
Chapter 2

Even though he decided to give his new job a chance, Mike still had a slight fear over the girls he was hired to watch. He tried to ignore it but, in the end, it he found out that he should have listened to that fear. Now he was captured, tied up and stuck between a bloodthirsty robotic pirate and a deadly fall.

"So, what be ya fate boy?" Foxy asked, raising her sharp hook to gently caress his face. "Give your heart to me or the depths of the locker?"

"Can't there be a third option?" Mike asked, wincing at the sharp object touching his face.

"A third option? …Would you choose that option?"

"Between the other two, most likely.

"Hmm… Okay then: Forfeit."


"Aye. You forfeit your chance to choose and I get to choose for you."

The captured human cried out in pain as he felt something pierce his flesh and enter his innards. All he could do was close his eyes and wait for the ringing in his ears to stop.

"Ringing?" he quickly opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself at the foot of his bed next to his ringing phone. "A dream?"

Mike immediately checked his body for injuries, sighing in relief when he found none other than the bump on his head.

"Not the best dream to have before returning to my job with living animatronics…" he muttered.

Even though Mike was fairly certain that Foxy would not put him in such a situation in the first place, that small fear and doubts that remains in his heart couldn't stop him from wondering. In fact, when he thought about it as he got dressed, while he could understand his lingering doubts, he could not understand why he still possessed any form of fear towards the girls. He now knew he shouldn't fear them at first glance and yet the fear slightly remained. But he had no time to give himself a therapy session for it was time for him to leave for work.

Once he arrived, he found his boss leaning against her office door with her nose in a book.

"Hey, Mike," she greeted, her eyes still glued to her novel.

"Evening, Charlie," the night guard replied. "Hey, um… Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I was just wondering how come I wasn't given a uniform last night." Mike questioned.

Closing her book, Charlie looked up at Mike and answered, "Actually, we stopped giving prospective night guards uniforms since they tend not to return them after they runaway forever."

"Ah," Mike replied, understanding his boss' position. "So, when can I expect to get a uniform?"

"Do you really want to wear a uniform?" she asked, perplexed.

"Well, I should have something that proves that I work here."

"Okay, I'll think of something," Charlie began to take her leave, before suddenly stopping. "By the way, did you meet all the girls last night?"

"Uhm, no. I only officially met Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Mangle," Mike answered, recounting his experiences from the past night.

"Oh… So, you haven't been in the closet I said you didn't have to worry about?"


Mike watched as Charlie bit her lip as if she was trying to contemplate something serious.

"Is something troubling you?" he worriedly asked.

"No, not really," Charlie sighed. "Anyway, good luck with Night 2."

Though confused by her response, Mike could do nothing but theorize Charlie's strange behavior until he heard a familiar voice call out, "Night Guard!"

The new night guard curiously turned around and watched Bonnie and Freddy approach him.

"You really did come back," Bonnie beamed.

"Well… it is my job to come back after all," a slight chuckle escaped through Mike's lips.

"You don't have to downplay it, Night Guard. I think we all appreciate it that you came back," Freddy said. She then placed her left hand on Mike's forehead, causing his cheeks to faintly glow red. "How's your head, by the way?"

"Fine, but… How did you know that I hurt my head?"

"I was there when Bonnie brought you to the show stage after you passed out. I went out to find a bag of ice for you, but everyone disappeared when I got back."

"Well, Foxy kinda got excited and one thing led to another…" Bonnie chuckled awkwardly.

"Speaking of which…" Freddy stared at Mike, her face now sporting a curious look. "Have you met everybody yet?"

"Not everybody," Mike answered. "But before I do that, I better go to my office and take my station."

With a quick salute goodbye, Mike departed for his office.

"Hm… Now that he knows that we're alive, does he really need to stay in his office looking at cameras all night?" Bonnie wondered aloud.

"Well, that is the job he was hired for…" Freddy crossed her arms and pondered Mike's response to her last question. "Bonnie, do you know who he encountered last night?"

