
This flame is on something.

I've been a flame for most of the time I've been here, unless I was a carrot somewhere in there don't ask me. I don't know how I got here. But to put it lightly, my life is boring and it sure is barren out here. I'm near a village but I don't dare go out again after near getting killed by farm tools and people screaming, "FIRE, FIRE!" Yea no, bye! I had to hide under bushes.

I can't see any nearby food but luckily I'm on a succulent, a succulent full of water.. 'Give me better food universe!' Pff, no I'm kidding I can't talk. I can throw fire at things but it get weird after a bit knowing that your throwing yourself basically.

After jumping from the cactus, 'Gave it some thought, and I'm leaving.' I said in my non-existent head while inching across the sand and stone. I simultaneously U-turned back at the village, you may be asking, why? BECAUSE I'M BORED AND GOING NOWHERE! Why would I go somewhere else? I don't know whats out there. Some weird looking birds flew overhead, they always look different over the years..

this is not related to my profile :infuriated:

Calcifer69creators' thoughts