
Forever In Your Eyes

[Mature Content] Mahiru, from a humble background facing financial challenges, wins a scholarship to a prestigious university usually attended by wealthy students. But instead of a warm welcome, she faces harsh bullying and prejudice from her affluent peers who look down on her. In a university where privilege reigns, Mahiru faced challenges in pursuing a normal, happy university life. However, her life takes an unexpected twist when Daichi Hakuto, the most alluring and wealthiest student in the entire country, joins her class. As their lives become intertwined, Mahiru and Daichi experience a love unlike any other, facing together the challenges of class divisions and societal expectations. Will their love endure the relentless pressures of their separate worlds? or will fate intervene to keep them apart? "Forever In Your Eyes" weaves a story of love, ambition, and the indomitable human spirit confronting adversity. [I wasn't quite sure how to sum up the story because there are so many surprising twists and turns, along with hidden plots that I couldn't fit into a synopsis. Don't forget to give it a try. Thank you!]

HydenHayes · 现代言情
6 Chs


Mahiru and Daichi locked eyes in a quiet moment.

Daichi spoke up, breaking the silence, "I forgot my pen. Could you lend me one?" Mahiru remained mesmerized, her focus fixed on him.

Suddenly, a girl seated in front of Daichi intervened, extending a pen toward him. "Here, you can use mine," she offered.

Daichi accepted the pen without shifting his gaze from Mahiru.

Daichi refocused on his book, pen in hand, and started writing. 

"If you need any more help, just ask," the girl offered him reassurance. Daichi stayed immersed in his task, paying no attention to her offer.

Rose turned to Mahiru in frustration. "What's the matter? He asked for your pen."

"I'm sorry," Mahiru replied gently, "I just couldn't react."

"Try to be more responsive, Mahiru," Rose pressed her. Mahiru nodded and turned her focus back to books…..

During the lunch break, while students unpacked their lunch boxes, Daichi sat empty-handed, his head resting on his hand, elbow propped on the desk, his expression serious and devoid of emotion.

Suddenly, Taku's girlfriend, who had previously insulted Mahiru, approached Daichi at his desk, capturing everyone's attention, including Mahiru's.

"Hi, I'm Rui," Taku's girlfriend introduced herself to Daichi. "Why aren't you eating? It's lunchtime," she queried, concerned.

Daichi met her gaze. "I forgot to bring my lunch," he confessed with a lack of enthusiasm.

"That's tough luck," Rui responded with a sympathetic expression. "Especially with the canteen closed for maintenance today. But don't worry, we can share my lunch. I have burgers, chicken rice, and more. We can eat together."

Standing alongside Rui, Taku added, "Yeah join us for lunch and a game of basketball? I'm Taku, the captain of the basketball team."

Daichi's expression stayed serious, "No thanks" as he declined.

A wave of shock swept through the entire class.

"Please join us and let's be friends," pleaded Rui. "Since you forgot your lunch, share a meal with us. It would mean a lot." 

"No, I'm not interested in joining you for lunch," firmly stated Daichi, his gaze fixed ahead, remaining unfazed.

Rui stood speechless while Daichi remained unmoved, his gaze fixed straight ahead.

As Mahiru opened her lunch box, Daichi's attention was immediately drawn to it.

"Hey, what's in your lunch?" asked Daichi, his gaze fixed on Mahiru. The question made her pause mid-bite, sending shockwaves through their classmates ,Rui and Taku included, who were momentarily stunned.

Mahiru met Daichi's gaze, her face visibly surprised. "S-Sandwiches," she hesitated before answering.

Daichi kept his gaze locked on her. "What are the ingredients?" he asked.

Despite a slight twinge of embarrassment, Mahiru replied with confidence, "I-It's just onions, potatoes, and mayonnaise."

Laughter spread among the students, and Rui joined in with a mocking tone, saying, "Wow, just a basic sandwich? Why not spruce it up with some chicken?"

Even amid the laughter, Daichi stayed composed. "Can I have some?" he gently asked.

A thick silence settled over the classroom, disbelief hanging palpably in the air. Mahiru was especially taken aback, meeting Daichi's gaze with wide-eyed astonishment.

She hesitated briefly before offering her lunch box to him. Daichi accepted a sandwich, taking a bite and declaring, "This is really good. I love it."

Murmurs of astonishment swept through the room. Rui seemed bewildered, even Mahiru couldn't conceal her own surprise.

Daichi turned to Mahiru, inquiring, "Did you make this?"

