

Princess Zaria rode to her favourite planes as soon as her father dismissed her guards. She no longer needed them because the kingdom of Ranic was no longer a threat. Fresh air, sweet scent of azaleas, temporal freedom and complete revival of her soul washed over her. Being in her sanctuary had that effect on her. Instead of stopping at her favourite spot, she rode past it and headed towards Oscar's ranch. She prayed and hoped that his workers were still away. He had cockily told her that they would not be around for a week the last time she was there, but things change all the time. She hoped they didn't. Now outside the ranch, she carefully scanned it for any signs of life. It was as quiet as it was the last time she was there. She exhaled loudly before riding into the stables and securing her mare. Hope and some relief washed over her when she saw his stallion. She could not help herself but run her hands over its silky coat.

"Hey big guy," she greeted it, looking into its big brown eyes.

The horse only grunted before swinging its tail to repel insects.

"Take care of my Olympus, will you?" she asked before turning around to leave only to come face to face with the man who has evaded all her dreams.

Cowboy hat on his head, lips parted with a witty smile lighting up his handsome face. Her eyes landed on her bare chest. His sun kissed sexy abs were completely exposed making her gasp. The tight cowboy pants and heeled boots made him the most enthralling cowboy she had ever seen.

Too embarrassed by her unrestrained lecherous actions, she forced her eyes to look away.

"My Love,"his husky voice greeted, making her heart race. Oh, how she longed to hear that mischievous voice in the past four days she did not hear from him.

"How did you do it?" she blurted, still avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Do what, My Love?"his calm tone made her heart race even faster.

"You took care of Ranic like you said you would," she explained knowing too well that he was deliberately acting dumb. She had doubted him when he made her the promise. This was his way of reminding her of that. She could bet her life on the fact that he knew that she would come to him.

"Oh that."

She lifted her eyes to look at him and laughed at how small he was making the whole thing before running into his arms.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and looking down at her.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to come to your man. Now that you are here I must confess that I am not quite sure what to do with you. I am used to the defiant, in denial side of you,"he said charmingly, pushing for her to make a decision about him. The last time he kissed her, she did not only run off but also denied the connection that was too obvious between them.

"What do you want to do?"she asked, lifting her head to make eye contact with him.

He narrowed his eyes at her, making her checks burn and forcing her to look away. Her voice alone was raising a desire he did not know he could control. The past few days without hearing and seeing her were a torture to him. Now having her in his arms, taking in her scent and hearing her heart race was intensifying the desire he aught not have towards her.

"Did you have to do the banner?" she asked when she realised that he was not going to answer her question.

He chuckled and gently turned her head back to face him. "Too much?"

"Seriously? Now they all think it was King Vincent!"she cried while he busted out in laughter. An infectious laughter that had become music to her ears.

"But that is ideal for you, My Love,"he teased, her every expression warming his heart.

"You did that deliberately," she concluded, reading through him.

"Off course. How exactly were you going to explain it if they didn't believe your help came from your fiancé?" he asked with a witty smile and got amused when her eyes started blazing. The princess had become very predictable to him. A mention of King Vincent brought out a completely different person, one he quite enjoyed challenging.

"Don't call him that!" she snapped at him before her eyes warmed up again. "How do you even have so many soldiers?"

With a grin on his face, he pulled her closer to him until there was no space between them. He found her volatile mood a huge turn on, he was using everything in him not to ravage her lips.

"I lead a nation of wealthy people My Princess," he responded charmingly.

"I don't see them going to war for something not involving them." She did not know his citizens but she knew that no wealthy man would leave the comfort of his riches and go to war, risk getting injured or killed for something not beneficial to them.

"Money does not only buy weapons, My Love. Warriors, the best of every nation are at my disposal," he boasted, unable to help himself. The admiration on her eyes meant everything to him.

"Does that mean you could hide me from King Vincent?"

He laughed, reading through her desperation. "I am afraid not."

"Why not?"

If everything her kingdom warriors said about his troops and their weapons was true, there was no reason for him to fear the king of Tario. It would also explain why he boldly invaded her world while knowing she was promised to the most powerful monarch on land.

Her nerves started firing rapidly, a new and better scenario for her salvation from King Vincent forming in her head.

If he would have her, her parents would not oppose her wedding this man who saved them. They would be more likely to help her get out of the treaty the diplomatic way. She would not have to resort to the drastic measures she had decide on. She could be free, still keep her identity and have a good relationship with her family and people.

"Vincent is definitely more powerful than me. He has more troops and does not strike me as the type to let you go," his response crushed the new hope she was starting to have. "I know I wouldn't let you go if I was in his shoes," he added, reading through her.

"Do..do you love me?"she hesitated.

He narrowed his eyes at her. Her determined expression told him that she was up to something.

"What's this about?" he asked, his eyes piercing into her soul.

"Do you or this is this just a game to you?"

"I don't know," he confessed, his response sending a cold chill down her spine and sinking her heart.

"You sent troops to fight for me and you don't know if you love me?"


She sighed and tried untangling herself from his arms. His response piercing through her heart.

"I have to go. Thank you for rescuing my kingdom."

Her shaky voice made him curse inside. Princess Zaria was definitely tougher than the women he was used to but she was still a woman under a lot of stress and delicate. He now knew what she was asking him and knew that is was safer to let her go heartbroken that the alternative. His smitten heart would not let her go though. He made big strides towards her, picked her up and headed into his house.

"Put me down!" Caught off guard by his actions, she yelled at him. She had made an idiot of herself as it is. The last thing she wanted was her stupid tears rolling down in front of him.

"So you can walk away from me?"he asked while walking inside and kicking the door shut.

"Yes!" she yelled again, her heart on her throat.

He did not respond but strode past the open plan dining and kitchen area and entered the massive en-suite bedroom where he gentle put her on her feet.

Princess Zaria looked around at the manly mahogany furnished bedroom nervously. She could not appreciate the exquisite collection of paintings and centre pieces around her. Her mind was is complete chaos. She had never been with a man in a bedroom before. The expression on his face was enough to tell her that she was in trouble.

"Do you love me?" he asked after studying her for a few seconds.

"I don't know."

"Should I storm away from you now?"he asked, amused.

"It's not the same thing!" she cried. It sounded like she was being unreasonable for expecting a different response from him but their circumstances were completely different.

"Really? How is it different, My Love?"

"It just is. I'm gonna go now," she said decisively heading towards the door.

He strategically positioned himself in front of the door.

"Not until I show you how I feel."

Her heart pounded, his gentle charming tone the last thing she needed to hear. "What?"

"You will decide the answer to your question and I will decide the answer to mine," he said decisively approaching her. As he predicted, she backed away from him until she was trapped between the bed and him.

Wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his forehead against hers. They stood there looking at each other.

"Kiss me Zaria and find out what you want to know," he whispered.