

The nurse set the bag on the table as well before asking Cora if she could grab a thick comforter and a couple of pillows. Cora hurried off to grab the requested items. When she came back, the nurse Anne took the blanket and folded it several times before laying it on the dining room table. She put the pillows at one end of the blanket.

Anne began pulling several items out of the medical bag. She pulled out a long surge protector that she plugged into a wall outlet before plugging in the ultrasound machine. She also pulled out a scale which she asked Cora to step onto. Anne recorded the weight onto a chart.

"Can you tell me the date that Claire first wanted human food?" Dr. Felder asked. Jared thought for a minute before responding with the date three months and fifteen days ago.

"Does that correspond with the weight, my dear?" Dr. Felder asked his mate.