
Arsenal's Bad Start

In the first round, Arteta attacked and Chamberlain defended.

Lucky stood by and watched.

Arteta was a player with a balanced technical level of skill. No point stood out, but there was no weak point.

The only weakness he had was that he couldn't play well under pressure. Arteta was always able to show beautiful ball skills when facing weaker teams. But, when he faced tough teams like Manchester United and Liverpool, he would become invisible in the midfield in the minutes

So it was easy to limit Arteta, just give him enough pressure.

On the pitch, Arteta has already started to advance, Chamberlain's breakthrough ability was good, but the defensive skills were sloppy.

Kai could have a chance to break through, let alone Arteta.

When Arteta, the Spanish player, passed Oxlade-Chamberlain with his brilliant skills, this guy started to request rematches.

Kai smiled at Chamberlain's exuberance. Happy that Oxlade has forgotten his worries.

Arteta smiled, passed the ball, and said, "That is enough defending. It is time for you to attack."

Hearing this, Chamberlain's eyes lit up.

Compared to defense, he was more confident in making breakthroughs.

And recently, in the constant battle with the defensive might of Le Kai, he felt that his skills had become sharper.

Lucky also thought the same, although Chamberlain was not a player who is known for his breakthroughs in the future. However, as the two continued to practice against each other, Chamberlain's growth in breakthroughs was not small.

At this point, Chamberlain has already started. His feet were dancing with the ball and approaching slowly.

Arteta lowered his center of gravity and waited for the opponent to break through.

Kai saw Arteta spread his legs slightly, revealing a gap between his legs. It was obvious that he tempted Chamberlain to for the nutmeg.

If it was before, Chamberlain would have been fooled. But the trick has already been used by Kai, Chamberlain would not be fooled.

Sure enough, Chamberlain took advantage of Arteta's overstretched legs and kept changing directions.

Two months of training strengthened Chamberlain's ability to abruptly change direction.

But in the end, Arteta with his experience took advantage of the change of direction and made a decisive move to complete the steal.

Chamberlain was shocked and stood there blankly. Sighing, he walked to the side while going over the mistakes he made in his head.

Next was Lucky.

"Need a break?" Lucky asked aloud.

Arteta was not on the bus for today's game. It is very likely that he was injured and was returning to training.

"No, I'm not tired," Arteta said with a smile.

Kai smiled, then took a deep breath and squatted down slowly.

Now standing in front of him was a top Premier League player.

Although he also had experience in defending the Arsenal team in the warm-up match, Le Kai was not particularly clear about the level of his defensive ability in the European football world.

This was a good opportunity to test.

Looking at the serious Lucky, Arteta also put away his smile.

Patrice had said that in the entire Arsenal, only Van Persie had a chance to dribble past Lucky.

This made Arteta want to test for the truth.


Arteta shouted and swung the ball forward.

Le Kai quickly moved forward a bit and kept a distance of one meter.

Lucky had a clear understanding of his defense.

You can't keep too far away from the opponent, or it becomes easy to be eaten by fast players.

To this end, he took the initiative to move forward every time, fighting close to his body.

Secondly, he was well aware of Arteta's weaknesses.


Kai's defensive moves were very standard, which made Arteta unable to find a good opportunity for a while.

But if he couldn't find opportunities, he will make one himself. He was a Spanish player after all. With gorgeous skills at his feet, he began to make fake moves frequently.

But Kai stared straight at the ball not being fooled by Arteta with his foresight.

Arteta made a brief pause, and then suddenly flicked the ball to the left.

But at the same time, Lucky was also decisive.

Chamberlain on the sidelines grinned, "Come on Kai!"

Arteta staggered a bit and stopped. At the same time, he turned to look at Lucky who was stepping on the ball, and said with a look of surprise, "How do you know that I'm going to break through from the left?"

Le Kai said with a smile, "Intuition."

Arteta smiled and passed the ball to Kai, "It's your turn."

Lucky started to run over with the ball.

Compared to his defensive skills, Lucky's breakthrough was not that good.