Mahiru nodded slightly, a hint of awkwardness in her voice. "Yes, i did"

"It's fantastic," Daichi remarked casually "What's your name?" he asked.

"M-Mahiru," she replied softly.

"Nice to meet you, Mahiru," Daichi said warmly. "From now on, you are my friends." he declared.

A stunned silence rippled through the class. Rose looked taken aback, while Mahiru's eyes widened in utter shock, disbelief across her face.

"Whaaat?" Rui's outburst shattered the silence. "Why befriend him? It doesn't make any sense," She exclaimed. "We offered you much better food, yet you chose her awful lunch."

"Food is never awful," Daichi met Rui's gaze squarely. "And I befriend whom I want to," he asserted. "There's nothing you can say or do to change that."

Rui and Daichi exchanged intense gazes; Rui's eyes glinted with anger, while Daichi's expression remained serious. Despite simmering with frustration, Rui reluctantly returned to her desk, with Taku following closely behind her.

Rose leaned in close to Mahiru, "Congratulations, Mahiru. You two are friends now." she whispered 

"But why?" Perplexed, Mahiru replied "We're not really compatible."

"Don't overlook this," Rose gently urged. "He reached out to you first. That shows he genuinely wants to be your friend." In response Mahiru remained in silence and seemed confused…..

As the school day drew to a close, students started packing their bags. Daichi quickly gathered his belongings and left the classroom without acknowledging Mahiru. Rose observed, "He didn't even say goodbye to you." she said to Mahiru.

"Why would he?" Mahiru shrugged. "We're not friends."

"But you are," Rose insisted. 

Mahiru stood up from her desk, "I don't think so," she said, In response Rose simply nodded and seemed disappointed.

Exiting the classroom, Mahiru and Rose found themselves outside the school, where a crowd had gathered, all eyes fixed on something ahead.

Curious, they joined the throng and spotted Daichi seated on his bike, engrossed in his phone. 

Adorned with gloves and holding a helmet, he seemed completely absorbed in his conversation on the phone.

"He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen," whispered one girl. "And wealthy too, he's practically perfect."

Another chimed in, "Just look at his bike, it's probably worth more than this entire school."

Mahiru absorbed the chatter silently as Daichi donned his helmet, revved his bike, and rode off into the distance, leaving a trail of admiration in his wake…..

"Mom, I'm home," Mahiru called out as she entered her house.

"How did the interview go?" her mother inquired.

Mahiru sighed. "I didn't get it, but I'll keep searching," 

"Don't worry, dear," her mom reassured with a smile. "Your hard work will pay off, and I'm sure you'll find a job soon."

Grateful for her mother's encouragement, Mahiru retreated to her room, determined to continue her job hunt…..

The following day, Mahiru found herself in the school's waiting area, their classroom undergoing cleaning. Seated beside Rose on a bench, Rose probed, "So, have you spoken to Daichi since then?"

Mahiru shook her head with a touch of resignation in her voice, "I doubt he'll want to talk to me again. His standards seem quite high, and I don't think he'd see me as a friend."

"Despite his wealth and popularity," Rose mused, "I sense there's a simplicity to him. Choosing a simple sandwich over luxury food says a lot about his character."

"I've been wondering the same," Mahiru pondered, "Why did he choose my ordinary lunch?"

Suddenly, fear crossed Mahiru's face as she saw Rui, Taku, and their group approaching.

Mahiru and Rose exchanged uneasy glances as Rui stepped in front of Mahiru and commented, "So you're the type of girl Daichi wants to be friends with."

As Mahiru nervously attempted to respond, Rui's friend interrupted, "What does Daichi even see in her? She's below average."

Suddenly, a shift in the atmosphere caught their attention as students behind them grew excited, chatting eagerly. Rui and her group turned around to see every student gazing and some of students gathering near the school's main gate.

Mahiru's eyes shot towards the Main gate as a jet black Lamborghini thundered into the school grounds, its powerful engine echoing through the air. The car came to a smooth stop, exuding an aura of undeniable confidence. Daichi emerged from the Lamborghini with the grace of a panther, his silhouette cutting a sharp figure against the sunlight. Sporting sleek sunglasses, he confidently closed the door behind him, the car's sleek lines reflecting the midday sun. Daichi then began to walk directly toward Rui.

Rui's heart raced with excitement as Daichi made his way towards her, the group erupted into smiles and chatter. Mahiru watched silently as Daichi approached, his presence commanding attention.