so serious, even the air around him spelled 'authority'.

Master Xia clasped his hands together in front in a greeting. "Lord Hui," he said.

Lord Hui nodded at him. "Master Xia, I see you've brought along your children and...two guests," he said, looking for the right words. Never before had he seen the two others behind him.

He was curious, but now's not the time.

He cleared his throat. "I assume you were the one who called Master Bai and Madam Wen here, yes?" He gestured at the two Heads who sat on the side.

"Yes," said Master Xia. "You will understand when the last person arrives..."

Lord Hui made a sound of approval. "Okay, have a seat. Seeing that you've come to the Courthouse, it must be important."

"Of course."

The five sat down.

Elias and Eryn scanned the vast building. Again, this was something new, and they've never seen so many soldiers and secretaries and scholars in one place before.

They shared a look.

Liam Kang better arrives...

Across the room on the other side, Master Bai fidgeted anxiously. Was he called here because the twins wanted to legally settle things with him? Did they want anything to do with him?

But it was not as he thought.

Meanwhile, Madam Wen sat straightly on her seat, flashing everyone thin looks with her mysterious eyes. She already knew what was going on and smiled crisply.

It seems it was karma...Ailee Bai is finally to be taken care of.

Finally, after a few moments, a figure arrived at the entrance, shivering nervously under the gaze of Lord Hui and his soldiers.

It was Liam Kang.

He walked up to the front before the dais slowly and gulped.

But what scared him the most were not the ones who will decide his fate, but the four kids who sat next to Master Xia.

They all gave him snide and threatening looks.

'Remember the deal,' Elias mouthed.

He flinched and turned back to look up at Lord Hui, who was waiting expectantly for something. "Who are you?" his voice boomed.

Liam Kang yelped and dropped to his knees. "My name is Liam Kang! I am here to confess my sins!"