

A week later, Princess Zaria was having her tea at her favourite spot in the famous meticulous garden of the castle on Olympia. The maidservants stood by in service while butterflies flapped their delicate colourful wings and birds filled the air with sweet melody.

She let out a loud sigh when she saw her mother approaching. Realising that her momentary peace was over, she embraced herself for yet another lecture on her royal duties.

The maidservants exchanged knowing looks when they heard her sigh, curtsied when the Queen arrived and also embraced themselves for a tumultuous day in the castle. They were all torn in between about the current situation. Some manservants had even gotten into physical fights because of it. Princess Zaria was their kingdom's pride and joy, an apple of their eye. They adored her. It was hard to not be pulled into her devastation, but they were fully aware how much their lives and those of their children would improve after the alliance with the kingdom of Tario.

Taking a seat opposite her daughter, she was not the least surprised when the princess did not acknowledge her presence. Opening a random page on an over a decade old flowery diary, Queen Helene started reading out loud.

"My dearest Vincent. My two incisors came out today. No one ever told me how painful losing one's teeth would be. It is the blatant lies that intrigue me though. I am wondering if they tell you the same lies they do in my castle about tooth fairies. Ridiculous, right?…..."

"That is invasion of privacy, Mother," Princess Zaria objected with a stern voice only she could get away with. She was not impressed with her mother for digging up an old diary she thought she buried five years ago.

She was once so infatuated by the treaty and idea of marrying the now King Vincent that she wrote him so many letters. The diary her mother was now reading was a duplicate of those letters.

"Five February: Dearest husband-to-be. I have been wondering a lot about how it would be to live in your castle. The books in our library paint a very impressive picture of your kingdom. Do you really have gold pavings in your entire courtyard?...I hope you are just as excited about our treaty. Yours always, Zaria of Olympia."

Princess Zaria's disapproving stares did not stop her mother from reading out what she regarded as the most stupid moments of her existence.

"Is there a point to this, Mother?"

"Fourteen December: My dearest Vince. Rumours are, you are quite good looking, kind and generous. I think those are extraordinary qualities for the future king and off course, husband…."

Princess Zaria rolled her eyes and sipped the rest of her tea before getting on her feet. She could not relate at all with the little girl who wrote all those words.

"You were looking forward to being his queen your entire childhood. You loved him. How…"

"I was just a child, brainwashed with all the royal duties sermons and barely capable of reasoning, let alone love," she interjected. Just the thought of her loving the disgusting man was making her gag and her stomach revolt.

"Zaria, my love. This is still your duty."

"I will not wed him, Mother!" she yelled. She was so tired of hearing how marrying the man she hated was her duty.

"You have no choice in the matter. A treaty is binding. You know this!"

Like her husband, Queen Helene was getting really irritated by her daughter's refusal to listen to reason. The worse part was that they were aware of the rumours that other princesses and kingdoms had shamelessly availed themselves to any form of alliance with King Vincent.

"Then I see no point to this discussion, Mother. I shall be in planes of Azaleas."


"I have packed my lunch and I know my way back. There is absolutely no need to send anyone for me."

Queen Helene sighed and watched her daughter disappear before turning to the other woman who had just joined her.

"Your Highness."Madam More curtsied but her eyes fixed on the princess, who was storming away.

"Madam More. I take it you are on your way?"

"Yes, Your Highness and thank you for your hospitality. I shall return a month before the wedding with all the materials required for the wedding gown we concluded on."

The Queen nodded. She was happy with the design they decided on and very impressed with Madam More's skills. Both of them would have loved to have had the princess's input, but Princess Zaria would not have any of it.

"About your future queen…."

Madam More flashed the Queen a knowing smile. Her king sent her, she would definitely be expected to give the feedback of her visit to him and Queen Helene did not want her revealing that the princess was opposed to the wedding.

"The wedding is two months away. She has not changed her mind. What shall I tell my king?"

"Nothing. You shall tell him nothing."

"I can not lie to His Highness." Madam More had fallen in love with the stubborn princess, but her loyalty was to her country and king.

"I don't expect you to. You shall give him this and trust me, he shall have no questions for you."

Madam More accepted the princess's diary, curtsied before turning around and leaving Queen Helene in the garden.


At the planes on Azalea, Prince Zaria had just dismounted her horse when she heard the voice that had become too familiar to her.

"Your Highness."

"Are you trying to get on my nerves?" she snapped without turning to look at him. His address suggested that she was a queen, an idea she was battling with and hated.

"You are upset and I shall not ask why because I shall get no answers,"he responded sarcastically, amused.