"Um… Besides me and Chica, Foxy's the only other one that I know he met. But I really don't know if he met anyone else when he went missing for a little while," Bonnie answered. "Why?"

"…We need to go check the closet," Freddy replied with a grave face.

With Freddy taking the lead, the two animatronics journeyed to the location Charlie directed Mike away from the day he was hired and opened it to find another girl in there.

This animatronic heavily reassembled Freddy but her hair and skin was a golden hue and her eyes were pitch black with white pupils. Also unlike Freddy, this animatronic was missing one of her right ear, allowing her internal wires to jut out from the open space along with a few other rips on her body.

"Uh no…" Freddy mumbled fearfully. "Fredbear, where's Spring-Bonnie?"

The golden animatronic slowly looked up at the two visitors and, in a slow, uninterested tone, answered with, "She said she wanted to check out the new night guard. Said she wanted to see whether they were cute or not."

"Uh oh…" Freddy fretted.

"This isn't good. He definitely is cute," Bonnie worried. "We got to get to his office before she does!"

Meanwhile, Mike sat in front of his monitor observing one of the hallways from the camera stationed there.

"Now that I think about it… Now that I know that the girls are… well, 'alive', if I use the cameras to keep an eye on them, wouldn't that be technically spying on them?" Mike wondered.

Before he could brainstorm the possible answers to that question, his eyes were quickly drawn back to the screen and he curiously watched Freddy and Bonnie frantically past the camera.

"I wonder why Freddy and Bonnie are running around like that," Mike wondered aloud.

Determined to find out what's going on, Mike stood up from his seat only for something soft and golden to be pushed against his face. With his vision now blocked and air supply cut off, Mike could do nothing but try to hold on to what little oxygen he had as he heard someone squee, "You're as cute as I hoped! Yay!"

With his air supply quickly fading, Mike began to wonder the irony of immediately assuming the job would be dangerous after first finding out the animatronics were alive. As he felt the life slipping away from him, oxygen quickly surged back into his body as the source of his trouble was pulled away.

With his vision no longer obstructed, Mike could see Freddy and Bonnie holding an animatronic with gold skin, blonde hair, and purple eyes. She also possessed damaged gold rabbit ears with wires jutting out of them and the many rips in her body and had a big black button settled just above her chest.

"Spring-Bonnie, you can't keep smushing your breasts into the night guards' faces like that. Humans need oxygen," Freddy reminded the golden girl.

"But I can't help myself around cute guys," Spring-Bonnie glanced at Mike as he gasped for air. "And he's really cute."

"Um…" Bonnie's grip on their captive lessened her as she shifted her attention to her partner. "She has a point there, Freddy."

Spring-Bonnie looked up at Freddy with pleading eyes.

"Still… You can't just do that. This is the first night guard in a long time that made it to the second and we wouldn't want him to leave too," Freddy pointed out, releasing her grip.

"Funny enough, I said the same thing to Foxy," Bonnie recalled. "It makes me even more curious about what made him stay after he seemed so scared at first. Hey, Night Guard…"

Bonnie turned her gaze back to Mike, only to find that he was gone. She then turned back to Spring-Bonnie and was shocked to find that she was missing too.

"Not again…" she chuckled awkwardly.

Some distance away, Spring-Bonnie lightly pushed Mike against the wall and gently pressed her chest against his. He found eye contact almost impossible to maintain as she gazed upon him like a predator that has caught their prey.

"Uh…" His ability to speak now failing him, Mike could do nothing but glance down at his captor's hands.

"You know, it's actually been a while since I've met a new night guard," said Spring-Bonnie.

"Really?" Mike glanced back at her, surprised.

"Yeah. The others seem to try their hardest to get them to avoid me on the first night since everyone thinks I scare them away the most."

"Do you scare them away the most?"

"It's not like I try to, it's just that I get really excited at the prospect of spending my few hours outside of the closest with a really cute guy," Spring-Bonnie's face moved closer to Mike's. "Lucky for me, the first one that made it to Night 2 in forever is the cutest one of them all. And he has an accent."

As her face moved even closer to Mike, Spring-Bonnie's advance was immediately interrupted by a hearty, "Yo ho!"

