
Forever Soldier

Thomas was a immortal soldier that retired a year back, but his oh so lovely king seemed to of not gotten the memo and decided to send him on a mission to deliver a message to the Antarctic Empire. Maybe something good comes from this~

Snowfall0 · 游戏衍生
21 Chs

Love me?

He woke up and felt a hand brush through his hair and his head was beating like a drum, but not as much as before.

His body wouldn't move, not even to open his eyes. It was like he was trapped in his own skin and couldn't escape. It felt like he was going to be trapped forever.

His head was so cloudy that he couldn't even find the energy to be mad, just frustrated.

Then he heard something.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.~" He heard sing in a angelic voice.

He almost melted away when he realized whose voice it was.

"Ran?" He was able to mutter after a few minutes of struggle.

"Yes Tom?" Ran asked.

"Hi." He laughed, forcing his eyes open.

"Hi." Ran repeated.

"My head hurts." He complained with a pout.

"If I kiss it will that make it better?" Ran asked in a playful tone.

The worst part is yes, yes it would. Both because of the dramatics of his power and him being to flustered to think of his hurting head.

"Honestly, yeah." He said trying to play it off.

There wasn't even any flustered muttering from Ran before he felt a kiss being planted on his forehead.

It was him who ended up all flustered and muttering.

"I didn't think you would actually do it!" He yelled, scrambling into a sitting position.

"Well did it help?" Ran ask and he realized how tired Ran looked.

"You seem tired lo- Ran. What time is it?" He asked, sputtering when he almost called Ran love.

"Just after breakfast as I have already grabbed us food. I was so stressed seeing your condition that I exhausted all my energy taking care of you." Ran explained with a hum.

"Sorry, I didn't hurt me until I was already being thrown to the floor." He whispered, heart filled with guilt.

"Don't be, not even I expected Techno to do something like that." Ran comforted, dragging him back down to a laying position.

"I should of just refused to take the treaty. If I never came here none of this would of happened and no one would have to know about all this." He cried, hiding his face in Ran's shirt.

He was crying, but it wasn't water; a more~ red substance leaked from his eyes.

"If you were never here then Techno would still be fanboying over Eris, Wilbur would of never put extra care into making sure someone could just steal his guitar right off his bad, Tubbo would still be blowing up different parts of the castle every day, Kristin would never had someone that would check in on her to make sure she is ok, Clay would still be Prime knows where, Phil would of never met a elytrain so similar to him, and I would still be all shy and touchstarved." Ran whispered to him with such love in his voice.

Oh how he loved this man.

Oh how he wanted to hear this man scream his name.

Not the time to be thinking things like that.

He huffed and wrapped his arms around Ran and pulled him closer.

"You said you grabbed us breakfast." He muttered.

"Yup, it should still be hot." Ran said, picking him up and taking him to his desk.

His heart sunk when he saw the drawer was open, but as much as it sunk it was filled with butterflies.

Did Ran read it, see it? Is he no saying anything to be polite o- the letter doesn't even look like it had been touched; the stamp still perfectly sealed.

He grabbed the letter and put it in his storage.

"What was that letter about?" Ran asked.

"It was just a good bye letter I left for you. Though it was as cheesy as a love letter so I don't think it's worth reading." He explained knowing damn well it was in fact a love letter.

"Well I think it'd be cute." Ran huffed seeming to have a backbone day.

Backboneboo always managed to make him flustered out of his mind. It's easy to say he loved these moments.

"Stop it or I'll have to break that backbone you seem to have all the sudden." He threatened with a smirk as he grabbed his plate.

"How you plan on doing that?" Ran challenge.

Now he had two options here. Do something sexual or do something embarrassing.

Maybe he could do both. He's bitten Ran before, he could get by doing it again.

He did the exact same thing he did last time. Lifted himself up and bit down on Ran's neck, this time however he kept himself as close as possible to Ran.

He almost squealed when he felt the grip on him get tighter.

He squirmed around and his leg brushed Ran's hard.

He can stay like this! He's going to get hard and Ran will feel it and fuck!

He stopped biting Ran and pushed back a bit, putting his knees in between his rising member and Ran's chest.

"You win." He huffed.

"Good boy!" Ran coed, patting his head.

His wings were twitching with how horny this man was making him.

They both stayed there unmoving thinking over what just happened.

He ate some of his breakfast and everything went back to normal.

Should he confess? It seems a bit awkward to confess after something like that and he isn't really ready to lose his virginity yet but it would also help his religious guilt. Why is he even so worried! He knew he won't be rejected and Ran would respect his boundaries!


He set down his empty plate and laid back on his bed.

Ranboo's POV

He couldn't believe what he just did. Prime he's lucky Tommy wasn't bothered by it.

Why did he squeeze Tom? More importantly why did he like doing it?

Wait Tommy's shin brushed his dick before he let go. Did Tommy notice? Please tell him Tommy didn't notice.

He looked over to Tommy who was laying back on his bed without a care in the world.

Yah, he didn't think Tommy noticed.

