
Forged in Magic: Secrets of Astraeloria

The mc was leading a good life but his life become worse as he keeps having bad dreams every night. He always thinks about those dream as he thinks they might have some meaning. He distanced himself from everyone but Meets a girl whom he fell in love with thus his life came in light once again. One evening at the time where the girl was confessing to him he died at the hands of a drunkerd. Arghh.. His dream of having a girlfriend was gone. But is it the end? Of course not.

Magic_Swordsman · 奇幻
5 Chs

Chapter 4: Desperate Situation

Time flowed like the raindrops that had once drenched the world in tumult. The thunderstorms that had heralded Ryusei's arrival had since subsided, their echoes fading like whispers in the wind. It had been months since his birth, and amidst the serenity that had settled, the lives of the Reisen Clan were set on a course fraught with danger and destiny.

In the wake of the tempest, Ryusei's parents, Harune and Ruri, along with his uncle Aoshi, found themselves within the cavern's depths. The newborn's cries had ceased, replaced by a fragile calm that seemed to harmonize with the hushed rhythm of rain beyond. As the storm died down, they knew that their time to act was at hand.

Harune, cradling Ryusei against her chest, carefully concealed the infant within her clothes. The danger that loomed was ever-present, and she knew that the Koujins of the Land of Echoes would not hesitate to kill the innocent baby if they were discovered.

With their hearts steeled, the trio ventured forth from the cave, their resolve burning as fiercely as the lightning that had once cracked the sky. Their journey to the teleportation array was swift, fueled by the urgency of their situation. The Elyssar had grown more treacherous as time passed, patrolling Koujins increasing in number and fervor.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the , Veridia within the Reisen Clan's ancestral grounds, an old man received grim tidings. A request for a backup team had arrived, the gravity of the situation clear in the lined worry etched upon his face. Those called for the aid were none other than his own kin—his son, his daughter, and his son-in-law's team. Anxiety clenched his heart as he dispatched three men, instructing them to make way to the teleportation array for a perilous rescue mission.

Yet, as their fates intertwined across continents, the group of three in the Land of Elyssar found themselves discovered by enemy Koujins, their path was surrounded. The ominous prelude of a battle unfurled, like a shadow cast by an impending storm. But amidst the danger, a newborn's life hung in the balance, a fragile thread connecting their actions to the future.

Harune who was still recovering from childbirth, resolved herself to support her companions with bow and arrow. Rain-soaked hair framed her determined face as she unleashed her arrows with unwavering precision. Every shot was a display of her strength, a symbol of her devotion to her family and the life she held so close.

Against the odds, a fight ensued. The odds were stark—eight enemies against three defenders. Ryusei's father, Ruri, engaged four foes with calculated determination. Across the battlefield, his uncle Aoshi faced a similar challenge. Lightning and wind, shadow and mist clashed, forming a symphony of elemental power amid the rain-soaked battleground.

Yet, as the battle raged on, it became apparent that the odds were stacked against them. Exhaustion gnawed at their reserves of Hikari, and their strength waned. An enemy Koujin broke free from the fray and advanced upon Harune. Despite her injuries, she met his approach with unwavering defiance, a mother's love unyielding in the face of danger.

Harune's valiant resistance was a fleeting respite, a moment that allowed Ruri to return and strike from behind, his lightning element unleashed in a brilliant surge. Though the enemy ranks thinned, seven remained, their resolve unwavering as they faced down the fierce defenders.

Faced with this dire impasse, Ruri proposed a daring strategy to Aoshi. "Take Ryusei and flee," he urged, recognizing that Aoshi's command over wind and proficiency in escape would give the child a fighting chance. Aoshi, however, bristled at the notion of abandoning their fight.

He said, " Brother-in-law, I really can't leave you too here in so much danger to flee myself. I won't be able to face myself in the future."

But it was Harune who intervened, her voice steady despite the turmoil. She spoke of the clan's future, of Aoshi's role as their leader. She implored him to go forth with Ryusei, to find help and ensure the Reisen Clan's legacy endured.

Touched by his sister's words, Aoshi reluctantly nodded. Gently binding Ryusei with fabric to his back, he reluctantly accepted his sister's plea. And with resolve in his heart, he retreated, his footsteps fading into the rain-soaked night.

As if embracing his role as protector, Ruri unleashed his formidable Dojutsu, the 'Yūgan' or Ethereal Eye. This eye held the power to perceive and communicate with spirits, a connection to the ethereal realm that few could harness. But Ruri's mastery had evolved, allowing him to summon his contracted spirit—a formidable entity that was both feared and respected.

With a cascade of chilling energy, Ruri's ethereal summon materialized—a spectral entity born from the intersection of worlds. Its form was a chilling amalgamation of darkness and ethereal light, its visage echoing the power of the clan it served. The Koujins of the Land of Elyssar felt a sudden plunge in temperature as the spirit advanced upon them, a harbinger of their imminent defeat.

The tide of battle shifted as the Reisen Clan's summoned spirit bore down upon their adversaries. Frozen in awe and dread, the enemy Koujins were powerless against this supernatural force. In the wake of the spirit's onslaught, confusion rippled through their ranks, a testament to the might that the Reisen Clan could wield.

In the midst of the chaos, Aoshi fled, a beacon of hope carrying the clan's future within his embrace. As he reached the teleportation array, the Land of Veridia materialized before him, its welcoming familiarity was a balm to his weary heart. Three Reisen Clan members awaited his arrival, their concern palpable.

Aoshi's breathless words told a tale of sacrifice and battle. He told them to hurry and save his sister and brother-in-law. With a deep sense of urgency, they followed his lead, their faith in his unwavering judgment. Teleporting to the Land of Elyssar, they ventured into the unknown forest, their footsteps guided by the promise of family and the bonds that transcended distance and danger.

Back at the battle scene, the dust had settled, leaving only a smoldering crater as evidence of the conflict that had raged. Harune knelt beside her fallen husband, his form cradled in her arms. Fatigue mingled with worry, and tears fell upon his still face. But even amidst her sorrow, hope remained, a fragile ember that promised the reunion of family and the dawn of a new day.

As Reisen Clan Koujins appeared on the horizon, like spirits summoned by her longing, Harune's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and gratitude. For even in the midst of turmoil, the strength of their bonds and the promise of their clan's legacy endured.