The two turned their attention down the hallway and watched Foxy stroll towards them, casually carrying a treasure chest over her shoulders.

"I see that you're getting well acquainted with the new night guard, Spring Bon-Bon" she said.

"Hey, Foxy. What's in the chest?" Spring-Bonnie asked.

"Treasure of course," she answered with a hearty laugh. "But enough about, I'd keep an eye on the new lad if I were you. He can be really surprising when you get too close."

"What do you mean?" Spring-Bonnie asked.

Using her eyes, the boisterous pirate directed Spring-Bonnie's attention to Mike, only for the robotic bunny to find that he was gone.

"Wha?!" she exclaimed. "How did he-?"

"He's a slippery one, he is," Foxy grinned. "We may have to be the ones to keep an eye on him instead of the other way around."

Foxy let out another hearty laugh as she continued her stroll down the hallway, leaving Spring-Bonnie with a disappointed expression on her face.

Not too far away, Mike closed one of the many hallway doors behind him and let out a sigh of relief.

"I must not be good with girls when they get like that…" he mumbled.

Curious to where he snuck off too, Mike looked around and noticed Mangle sitting on the stage of her cove.

"Mangle?" he called, approaching the animatronic.

The female fox curiously looked up, nearly jumping away from him as she laid eyes on Mike.

"Night Guard?!" Mangle face turned red from embarrassment the moment she realized how loud she was. "I didn't expect you to come here again."

"Well…it is my job to come here every night," Mike said with a slight smile.

Even with his lingering doubts and fears, the young man couldn't help but want to make thing less awkward with Mangle.

"Oh…" the robotic fox replied. "Well, that's good. Everyone deserves the night to themselves… By the way, how come you came into here again?"

"Oh, um…" Mike crossed his arms as he pondered how he could answer that question.

A loud bump in the wall quickly disrupted his train of thought. His eyes, along with Mangle's, were drawn to a nearby vent cover and watched a pair of distinctly human hands move it aside. Soon after, BB slid into the cove and excitedly jumped in front of Mangle.

"Never fear, Mangle! BB's here to save you!" she declared.

"Save me? Save me from what?" Mangle asked.

"From your self-imposed boredom," BB glanced at the vent she came in through. "We'll be using the vents just in case Charlie found a new night guard after the latest one left."

"Um…" Mangle instinctively looked beyond BB, allowing the human-like animatronic to follow her gaze and discover Mike standing behind her.

"Whoa! You're still here?!" BB exclaimed.

"Yeah���" Mike weakly admitted.

"Wow… It's been a while since someone stayed for Night 2."

"I've heard that. But you have admit, this whole thing is hard to take in."

"Ah, still not used to here, huh?" BB silently stared at Mike until an idea came to her. "Wait a minute, what are you in here anyway?"

"Uhm…" Mike's train of thought started up again as he pondered BB's similar question.

"Wait…" BB's eyes furiously scanned the night guard from head to toe. "Still uncomfortable over your job… Hiding out in a supposed out of order area… Face looks flushed from my question… I got it! You're hiding from Spring-Bonnie."

Mike's entire body tensed up. He couldn't believe how easily Balloon Babe guessed his current situation.

"You must not be good around girls like that," BB concluded.

Once again afflicted with surprise, Mike could do nothing but confirm her conclusion with a nod.

"Okay then, let's go," BB said, her face now sporting an excited expression.

"Go? Go where?" the confused night guard asked.

"To my room. I'll make sure that uncomfortable feeling of yours is gone."


"Of course. Livening things up and making people not uncomfortable is literally the reason I was made."

For the third time in their short conversation, Mike was taken aback by BB's response.

"We can even use the vents if you still want to hide from Spring Bon-Bon," she added.

"Are we allowed to do that?" Mike asked.

"Pretty much," BB assured him. "We use it all the time to avoid letting the night guard seeing us."

It was at that point when Mike began to wonder if Bonnie used the vents to sneak into his office or if he simply wasn't paying attention.

