
Chapter 57: Snooping around.

After Marcellus dumped all the poisoned food in the incinerator, and all the poisoned drinks in the water purifier, he headed inside the castle.

Two days. That was how long he had to uncover something that had plagued these lands for as long as he had been in servitude.

Something told him that, mobs with a contract, were excluded from the foggy mindset that seemed to affect all the countrymen and women.

No one barred his entrance to the castle, and he headed for the underground. Sure that, if there was something hiding in the castle, it was down there. If it was not, he would go to the abandoned west wing, where the old royal apartments were.

Taking a torch from the wall, he descended. The underground of the castle, if his memories served him correctly, was made up of three parts.

A cellar, the dungeons, and the wine cellar. He headed for the dungeons. Sometimes, the most obvious thing was the answer. At least, that was his experience.