

"Why? Mr. Chairman, those are all players I carefully selected. They can definitely enhance the strength of our Crystal Palace."

Daowei's eyes widened, he was surprised, confused, and a little angry.

"Really? Mr. Dawe, can you explain to me why a dozen players on this list all belong to the same agency?"


Daowei was speechless and couldn't answer for a while.

 In the past, he usually found people from three or four brokerage companies and then submitted them to the club owner.

 But this is very troublesome. Secondly, if there are more people sharing the money, he will naturally get less.

 So this time he just bullied Chen Ran because he was a rookie from the East and didn't understand the rules.

 However, it was obvious that he had miscalculated.

"You can't tell, right? You colluded with the agency to get money from the club. Mr. Dawe, do you think if I tell the media about this, will you still be able to find a job in English football in the future?"

 Chen Ran's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Chen, you may have misunderstood. In fact, in British football, it is common practice for coaches to charge some benefits when transferring."

 The calmer Chen Ran became, the more nervous Daowei became. His forehead was now starting to sweat.

"Oh, is that so? Then let me ask the Sun reporter if this behavior is normal."

 After saying that, Chen Ran took out his mobile phone and started looking for the phone number.

"don't want!"

"Mr. Chen, I was wrong. I was confused for a moment. Please forgive me once."

Daowei quickly begged for mercy, he did not want to lose his reputation.

 Because the coaches of English clubs have great power, it is an unspoken rule to charge benefits during transfers.

 But how can such a thing see the light of day?

 Death in the face of light is inevitable.

Dawei still wants to continue playing in English football, but he doesn't dare to let Chen Ran expose the matter.

"Then you can resign voluntarily, and I won't ask for liquidated damages."

"What? Resign? Mr. Chen, I am the person who knows the team best. I can definitely bring Crystal Palace to the Premier League. I hope Mr. Chen will give me another chance."

Daowei is very upset now. He has not received any benefits, but his job is not guaranteed.

"Mr. Dawe, do you think I will continue to trust you now?"

Looking at Chen Ran's always calm expression, Daowei's heart sank, it was over.

During this period, as the conflict between Beckham and Ferguson became public, as well as the flying shoe incident that was constantly hyped by the media, and the rumors of his transfer to Real Madrid, the attention of the English media was attracted to Beckham.

 However, today, with an official announcement from Crystal Palace, everyone's attention has been drawn back.

"The head coach Mr. Dawe has submitted his resignation due to personal reasons, which has been approved by the club. I would like to thank Mr. Dawe for his contribution to the club and wish him all the best in the future. In addition, the club has decided to appoint Mr. Chen Ran as the team's interim coach to lead the team. The team competes in the new season of the English Championship."

The club president appoints himself as the team's head coach?

 Everyone was stunned by Chen Ran's feat.

 "Surprise or shock? That Chinese guy always brings us new things."

 "A farce, the future of Crystal Palace is in doubt."

 "Mr. Chen, you should apply for the Guinness Book of Records."

"Exclusive news, that Chinese guy actually has a UEFA A-level coaching certificate, and he can indeed coach the English Championship team."

"Did the Chinese fire Mr. Dawe so that he could become the head coach?"

  "A sudden change of head coach during the pre-season preparations will put Crystal Palace in trouble for next season."

"Latest news from bookmakers, money betting on Crystal Palace's relegation next season has surged."

 Suddenly, there were far fewer reporters following Beckham 24 hours a day. This also made Beckham finally breathe a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help but thank Chen Ran in his heart.

On the other side, faced with reporters rushing towards him like a tide in Qiantang, Chen Ran had the foresight to hide, leaving only Stephen to deal with it.

"Dear journalists, don't worry. In three days, Mr. Chen will hold a press conference at the club to introduce the signings of the Crystal Palace Club in the new season. You are welcome to attend."

At this time, Chen Ran was answering an overseas phone call from Louis in the office.

 "Chen, Thiago Silva is worth 500,000 euros, and Maicon is worth 1.5 million euros. The contracts have been signed."

"Well done, Louis. Take the time to bring them back. I will hold a press conference to introduce the new players in three days. Don't miss it."


 Because Dawei was fired by Chen Ran, and several assistant coaches who worked with him also left, so now Chen Ran must start taking over the team's training and other matters.

 Fortunately, he has a football manager system. Through the system, Chen Ran selected a physical coach and a goalkeeper coach. They were both people with good abilities but no reputation.

This kind of people who haven't had a chance to prove themselves are cheap and easy to use. Chen Ran sent people to recruit them and followed them back.

 At the same time, he also called Guardiola, Simeone and Southgate together in advance.

"Okay, you all know things. In the coming season, I will serve as the team's interim head coach, and the three of you will be assistant coaches. Are there any questions?"

 "Mr. Chen, don't you plan to hire another head coach?"

 Southgate hesitated for a moment, but finally asked.

 He already regretted returning to the Crystal Palace. He didn't expect Chen Ran to be so unreliable. He felt like he was on his pirate ship.

"Actually, I asked, but the person didn't agree. You also know the situation at Crystal Palace. The famous coaches don't like us, and I don't like the second-level coaches. So I thought, why not leave the opportunity to you three? indivual."


 The three of them looked at each other.

 "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"Yes, it's exactly what you guessed."

"My plan is to observe your performance this season and then select the most suitable candidate to take over as the head coach of the team."

"After all, as the president of the club, it is unreasonable for me to serve as the head coach. Firstly, you don't have the corresponding coaching certificate yet, and secondly, I don't know which of you is more suitable. So I have to temporarily serve as the head coach. "

 "So that's how it is"

 After hearing what Chen Ran said, the three of them suddenly became excited.

 It seems that Mr. Chairman really values ​​us very much.

 This head coach's position was originally reserved for us.

Thinking of this, whether it was Guardiola, Simeone or Southgate, their previous dissatisfaction with Chen Ran's absurd behavior disappeared instantly.

The three of them looked at each other again, and they all saw the burning fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

This position of head coach belongs to me, both of you should step aside.

Seeing the three people who were now full of fighting spirit, Chen Ran picked up the coffee and took a sip.