"It may have been both," he concluded.

BB then turned her attention to Mangle and tugged her right arm, "Come on Mangle. You've been cooped up in your cove for a while now. Besides, there's nothing to worry about this time."

Mangle worriedly glanced at Mike.

"…Okay," she relented.

"Great! Follow the leader!" BB announced, before sliding back into the vent.

Mike could only gaze upon the vent, bewildered by what just happened.

"Is she always so… energetic?" Mike asked Mangle.

The white fox silently nodded her head.

"Huh… Well, ladies first," Mike stood away from the vent and motioned Mangle to enter first.

Without saying a word, the animatronic fox entered the vent with Mike following close behind by. The two followed BB throughout the vents until they finally reached their location.

"We're here!" she cheerfully announced.

The three crawled out of the vents, surprised by the room they entered.

"BB… This is Marionette's room," Mangle pointed out.

"Huh. I knew I shoulda made dat left toin at Albakoikie," BB replied in a Brooklyn-esque voice. "One day I'll get the Bon-Bons to say that line."

"But they're hardly in a position to say that line," the top flaps of one of the many prize boxes opened up and from the inside rose, Marionette a.k.a. The Puppet. "Especially Spring-Bonnie. She knows the vents like the back of her hand."

"Oi…" Mike sighed. If what Marionette was saying was true, then that meant the vents were no safer than roaming the halls. "Oh well, it's the thought that counts."

Marionette then slowly flipped over the edge of the prize box she currently occupied and landed in front of Mike. The new night guard blankly stared at the surprisingly flexible robot in front of him, wondering what she would do next.

He was cautious as he watched her reach behind herself and brandished a plushie that resembled Mangle.

"What's this for?" Mike asked.

"For staying longer than one night," she answered with a smile. "It is a real accomplishment."

Mike glanced down at the plushie and felt a strange sensation grip at his heart.

"What's wrong?" Marionette asked.

"N-Nothing. Thank you, Marionette," Mike thanked. "It's a really cute plushie."

"Just like who it's based off of," she added.

"Marionette!" Mangle's face turned bright pink as she turned away from the others. "…That's not funny…"

"Well… She's not exactly wrong," Mike said.

Mangle remained silent as her pink face turned even brighter.

"So…" Marionette turned her attention back to Mike. "Why is the new night guard crawling around the vents?"

"He's nervous around Spring Bon-Bon," BB interjected.

"Ah, I see," she sympathized. "But you know, even though she likes flirting with the night guards, Spring-Bonnie isn't a bad person. You should try and get used to her."

"Essentially, you need to learn to deal with forward girls," BB clarified.

"Especially since you can't hide in the vents every night," Marionette added. "They're one of her favorite ways of travel too."

Meanwhile, in the main dining area, Spring-Bonnie sneezed with a large, "ACHOO!"

"Did you just sneeze?" Freddy asked as she swept the room. "How'd you do that?"

"Simple. I just hold my noise and make a weird sound with my lips," Spring-Bonnie answered. "And the only reason I did that was because I got the feeling someone was talking about me."

The gold rabbit sighed and plopped herself down on the show stage.

"I wonder what the new night guard is doing?" she wondered aloud.

"I'm honestly surprised that you're not looking for him right now," Freddy replied.

"Nah. It one thing to encounter him in his office, it's another to actively try and hunt him down. I don't want him to think I'm a psycho stalker."

Freddy shot an amused look at the gold animatronic.

"I'm not!" she insisted. "I'm just really affectionate."

"That's kind of what they all say. Anyway, you may want to tone it down when around him," Freddy suggested. "We want to make it so we don't lose the first night guard who stayed since the last one long ago."

"I guess… But I really can't help myself around cuties like him. And his accent makes it really hard to resist."

Spring-Bonnie then jumped back off the stage and headed for the exit.

"Changed your mind about looking for the Night Guard?" Freddy asked.

"No. I think I'll go see, Mangle," Spring-Bonnie replied. "Someone ought to tell her that she doesn't have to worry about the new night guard."