"Is there any reason you are here again?"

Oscar showing up at her favourite place was becoming too often to be a coincidence.

"We have established that we both find this place serene. It's our sanctuary, Your Majesty."

His stress free attitude was getting into her nerves because a part of her longed to be like that.

"There is no our and you need to stop calling in the middle of the night."

"Should I call in the morning? During the day? Or perhaps evening?"

She frantically shook her head. It would be a big scandal if anyone else picked up her phone and heard him speak. She has only known him for a week yet she already knew that Oscar had no restrictions in his speech, nor the boundaries.

"No. You shall stop calling, period!"

"Who shall entertain me when insomnia decides to be a resident in my head?"

"Get a shrink!" she cried while his lips curled into a smile.

"I have tried, Your Majesty, but none succeeded in curing me. It seems all I needed was a voice sweeter than honey, now my insomnia is gone. You can't be so cruel and take away that which cures me."

Princess Zaria looked away, her cheeks already burning. This was her biggest worry being around him. Oscar seemed to know just what to say. Any conversation with him always ended with her heart pounding and cheeks burning.

He chuckled inside, aware of her every reaction.

"How is your ankle?"

"Why do you care?"

He placed his finger below his sensual lips as if in deep thought.

"Why do I care? Let's see, you pervade my sleep, hush my nightmares and cure my insomnia. I worry about why such a wonderfully crafted creature, a blessing bestowed upon me by the gods is always so upset."

Her heart was already racing before he even completed his speech. It was really flattering being called a blessing from gods but Oscar was trouble she needed to get rid off. Not caring if she was being rude or unreasonable, she instructed.

"South, East or West. Choose any direction, just not here."


"Start walking Oscar,"she said firmly. She had no experience in dealing with flattery but smart enough to know that everything about him spelled scandal. Her status restricted every encounter she already had with him. The feelings he evoked equated a crime fit for execution.

"Off course, Your Grace."

Oscar bowed his head with a smile, confidently mounted his horse and rode off.

The princess cursed inside, she immediately felt alone.

Left with her dear horse in the colourful planes, her thoughts were soon troubled by the dilemma she had been rattling in her head.

"What am I going to do, Olympus?"

The horse grunted at the mention of its name but offered no comfort to its troubled master.

"He is such an pompous ass!"

The more she thought about King Vincent was the more she hated him.

She tried calling him the day before and had hoped to convince him to let go of the treaty since her parents refused to listen to reason. The bastard would not even come to the phone to speak to her. He, according to his stuart, was indisposed and regarded such behaviours as insulting. Apparently, he expected her to follow the official royal procedures just to speak to him. She could not follow those procedures because they would require her parent's permission.


That evening, she was battling with sleep when her phone rang.


"Your Majesty."

The charming voice immediately got her heart heart pounding.

"I was clear that you are to stop calling."

"I cannot sleep, Your Majesty. I was very clear that you are my cure. It is your duty to relieve your subject of any suffering."

"You are not my subject, nor do I have a duty to do anything. Why can't men understand that a woman has dreams and aspirations which have nothing to do with them?" She ranted in frustration, none about him.

"We are selfish creatures, Your Grace."

"Goodnight Oscar."

The phone rang just a few seconds after dropping it. She roughly picked it up, already irritated.

"What now Oscar?" she snapped before freezing when her friend's curious voice responded instead of the amused husky one she was expecting.

"Who is Oscar?" Princess Sarika asked curiously.

She cursed inside. Oscar was the only person who called her that late.


"Yes, silly. Who is Oscar?"

"No one. Why are you calling so late?" she responded and quickly changed the subject. Oscar was a secret she could not divulge even to her best friend.

"Can't I call my best friend now?"

"Off course you can. Sorry, I've been under the weather lately."

"Understandable so. Have you decided on your dress?"

She sighed with relief when her friend asked no more questions about Oscar, but soon got pulled into the depressing conversation about her impending wedding.

"No, and I don't plan to."

"Your wedding is in two months time, Zaria."

"I don't want to talk about it, Sarika. How are you?"

"Not well, Dear friend. My heart is sore for you. I am afraid that you have to prepare your heart to accept you fate. King Vincent's second castle has been completed. It's a state of art, fully furnished and ready to welcome his concubines. It is a walking distance from the main one. I am informing you this so that you can start nursing your heart into acceptance. You will be his only queen, that should be your comfort."

Dearest reader

Thanks for giving my book a chance. I am dying to hear what you think about our defiant princess and of course, the mysterious Oscar

Ole1creators' thoughts