
Forbidden Heaven’s Descendants (The Chosen One)

‘The pit of love has emerged. Let all cursed hearts jump into it.’ — The feared princes of the seven elemental lines are all cursed for their sins, each with a harsher binding than the last. Unfortunately, they know not of the way to break this everlasting curse that taints their immortality other than the fact that the answer lies with a certain blue-haired maiden. Alfina — also known as Blue — lives a fairly ordinary life among the lower class. At least, that’s until she encounters the seven immortal princes that will wage war just to have her. Overjoyed for getting the chance to become an elite in the sand-line, she embarks on a new turnaround in her life. Yet, this new life for Blue brings about challenges that she has never faced before— she has to adjust to the strict rules of the high house but that is the least of the obstacles tossed in her way. And when the heavens set a deadline to put an end to the reign of the princes, who amongst the cursed will ultimately attain the reprieve they’ve always desired and be free from the bondage of heaven and its punishment? Now that the peace that has been forged is broken, will the fabled ‘true love’ be able to triumph above it all? — “I did not touch any of my wives this month, Blue, I couldn't bring myself to.” His fruity voice grazed her ears. Gulping unsurety down her throat, she asked, “Why did you do that, your eminence?” Her head was still bowed in respect. “All that ravages my senses now is your delicious lavender scent. Your blue hair should be sown into garments for they are all I want to drape over my skin. Your mysterious blue eyes follow me everywhere I go even in your absence.” His strong hand raised her tender chin so that she could look him in the eye. As her eyes interlocked with his usually-empty ones, she noticed that they were graced with emotions this time. She took a hesitant step back. “Your eminence...” That was all that could escape her shaky lips. She could still feel his breath on her face. “I abandoned my monthly duties, Blue. You might not know but I am going to suffer gravely for it. Until I figure out what you have done to me, I am going to be punished every month.” She heard a chuckle but still, she could not merge her gaze with his. “But it's okay, Blue. If it's for you, I will suffer for a month and thousands more.” _____ Follow my Instagram; @_HeeSha_TA Discord; @HeeSha_TA #7559

HeeSha_TA · 奇幻言情
270 Chs

_Fionn suffers the most

Embracing his brother, "You do know you look younger than me right?" Cargan said.

"Yes, younger and pale. Well, none of us could look as young as Bor when he fails to meet up with his requirements." Fionn had joked and chuckled.

Cargan took his seat back on the study chair. "You are exceptionally cold today," he noted and enunciated for his brother to hear.

"Yes, what do I say? I get sick every month and being cold is one of its symptoms." Fionn shrugged.

Cargan knew his brother was here for a reason. The reason he was yet to state.

"It would have been nice if all of that ice is directed into the nature and we can once again have our drinks iced and nice." Cargan sarcastically pointed out.

Fionn's face went serious. "Ice is the least of my problem now Cargan. People are dying in my line. They are catching the bond disease and are dying." he said, sadness evident in his tone.

Cargan took a sip of his wine and watched his brother take a sit on of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Which of your brothers fails in meeting up with their requirements this time? I haven't failed for up to a decade now." Cargan said.

Fionn was nodding and tapping his fingers on Cargan's desk. "Last three months, it was Bor. This time—" he was saying when Cargan cut him off.

"I see no reason why Bor should fail in meeting his requirements. Helping a woman in labor give birth to a newly born shouldn't be so hard."

"Yeah, well the last woman he helped out pooped on his hands while laboring and he promised himself not to do it again. At least, not until he suffered death and growing up last three months and he knew which was more torturing. But brother, I suffered with him and I tell you, it was not a nice experience. I witnessed my own life leaving my body then returning while my joints became unmoveable like that of a newly born." Fionn's voice was rising with anger.

In this situation, Cargan wasn't supposed to laugh but he couldn't help it.

He laughed.

A laboring mother pooped on Bor's hands?

That must have been hurtful to his egocentric brother. Bor was by far the most prideful one among them all.

"The pain wasn't as fun as you are laughing now brother." Fionn pointed out sternly.

Right, he shouldn't laugh.

"So who was it this time?"

"Not just this time. Last month and this month. It is Adramelech. Although, strangely, he failed consecutively for two months now after the miraculous healing he had eighteen years ago."

That was true. He had almost forgotten about it.

Adramelech was very sick as his curse was one of the most excruciating as he had to burn over and over again.

Divine persons in his line were catching the bond disease until Adramelech got cured just in the middle of the month and all the ill ones in his line were cured instantly.

Till now, their brother had refused to share the secret behind his sudden healing with them.

Although all the high priestesses in all the lines had been on it up till now. Trying to locate the source of that miracle.

It could be the breakthrough to being free from all of this.

Yet, they could find none.

"Now, I am beginning to believe Adramelech really does not know the source of the healing eighteen years ago. Because if he knew, why suffer again?" Fionn's voice broke his thoughts.

Cargan looked up at his brother's face. His skin was vampire pale and there were beads of sweat dripping down his face.

The fact that he was the prince of ice and he had to burn along with the prince of flame was a big contrast to his nature.

His ice would be battling with the flame engulfing him. That would explain the nonstop dripping of sweat and how whitish his skin was.

Of all his brothers, he feared Fionn the most.

Who wouldn't fear a man who suffers the curse of all the six other immortals and could still stand on his feet, here talking to him casually?

Fionn was indeed the most powerful of them all.

He had to gulp down the chill that ran over him. "Is it so hard to find virgins now?" he asked.

"I think all the girls are fucking now. Even the teenage ones. Unless Adramelech wants to mate with a child, which I doubt that he would, then he would keep on failing to meet his requirements." answered Fionn.

Then humorously, "Brother has mated with all the virgins in his line. Now there's none. I tried scouting for one for him but she was a false one. I gifted Adrain her. Now, we need a more assured maiden that we are sure is still chaste."

Cargan was listening with rapt attention.

His brother was finally stating the reason for his being here.

"Why don't you allow Adramelech to do the work himself?" He couldn't help but wonder.

He was as sick as this and still running around to help Adramelech?

"Don't you get why my curse is to suffer with you all? It is just so I could help you all in meeting up with your requirements. That is my own requirement. Making sure you all do not fail so that I can not suffer" the tapping movements of his finger on the desk halted.

His brother was right. He has always been thinking Fionn was helpless and had no requirements. But it seemed Fionn had gotten it figured out.

His own requirement was to see to them all meeting up with their requirements. If none of them failed, Fionn was saved.

Still, there was one more slot to this puzzle.

With a dimmed eyes, "So how can I help out in this situation?" he inquired.

Now, Fionn smiled.

"Your high house dolls."