
Forever Soldier

Thomas was a immortal soldier that retired a year back, but his oh so lovely king seemed to of not gotten the memo and decided to send him on a mission to deliver a message to the Antarctic Empire. Maybe something good comes from this~

Snowfall0 · 游戏衍生
21 Chs

Love and War

He found himself helping train soldiers that day.

The soldiers were surprised the first time he was offered to train with them, but now they treated him like they did Ran, respected but not feared.

Ran turned out to be a really good fighter. He was deserving of being Techno's apprentice.

Now that he thought of it, when did he start call Technoblade Techno? He's pretty sure he has since he learned the guys name.

Meh, he doesn't really care anymore.

"Hey Thomas!" Techno called.

"What do you need?" He yelled back, taking his foot off a soldier he just defeated.

"Could I offer you too a duel!" Techno proclaimed, pointing his sword at him.

This was the first time someone offered to duel him. Most of the time he couldn't spare enough time for someone to even ask and when he did he was always way from everyone.

"Why no, what's the rules?" He sighed, making his way over to Techno.

"No killing, no damaging the castle, and both parties set a equivalent bet." Techno explained, holding out his hand to shake on the rules.

He was a bit curious about the bet part.

"What you planning on betting?" He asked with a smirk.

Maybe he could get some good lot from this.

"A favor." Techno stated.

A favor doesn't sound like a lot but this is one of Techno's favor's. If you know anything about Techno you know he takes his favors extremely seriously.

"All that I think could be equal is a favor of my own." He shrugged.

He never actually gave people favors. He usually went off the 'I keep you alive for my own benefit' kind of thinking style, so giving favors and taking them wasn't really something he did.

"You got yourself a deal kid." Techno said as he took ten steps back before getting into a fighting stance.

Now that he thought about it, why did he agree? It was problematic if he won or if he lost.

Shit. Well he isn't backing down now.

He got into a fighting stance of his own and smirked at Techno.

"On the count of three. 1. 2. 3. FIGHT!" Ranboo declared, seeming to be interested in the fight.

He took first move and went for Techno's neck.

Techno deflected the attack and got got a slash at his arm.

He decided to use it to his advantage and shot a kick to Technos back, his body bending unnaturally.

He grabbed onto Technos cape before Techno grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground, bringing Techno down with him.

He thought he broke a bone but it's fine.

He slashed at Techno and promptly got thrown.

He changed into the look of Ranboo and ran over to Techno as the man surveyed his injuries.

Techno got caught off guard and ended up stabbed in the arm.

"What the hell Ra-!" Techno yelled before he turned back to himself.

"Does this mean I won?" He asked before Techno grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground.

Techno took out the sword in his arm and was going to point it at his neck.

"You have to have your sword to a vital part of their body so they can't move." Techno explained.

"Ok!" He exclaimed, turning into smoke and forming a few feet away.

He turned his hands into polar bear paws since he was deprived of his sword.

"You magic is something else, kid." Techno laughed, running towards him.

"I'm just better." He laughed, switching the paws for enderman claws.

"Sorry to intervene in your cat fight lady's but there is something I would like Thomas to see." They heard a deep voice call.

They spun around and Techno seemed to be familiar with the person. He's pretty sure the man's name is Eret but he isn't certain.

"I'm assuming you made him some clothing he could wear that is better for him." Techno deadpanned, walking in the direction of the med bay.

Ponk was going to have a fun time with this one.

Eret nodded his head and he wondered over to her, him? He isn't going to question Eret's gender.

Eret lead him through the castle and to what he would assume is his tailor shop.

The place was organized chaos with all different kinds of fabric and string.

"I heard you could change shape so I didn't take any hard measurements if that's ok." Eret stated, taking a bundle of clothes from a shelf.

The shirt on top was a red suit with tiered sleeves.

He quite liked the aesthetic.

"I made two pairs of casual clothes and one of more formal look." Eret explained handing over the clothes to him.

"Thank you." He smiled, giving Eret a nod before he left to put the clothes into his the guest room.

He remembered the hallway as the one that lead to the gate so he went the opposite direction he remembered going until he got back to the guest room.

He put the clothes onto the bed and spread them out so he could look at them.

He noticed something with all the clothes.

They had wing holes.

He took the formal pair and changed into them.

He let his wings out and slipped them into the holes and looked in the mirror.

He thought this was the best he ever looked and held onto his necklace, sending his delight to Ran.

He saw Ran's signature purple particles and he squeaked in joy.

Ranboo's Pov

He was a bit disappointed when he didn't get to see the winner of the fight, but he could assume it would of been Tom if the man knew the rules of a duel which was blankly obvious that he didn't.

He felt Tom send him a emotion of unbridled joy and he saluted to Techno before teleporting to Tom.

He opened his eyes to hear chirps of joy from Tom.

Tom was looking stunning.

His red suit matched his golden hair that's elevated by torch light. His usually red eyes now a icy blue. His vibrant black wings cradled his arms.

He really had no words to say.

He loved this boy.

He shock his head to get out of his daze and walked over to Tom to get a closer look.

"This was definitely Eret's handy work." He nodded as he grabbed onto the fabric.

The shirt felt like it was made of velvet and he realized it had slight purple accents scattered in not so noticeable spots, like in the ruffles of his sleeves and under his arms.

He was a bit embarrassed that he noticed the spots and even more so that Eret most likely put the purple because he knew he would notice.

"I got the weird sleeves!" Tom cheered, throwing his arms up and down.

This was one of the times he remembered that Tom missed out on living and didn't have the best life to return to.

It was the reason they were delaying talking about their decision. They knew they couldn't delay it forever and they worked their hardest so they had a excuse to tell Tom in why they couldn't discuss their thoughts.

No one wanted Tom to go. He brought so much joy to their lives. He wanted Tom to stay, even if he could never tell him how he felt. Tom just being he, and being his friend, was enough for him. Just being able to hold him would be enough.

"Ran? Is there something wrong?" Tom ask, hugging him.

"I don't want you to go." He whispered as he cried.