Dazzling and daring with unmatched beauty is Princess Zaria of Olympia. Promised at birth to wed King Vincent of Tario, a promise she has no intentions of honouring. Why should she when she did not make it? Hellbent, rebellious and risking starting a war with the most powerful kingdom, she will try to free herself from the treaty. Arrogant and mighty, with every kingdom at his mercy, King Vincent has never taken disobedience lightly. Moving heavens and earth, no stone left unturned, he will relentlessly ensure that the rebellious princess ends up his queen. Royal alliance and decrees will lead to passionate heartbreaks, plotting, betrayals and furry…..who will win?
Princess Gwen watched her cousin with concern. Although sounding very confident in his utterances, King Vincent was starting to sweat as he paced up and down his chambers. Zaria, was by far the only person she knew who had that effect on him. She was certain that was the reason the old protective butler chose to lie to him instead.
He stopped pacing and looked curiously at her.
"You are a woman, a princess, and stubborn like her. It's not possible for her to completely cleanse her heart of what she once loved."
It was a desperate statement he wanted his cousin to affirm. Maybe then, the horses galloping in his chest and the tightness he felt would calm down.
"Perhaps you are right, but your reputation does not make you very lovable." Princess Gwen was fully aware that was a desperate attempt for reassurance, but it was one she could not offer. Doing so would be lying to him and lies were against her principles.
He sighed, his chest getting tighter.
"We both know that there is no truth to any of the rumours about me."
"I do, but she does not know that Vince. All she knows are the stories that come out of your many balls and why do you continue hosting that nosy Sarika?"
This was one of the reasons she stopped attending his balls. Just like Zaria, she still heard all about his splendour and casanova practices.
"Her brother is my pal, he brings her along."
His dismissive response was what frustrated her the most. Being in the princess circles, she knew all about his reputations but he always brushed it off.
"Sarika is Zaria's best friend who shamelessly throws herself at you every chance she gets. You allow it and her brother clearly approves because he keeps on bringing her to you. What do you think is going to happen when Zaria discovers all of that?"
He closed his eyes, knowing that she was right. Even though her directness and blunt honesty got to him at times, he never doubted his cousin's intentions to protect him.
"Fine, no more balls and hosting anyone form now on. Happy?"
She lifted her eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, not believing him.
He chuckled, reading through her.
"There is obviously a thrill in women ogling but it is not worth it if it costs me Zaria."
Princess Gwen was thrilled, she could not help her beautiful big round eyes from dancing.
"Good, but you must know that it's going to take a lot more than that to win her back Vince."
"I know, Gwen."
She nodded before something crossed her mind and she suddenly became serious.
"Do you even love her, like truly love her?"
All along she thought he always loved Zaria, but had just discovered that it was not always so. She knew that his many regrets involved rebelling against his parent's advices and the treaty for him to wed Zaria fell under that category. She now wondered if he wanted to fulfil the treaty as a way to compensate for that and redeem himself to his late parents.
"That's what I have been telling you," he snapped. He believed that she off all people should know that.
"You are grateful to her for saving you. I, more than anyone know how loyal you are to the people who stood by you back then. I know because I am one of them. Gratitude is good but it's not love," she explained herself. "Zaria was also chosen by your parents," she added, hoping he would understand her concerns.
"I know that," he responded with a sigh.
He would not disclose it to her but he spent the previous two years asking himself that very question. That was the reason he only sent the reminder to the kingdom of Olympia only two weeks ago, just two months before the treaty came into effect.
He sighed again before emptying his heart out.
"Zaria is the first person I think of when I wake up and the last when I go to sleep. The mere photograph of her fills my heart with an everlasting desire only she can quench. I long to see her in person, talk to her, touch her and make her mine. Does that answer your question?"
Princess Gwen could hear and feel the passion in his voice. As she nodded, she made it her mission there and then to help him have his heart desires.
"Okay, then. Rumours are she will be attending the royal mask ball."
Punching the air, his face lit up, suddenly feeling better. That was the best news he heard in a long time. The royal mask ball was a fun event where royals and nobles met and carelessly mingled in a neutral venue.
"I will get you all the details of her attire," she suggested with her heart full from seeing him light up.
"You don't think I can spot my fiancée?" he teased.
She rolled her eyes at his cocky attitude, but thrilled that he was no longer dejected.
"Should I remind you that all the gowns are blue, except for minor details. The masks cover the whole face. Unless you are very attentive and lucky, you might waste the whole day dancing with the wrong princess or a commoner even. Not to mention her ending up in someone else's arms."
The idea of the masked ball was to keep everyone's identities hidden, hence removing the hierarchy and allowing everyone to be themselves. The only problem was that many nobles and commoners had found a way to take advantage of that. A blue gown for women and a black tuxedo for men was all one needed really. While it was still called a royal ball, everyone knew that their dancing partners might not be as royal as they claim. As a result, many mistresses and bastards have come out of that ball.
"Point taken, get me all the details."
She laughed and stuck out her tongue at him for being so predictable. Her cousin feared losing Zaria more than going to war.
Meanwhile, at the kingdom of Olympia….
Princess Zaria woke up to find a letter on the floor. Someone must have pushed it under her door while she was sleeping. That on its own was odd, but also no one ever wrote her a letter before.
Picking it up, she could not help noticing the meticulous casual cursive writing of her name on the envelope. The red seal on the back was proof that it had not been opened.
She studied the envelope material for a long time. Having once been a fan of writing letters, she knew that the particular envelope was top range and quite expensive. That alone brought many questions in her head. Who could possible write her a letter?
Her friend Sarika hated writing. She would rather call or come in person than write. Everyone else was more like an acquaintance than a friend. No one would not really write her a letter.
Not willing to play a guessing game, she broke the seal and opened the envelope. The equally exquisite paper had the same handwriting as the envelope. Her heart started pounding the moment she read the first few sentences.
"A little birdie told me that you are an expert on writing mail. So, I thought I could try it out. I hope you are having a good morning, my godsend sleep remedy."
She read the note over and over again. Each time she reached the same conclusion. Oscar was too reckless, relentless and simply insane. Anyone could have picked up the letter had she missed it. It could have ended up in her mother's desk. She would be in deep trouble and he would doomed.