

A fantasy parody heavily inspired by Dungeon and Dragons. Does this novel take itself seriously? Fuck no. Is it good? Probably not. A young hero with massive forearms goes on an adventure, after being kicked out of the house at 2 and a half years old.

GodOfGrammor · 奇幻
12 Chs

A first scar CHP 2

MLML appeared on the scene that he and Craig saw from a distance. He felt saddened by the horrors that were occurring in the small town of Greenflower.

To his left, he saw an injured Stick-Dragon feeding on the corpse of a young boy. He was more than likely, not older than 10 years old. The sight made MLML's stomach churn, this was a lot to take in for someone who just turned a year in a half. His forearms started to tingle as anger welled inside him.

In front of him, there was an offensive being mounted against the oncoming herd of 20 dragons. There are 10 farmers wearing nothing but clothes to protect them from the sharpened claws of the stick-dragons. For weapons, they only had pitchforks and rusty aged short swords. They were clearly on the losing side of the battle. There were several bodies from both sides spread around in from on MLML.

To his right, he saw his lifelong friend of 7 months staring at his house that is in flames. A morning wind is blowing hot blaze orange embers into the air. MLML knows the fire is in full effect and there is no hope for his friend's house.

That was when he heard Craig mutter, "father" in a somber tone. MLML then realized that sticking outside of the window was a corpse that was charred black beyond recognition. He was unable to escape the roaring fire and likely died from his burns.

MLML knew Craig's father was the only one remaining member of his family. He knew they were close and also bonded similarly to Igneal and MLML.

A split second later a dragon broke through the offensive that the farmers were briefly holding. Without warning, it wrapped its jaws around Craig's head and part of his torso.

MLML ran to try and help his friend, who was on the verge of being torn apart by this vile lizard right before him. He lept in the air and grabbed the dragon. One hand on the snout and the other on its bottom jaw. He sent all the power he could to his forearms, as he ripped the jaws of the raptor open, with more force than the jaws of life could muster.

In the process of prying the dragon off of Craig, he got sliced by the yellow serrated teeth. He barely felt any pain as he folded the dragon's head like broken scissors. It fell to the ground with a thump as he turned his friend's shoulders towards him.

MLML thought he had made it in time. He was wrong, a single wound was afflicted to Craig's neck. One of the dragon's teeth had caught his throat. His artery was severed and spewed blood all over MLML's massive forearms.

Craig looks MLML in the eyes gathering the last of his remaining strength.

"You were like a stronger little brother to me"

A single tear falls from MLML's eye and plops onto Craig's blood-stained forehead.

"Craig don't you dare die on me you were my greatest competitor, nobody has forearms anywhere near the size of you in Greenflower".

Craig smiles halfway as blood gurgles out of his Grievous wound.

"I think my Dad was se…"

The life fades from Craig's true green eyes as he slumps into MLML's forearms.

MLML finally notices the wound on his own arm. His first true scar from his first life-or-death battle.