

In a world of FIVR games Aria was one of the most reknowned players in the newest game Praxis. Having found a long forgotten weapon she's been in constant PvP ever since. Now she finds herself finally ready to break through and delve into the lore of the game as a promise to her best friend. Hunted by guilds who want her for her skill.Will she find herself joining one or will she create one herself and obtain the end goal of the game absolute Praxis of the land?

Mishaela_Lucoji · 现代言情
2 Chs

Chapter 2. Home Sweet Home

<p>As Nira logged out she checked the clock on the wall of her pod and smiled to herself."Right on time as usual." She spoke to herself aloud and stepped out from the device as she ran her fingers through her long unruly mane of hair and headed off to clean up as usual zoning out during her routine.She gazed into the bathroom mirror as she stared at her reflection her big blue green eyes staring back at her. "Now how do I get her to join?" she said aloud to her reflection. With a sigh she got dressed and walked from her room smiling as she inhaled the smell of dinner."Aria! are you cooking again you should have asked me to help." Nira slid down the bannister and surged into the kitchen. sliding to a halt inches away from her sisters wheelchair. Aria glanced up and grinned."Hey , didn't need help And You were still logged in so I figured since my exercise was done I might as well cook." Aria grinned impishly. "Besides it's your favourite fried chicken and Spanish rice."<br/>Nira rolled her eyes at that. "I know I can see that and smell it. I just..." "Worry about me?" Aria cut her off mid sentence. "Look I'm home now and not in the hospital, they would have released me if they didn't think I was rehabilitated enough to do so. So stop worrying and dig in." Nira nodded and sighed her face darkening a bit as she recalled the accident. The look of relief on her sisters face as she pushed her out of the way of the car as it rolled the sound of her baby sister being hit and bounced off the steel of the car and the sound of her sisters bones breaking as she landed on the ground. "Never again." she muttered under her breath and sat down to eat. She watched as Aria happily ate and bit back the thought that always nagged her from being spoken aloud. "I'm the oldest ,it should have been me."<br/><br/>After dinner concluded Aria wandered off down the hallway staring at her and her sisters martial arts trophies sighing inwardly. "Hey Aria why don't you join a guild?" Nows the best time to do it with the Praxis Tournament coming up the champs get a bunch of great stuff to take with them into The upcoming iteration." Aria froze a moment glancing back from the TV. "You mean it's not an expansion but a whole new game?" Her voice soft and full of contemplation. "Oh ,you didn't know?" seeing her sister shake her head ,she smiled. "No it's a full blown new sequel taking place a millennia after the Praxis. Our characters will be retired and the champions of the tourney will be remade as legendary heroes in it. And the level cap will be a hundred instead of fifty and the bonus rollovers from maxing the exp meter."<br/>Seeing her big sister smiling Aria nodded. "Okay I'm sold I'll join the tourney and drag Kari with me. On one condition. " Nira blinked. "Er, what condition?" Aria nodded "When the new game lands the three of us form our own guild.New World New lifestyle.Deal?" Nira nodded. "Deal."<br/><br/>Nira called her guildmaster after she was sure Aria was asleep. "Hey make room for two the Norn are back." Alexi let out a gasp of surprise "This is Perfect with those two we'll win for sure!" Nira coughed to stop him from raving endlessly. "There's a catch." Alexi stopped cold then clutched the phone before counting to ten."What's the catch?" He said in an exasperated tone. Nira smiled a bit then finally spoke. "Aria wants Kari and I to form a guild when Praxis drops." Alexi nodded to himself. "As long as the new guild remains friendly with ours I don't see the problem. " "Awesome, we got a winning team then and we'll all be able to hit the ground running.See you at the Tourney Alexi." After she hung up she went to sleep straightaway. Alexi meanwhile stayed up thinking to himself. "There's only one way to handle this..." He grabbed his phone and dailed a number. "Lukav, it's Alexi. I'm about to win the Tournament but I'm also going to lose my strongest member. I'm now asking for you to replace them." On the other end Lukav pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine Alexi, I will do this but you have to realise that it won't be easy to replace that one. You'll have to restructure the entire lineup of the guild after they leave especially if you don't want to be left in the dust." He paused for a moment then smiled. "Send the deadweight to that one as a favour to increase thier guild numbers. She's too kind to kick them and will waste time and resources training them for the Raids and PvP allowing us to build up the momentum to be first among all once more." Alexi grinned. "This is why I call you Lukav ,you know people better than I do.See you after Tourney. " After he hung up Lukav smirked. "I know you too Alexi you're too hung up on being in the spotlight. I'll make a fortune this time." With that Lukav glanced around his luxuriously appointed penthouse and smirked. Praxis is going to make me a billionaire. And my old classmate is going to lead the way to it.</p>