Fake moves could be described as clumsy and holding the ball relied on physical confrontation.

In the end, Arteta stabbed the ball from the middle of Kai's feet.

Lucky shook his head helplessly.

He still needed more practice.

At this time, Arteta stepped on the ball, "Continue?"

Lucky said; "Continue!"

For the second breakthrough, Arteta began to change his approach. With his back facing Kai, Arteta made a change of direction to break through to the left but abruptly stopped and moved the ball and his body to the right performing this in one fluid motion.

Lucky was shocked. This was a move made famous by the Dutch, Frenkie de Jong.

But he quickly recovered thanks to his alertness and foresight.

A sliding tackle was used to dispossess Arteta due to the distance he gained.

Arteta stood there with a solemn expression on his face.

The defensive skills of Kai surprised him.

As far as Arteta's current career was concerned, he has never seen such decisive in a tackle.

This was the same as foresight.

On the other side, Lucky also had a solemn expression.

He stared at his palm.

He followed Patrice for two months of special training.

His body was much stronger than before, but even so, in the face of a Spanish-style technical player, he did not win in the physical confrontation.

Arteta's body was not the strongest if he couldn't put enough pressure on him then he would suffer in the league

"I have to practice more!"

Arteta turned his head and said, "Continue?"

Le Kai immediately turned around and succinctly said, "Continue!"


In the evening, the Arsenal bus quietly returned to the training base.

[Tactical room]

Wenger finally said; "Don't think too much about today's game, and train as usual tomorrow! Disband!"

The players left in turn.

But their expressions are not very nice.

In the first round of the Premier League, they faced Newcastle United, the 14th-placed team last season, even if they played away, they thought could win.

But the whole game, they played in a daze.

During the whole game, there were too many problems.

The defensive line made frequent mistakes.

The midfield couldn't hold the ball and couldn't move forward!

Lastly, the striker had to retreat to receive the ball.

It can be said that they played poorly.

Arsenal's main players all had ugly expressions. They walked out of the tactical room silently without any communication.

After everyone was gone, the Professor let out a slow sigh and lightly hammered the table with his right hand.

Today's game was so suffocating

*Dong Dong*

Wenger turned his head to look and found that Patrice and Arteta came in.

Seeing Arteta, the professor's mood improved a lot.

After all, someone was available.

"How is your injury recovery?" the professor asked kindly.

Arteta shook his arm and said with a smile; "The team doctor said, keep up the recovery for another two weeks."

Professor nodded, and then he noticed that Arteta was sweating profusely. This was not normal sweating, and he couldn't help frowning; "You should recuperate, not do strenuous exercise."

In this regard, Arteta smiled awkwardly and said; "I couldn't hold back, I haven't played for a while!"

Patrice smiled and said, "How did he do?"

Arteta said with a serious face; "He has a strong sense of stealing, an excellent sense of positioning, and at intercepting passes. If possible, I hope he can become my partner in the midfield."

Hearing this, Patrice was stunned.

He didn't expect Arteta to have such a high opinion of Lucky.

Wenger said with some doubt, "What are you talking about?"

Patrice explained briefly which piqued Wenger's interest.

"He defended against you?"

Arteta smiled bitterly, "The defense is very good, so my breakthrough success rate was low."

Although Arteta was a little bitter, he was also happy to get such a partner.

Arteta's style of play lacked a physical edge, and if he got a good defensive partner it will make his job easier.

And Lucky was a good fit for this role.

"Not yet." Wenger shook his head and said, "His labor certificate has not been issued yet."

Hearing the words, Arteta was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Lucky was Asian and that he needed special genius certification.

"Alright." Arteta said regretfully.

After saying a few more words, Arteta went back.

Wenger asked, "How are they doing?"

Patrice said: "The progress is very fast, especially the little lucky."

"Little lucky?" Wenger was surprised,

Patras said with a smile; "The nickname Billy gave him; his Chinese name pronunciation sounds like luck"

Wenger couldn't help laughing.

"Arsenal does need some luck."

Wenger then went into contemplation and said; "Let them join the training together tomorrow"