
Arc 2 Ch5 Finale


I stared at the smirking drunk idiot before, because seriously who attacks nobility? In public? me, his hands raised in the universal surrender gesture, even as he held his own Zanpakuto with one of them.

"-when's my trial?" Gin finished, the smile growing as a glint filled his eyes.

"...Yeah, no," I deadpanned, earning a blink out of the man. "There's no time for that," I added on with a shrug and turned towards Shunsui. The captain in question was currently holding Tokinada's Zanpakuto with one hand, a wary look to his face as he kept the blade as far as his arm could manage.

"So, any idea-" I started in an attempt to earn the man's attention before Gin promptly screeched.

"What?" Gin questioned, a dumbfounded look filling his drunken form.

I turned towards him. "Yes?"

Gin blinked as he took in my expression, one eye narrowing the slightest. "I want-" Though before the man could finish, Kaname quickly cut in between the two of us, his expression clear he was still looking for a fight as he grit his teeth, grabbing the drunk captain by the scruff of his cloak. Though Gin's eyes never left mine, even as he was jostled.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

Gin turned a single eye towards the blind captain currently shaking him. "Exactly." He stated, as serious as can be before he turned back towards me, and Shunsui, the man having decided to join the three of us. "I killed someone! I demand a tria-"

"Tokinada was mine... How dare you take that bastard's life away from me!?"

Honestly? The one I really felt bad for right now? Komamura.

The poor captain looked so lost as he switched his expression between the two arguing captains casually talking about breaking one of the sacred laws of the realm. One having actually done the deed.

Presuming Tokindada was dead. And you know... Not just pulling an Aizen.

Aizen? Any idea? I figured asking the expert on the matter would help-


That's not an answer.

"Not my fault you decided to take so long! You had decades to do it!" Gin rebuked.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes in the process.

"Now arrest me and give my goddamn trial-"

"Enough!" I remarked the moment I noticed Shunsui about to jump into the damn argument. Locking gazes with Gin, I promptly made my way towards him, pushing past Tosen.

"Gin," I smiled, "I really don't have time for this, so if you-"

"I killed a noble! I don't care what future you're from! That's a capital punishment wait-"

I promptly released my reiatsu again, filling the clearing and thankfully shutting the drunk captain before me up again. "Let me put this in a way you'll understand." I raised a single finger, pointing towards Kaname. "The only thing dear Kaname here is angry over is the fact you took his kill," I pointed towards the wary wolf captain, earning a startled jump in the process. He'd been glancing around nervously towards the eastern district for whatever reason.. "Komamura, as against this little debaccle-"

"Good lord! A noble of Soul Society has died! Have you no res-" Komamura barked affronted as he stared at each of us.

"As I was saying, he's not going to incriminate Kaname," Gin made to open his mouth before I glared. "And if he so much as thinks of bringing this up with the Commander, he can be damn well sure that Tosen's going down with you-" My threat of course only managed to confuse Gin even more as his brow furrowed in an attempt to process what I'd said.

"What kind of b-" Kaname however immediately made to respond.

"Tosen. Do not test me right now." I deadpanned before pointing towards Shunsui. "He quite literally attacked the noble before you,"

Shunsui coughed.

I finally pointed to myself as I stared at the now irritated captain. "I? Seriously couldn't give two damns right about now. You want a trial? Go back to the academy." I finished turning on my feet- And promptly froze at the sight of the Captain-Commander casually watching the four of us.

"...Yo! " I deadpanned and promptly made to walk past the man, as if nothing had yet to happen.

"Aizen-Taicho," Yamamoto started in greeting quickly causing me to freeze once again, a strained smile appearing on my face, his own gaze was momentarily drawn to the ashes on the manor's scorched floor, particularly where a certain noble had been standing, before slowly turning towards the ancestral sword in Shunsui's hands and finally going back towards my currently frozen body.

I quickly raised my hands. "I had nothing to do with this!"

'Cough' "Bullshit," 'Cough'

Did... Did Shunsui really just-

"Ahem!" Chojiro's narrowed eyes took me by surprise, having not noticed the man's presence earlier.

I turned back towards the captain commander. Somewhat surprised to see that Yamamoto didn't look remotely offended. "Anyway..." Given the man's seemingly cheerful mood, I figured it was as good a time as any to ask, "I was wondering when I could actually, you know? Scout Huaco Mundo?"

Yamamoto raised an amused eyebrow, "I believe the archives hold plenty of data-"

"The archives were burnt down in the Quincy attack," Shunsui promptly interjected.

Yamamoto blinked. "Then the back ups-"

"Burnt during the Espada attack."

Yamamoto took a second to process the 8th Division captain's words before sighing.

"So... I guess this means I am going to Huaco Mundo?" I remarked. "Do make sure the Ryoka is combat ready by the time I return. Wouldn't want my Plan A to go to waste,"

"Plan A?" Shunsui questioned, somewhat curious having heard nothing so far-

I nodded. "Throw Ichigo Kurosaki at it,"

Yamamoto, thankfully seemed to understand perfectly as he nodded. "I see. When were you hoping to leave?"

"In a few-" Hours, only the final word failed to come out as I and everyone currently surrounding me felt the sudden concentrated pressure build up ontop of one of the cracked roofs above us. A brilliant flash of white light suddenly crashing down from the sky itself, covering the roof and everything beneath it in a myriad of colours before-

"I hope you weren't planning to leave so soon Aizen-kun!" The booming voice echoed out, followed by a jovial laugh, one that sent a chill down my spine. A large form suddenly came into existence as the light show promptly dissipated.

The large form of the captain of the Zero Squad himself.

Ichibe Hyosube.

Just behind him, I could make out an unrecognisable group of people in matching uniforms, the only one in anything different been the shinigami himself. I figured they were the man's retainers.

"You've certainly been a busy bird! Aizen Sosuke! To think you'd managed to not only garner the attention of the king above all! but to impress him enough to order, nigh demand! Your very inclusion into-"

I turned towards the, steadily getting irritated, captain-commander and promptly cut the man off, earning a rare geniunely amused smile from Yamamoto himself.

"-leaving now. I might be willing to make time for Gin's fun little murder games but Santa Claus is where I draw the line. Be sure to send reinforcements! I am probably going to need them!" I exclaimed and without a by your leave, disappeared. Destination Yoruichi's ward.

The link between us, while had been increased to cover at the very least all of Seireitei, didn't cover travel to the Hollow realm.

Yet. For some reason I felt like I was forgetting something. Something Tokinada had mentioned regarding the human world... or a few somethings for that matter...

... Can't have been all that important if I'd managed to forget it.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!

Edited for meta effects.