Spring-Bonnie whistled a short tune as she casually strolled down the hallway and entered Mangle's Cove.

"Mangle, I got some good news!" she shouted only to be met with silence. "Mangle?"

The robotic rabbit looked around the cove and even checked behind the show curtains.

"She's gone?" she gasped, before her eyes were drawn to an open vent. Letting her curiosity guide her, she approached the vent and gazed inside. "Mangle doesn't usually use the vents… Wonder if someone else already got in here before me."

Elsewhere, BB opened another vent cover and announced, "We're here!"

The three crawled through the opening and found themselves in Mike's office.

"This isn't right," BB casually admitted.

"Wait… Anyone can just use the vents to crawl in here?" Mike questioned.

"Yep," BB answered.

Mike, unsure of how to feel about the revelation, allowed gravity to guide him to his seat.

"Maybe we should use the hallways this time?" Mangle suggested.

"Are you saying that I can't navigate the vents?" BB pouted.

"No! I'm not saying that…"

"Just messing with ya, Mangle. Besides, the whole vent thing was for the Night Guard's convenience."

BB looked around the office until another idea popped into her head.

"Wait, I got a better idea!" her face beamed with joy as she rushed out of the office.

"I can see why she's in charge of livening things up," Mike said. "By the way, Mangle, how come you're considered out of order? Nothing seems wrong with you?"

"Oh, well…" the nervous animatronic's body fidgeted as she looked down at the floor. "It's kind of embarrassing to admit."

Before anything more could be said, the two heard a few bumps and knocks in the vents until Spring-Bonnie crawled out towards them.

"There you are, Mangle," she said, as her eyes trailed down to Mike. The moment their eyes met, her face lit up with interest. "With the new night guard. Wait… What are you two doing together?"

"It's a long story…" Mangle replied.

"I see…" Spring-Bonnie wasted no time plopping herself onto Mike. "By the way, Mangle, I don't think you have to worry so much around this guy."

The nervous night guard could do nothing but move as far back in his seat as the affectionate animatronic's face once again moved closer to his.

"So, where were we?" she asked.

"Um… I have an accent?" Mike meekly answered.

"Oh right. Glad you remembered. Now then…"

Suddenly, Spring-Bonnie was pulled from atop of Mike by the other animatronic fox of the facility, Foxy.

"Again…" the golden girl complained.

"Sorry, lass," Foxy chuckled at Spring-Bonnie's annoyed expression, "But we need the night guard's attention for a moment."

"Me?" Mike asked.

"Aye. Turn you fleshy spy glass to the entrance," Foxy instructed.

Mike looked at all the possible entrances into his office and asked, "Which one?"

Foxy strolled to Mike, turned his chair at the right doorway and yelled, "He's ready!"

Soon, Chica wheeled a cake into the office, followed by Freddy, Bonnie and Marionette.

"Surprise!" they sang.

Mike blankly stared at the cake, before looking up at the girls.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"We're just showing our appreciation in you staying," Bonnie explained.

"And to do that, I spent my time in the kitchen baking you an appreciation cake so we could have something to surprise you with," Chica added with a bright smile.

"Wait, you mean that everything that happened so far tonight was just a ploy to surprise me?" Mike questioned.

"Not really," Freddy shook her head. "We had no idea where you disappeared to until Marionette told us you were travelling the vents with BB and Mangle."

Once again, Mike silently looked down at the cake, hit with the same sensation he felt earlier.

"Doing such a thing, just because I stayed…" the sensation hit him harder and harder until he finally felt something hot come out of his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Spring-Bonnie worriedly asked.

"Yeah…" he replied, wiping the tears from his eyes."It's just… I can't remember the last time anyone did something this nice for me…"

The second after his confession, BB rushed into the room with a handful of balloons.

"Time to liven things up in here!" she announced, before realizing that the other girls were in the room. "Were you guys having a party without me?"

"When is it a party without you?" Chica giggled.

When the clock hit 6 am yesterday, Mike was plagued with fear and doubt. But when that time came for him to leave today, he felt as if that doubt was almost completely gone from his heart.