It was a bit awkward in the room with nether of them really knowing what to say.

His eyes wondered back to the drawer where Tommy had left the letter.

What could Tommy of put next that letter that would of made him so embarrassed? He gets it could of been stupid and sappy but he saw Tommy's reaction when he first turned to the desk. It looked like Tommy had sawn a ghost for the very first time. He was pail and scared.

He knew Tommy was more one to twist his words instead of lying, but he still couldn't figure out anything out from Tommy's words. He said it was cheesy and was a good bye letter so it could of had something he was only comfortable telling him when he wasn't here to be questioned. If that's the case then he hoped he would tell him one day.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Tommy groaned, snapping him out of his throughts.

Tommy was on his stomach with his limbs spread out on the bed. Tommy also had a grumpy expression on his face, his sharp squinting eyes glaring daggers into the door.

"The doors locked Sunshine. It isn't going to unlock no matter how hard you glare at it." He laughed until he noticed something amazing.

Tommy's eyes turned to his happy ones when he called him sunshine.

Did Tommy actually like him calling pet names? He never thought Tommy would like something so wholesome considering how cruel he is when helping train or torture prisoners he's interrogating with Techno.

The image of a man nailed upside down by his feet and getting assaulted by lightning magic was still fresh in his mind.

He had to admit though… Tommy's crazied enjoyment was hot.

"I can go grab some books from the library if it would make you less bored Rose." He offered, sneaking a pet name to test his hypothesis.

Tommy already had the happy eyes when he mentioned the books but they seemed to get happier at the Rose part.

"Yes please Allium!" Tommy chimed, throwing in a pet name of his own.

Something about Tommy adding a pet name made him feel like he made a huge mistake.

He teleported to the library anyway and looked around. He didn't ask Tommy what kind of book he wanted so he would have to guess.

Tommy would probably like a book from a ancient archive since it's speculated that SMP held copies of all god scripts ever made.

Maybe Tommy can even decipher one for him.

He made his way to the archives and looked at the covers of the books. He grabbed one that looked gory since Tommy quite obviously liked gory things.

He also went and grabbed a book on fun things to do during a blizzard since they're stuck in a room.

He teleported back and put the books in front of Tommy.

Tommy slapped his hands over the title and his face looked all flushed.

"What the hell is this you dipshit!" He yelled at him.

"Huh? I just grabbed a book from the ancient archives. Does it say something bad?" He asked, confused by Tommy's reaction.

"This is a book on how to make a demon fall in love with you." Tommy huffed, looking away from him.

He got super flustered but also confused why Tommy seemed overly flustered by the book.

"I'm so sorry! But why are you so flustered by it when you would normally just laugh about me being stupid?" He questioned.

"My magic is named dreamon magic, dreamon being the combination of dream and demon. Ran I use demon magic. You just showed me a book explaining how to make me fall in love." Tommy explained holding the book to his chest.

His brain stopped working for a second. He just found a book explaining how to make his crush fall in love with him and handed it to his crush to decipher for him.

What the hell was his luck.

He felt his arm being grabbed and dragged and he has sat on something squishy.

He shaped out of his thoughts and realized he was sitting on Tommy's lap.

"What do you need me to decipher from from this hunk of junk because I looked over it and it seems legit." Tommy huffed, peaking his head around him and holding the book in front of them both.

"You do you think would be useful?" He asked flustered at the fact that he's on Tommy lap, being offered all the questions he wanted to know about his breeding instincts.

Tommy would tell him anything he asked.

"If you just want to know useful information about demons it would be that that different species can still have similar abilities but different motives. If you want to know how to seduce a demon then you can make offerings to them and slowly make them more and more sexual till the demon can only think lustful thoughts about you. If you want to survive actually date, or Prime forbid marry one, you would probably want to know when a demon is turning on and when they want to pound you into the ground. Depending on species take that in the most literal sense. Because trust me Ran, you really want to prepare~." Tommy told him, getting dead and rumbly sounding on the last sentence.

A shiver went down imagining all the ways Tommy could ruin him, and that voice, Prime that voice only made his fantasies all that more vibrant.

"Anything else you would like me to tell you?" Tommy asked.

"What- are some facts about dreamons? It doesn't have to be sexual if you're uncomfortable with that." He back tracked, looking Tommy in the eyes.

Tommy had the fondest look in his eyes.

"Dreamons are possessive in a way. We want the people we love to always be around us and can become violent if we're away from them for too long, if we're stressed or angry then that time frame can become nonexistent. I don't know if this one's just me but I don't know how to process emotions, it's like a foreign language to me. For the sexual one, most dreamons are sadistic in bed." Tommy laughed nuzzling his face into the back of his neck.

He didn't know if Tommy noticed the lust that bubbled in his eyes when he learned how Tommy was in bed.

He was also star struck realizing how Tommy's clingyness was something that will never change about him.

"Well enough about all that! How about we take a nap? You must be exhausted from teleporting and fretting over me." Tommy hummed, pulling him down into a laying position.

Wait, does Tommy like him?