
First Immortal Husband

The genius pharmacist of the interstellar world once crossed over to the cultivation family of the Tianlin continent, he was caught in adultery on his grandfather's birthday. Looking at the adulterer who had just rolled over, Gu Yao spread his hands, What do you say? The adulterer Chi Changye seriously returned: I will be responsible for it. Author: North Wind Blows Category: Delayed homo sapiens Published: 2022-03-23 Chapters number: 788 TRANSLATOR: MYPEN_22

MyPen_22 · 历史
300 Chs

Chapter 293

In just a short amount of time, after coming out of the cultivation room, Gu Yao had already figured out the situation. Although somewhat unexpected, fortunately, he had already considered these circumstances beforehand and could handle them.

"Senior, Gu Yao is just an amateur who was born with a fondness for studying spiritual materials and alchemy. So, knowing that my spiritual roots were lacking, I used alchemy to make some adjustments," Gu Yao said sincerely.

"A cleansing elixir?" Even Master Meng couldn't help but be curious this time. It's not right. The formula for the cleansing elixir has long been lost, and the main medicinal herbs involved have become extinct. This thing was too amazing, so it has long been plundered by previous cultivators. How could any remain until now?

Gu Yao shook his head. "It's not a cleansing elixir, just some medicinal pills and potions that remove impurities from the spiritual roots and improve their purity. Luckily, I happen to have a bottle of these pills with me. Seniors, you can take a look."Putting aside the astonishment and disbelief in everyone's hearts, the pills that Gu Yao handed out were passed around among them. Several big shots each took one pill. So, this pill can actually improve the purity of their spiritual roots?

It is indeed not easy to wash away unwanted spiritual roots. Even if a cleansing elixir exists, it cannot be widely promoted on a large scale. But what about these pills that remove impurities from the spiritual roots?

The materials needed for the previously introduced Tempering Pill and Dust-Cleansing Pill by Gu Yao were not too expensive, and ordinary cultivators could afford them. What about these pills? The hearts of the Nascent Soul cultivators also ignited with excitement.

This pill master, Gu Yao, always surprises people.

The Spider Demon Lord eagerly stared at the pill in his hand, but instead of contemplating, he directly threw it into his mouth and chewed on it, ignoring the scrutinizing gazes of others, and not fearing if the pill was poisoned. After all, this old demon often targeted Gu Yao and Yin Hua, his nephew. He wasn't afraid of any retaliation from Gu Yao.

These pills were suitable for Golden Core cultivators to consume, so for the Spider Demon Lord, who stood at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul stage, the impact of these pills was extremely limited. However, his expression was extremely serious as he carefully experienced the effects of the pill within his body.

After a while, a strange look appeared on his face. "Although the medicinal power is a bit weak, there is indeed some effect. Although this effect is negligible for me, it might not be the case for cultivators below the Golden Core stage."

This time, even his gaze towards Gu Yao became peculiar. It was as if he was carefully assessing Gu Yao's value for the first time. In the past, he mostly just watched for fun and teased Gu Yao and his uncle Yin Hua when he was bored. But now, if this kind of pill can greatly enhance a person's spiritual root aptitude and can be widely promoted, he had to admit that this pill master was truly remarkable.Shouldn't we seriously consider bringing him into the demonic camp?

As soon as Chi Changye made a move, he blocked the gaze of Elder Tianzhu, shielding Gu Yao behind him.

Even when Gu Yao poked him with his finger, Chi Changye didn't budge.

Well blocked! Yin Hua silently thought to himself. That old guy is eyeing his nephew again. His nephew's excellence has nothing to do with that old demon.

Upon hearing this evaluation, the other three big shots couldn't hide their excitement. Master Meng asked first, "Since when did Master Gu start taking these kinds of pills?"

Gu Yao, standing behind Chi Changye, truthfully replied, "I started taking them during the Qi refinement stage. At first, it was just potions. The same potions had the greatest effect the first time I took them. After that, I needed to continuously adjust and improve them, and the difficulty increased as I progressed."

The three of them gasped. That's not surprising at all. With four spiritual roots, being able to reach the Nascent Soul stage so quickly, not to mention the abundance of top-grade pills available for consumption during the process, and his spiritual cultivation clearly surpassing others, this is the consensus among the Nascent Soul cultivators. His performance during the tribulation of the Heart Devil is enough to show this. Therefore, the Heart Devil tribulation at that time couldn't have had much of an effect.

From that point on, they remained silent during the journey but often glanced at Gu Yao, their minds filled with various ideas.

Based solely on Gu Yao, he could establish a top-tier sect in a short amount of time. However, it seems that his ambition does not lie in that direction. These pills should not have been publicly released; otherwise, there would have been rumors circulating in Tianlin Town about the appearance of new cultivators. On the contrary, various beauty-enhancing pills are selling extremely well now, especially those developed by Gu Yao, which serve as great publicity stunts.

If another alchemist had developed these elixirs, they might be accused of neglecting their proper duties. But who is Gu Yao? Who would think that his development of these elixirs would hinder his own progress in alchemy?

The more they thought about it, the more they realized that Gu Yao seemed simple on the surface, as if he could see through everything at first glance. But he had a special ability to remain calm and composed. It took until now for him to reveal these elixirs. If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't have been able to hold back for so long.

Behind them, Gu Yao asked Chi Changye, "Is it okay to handle it this way?"

Chi Changye grabbed his hand and said, "As long as they are smart, they won't give you trouble. They won't make any unreasonable demands. With you around, we can continuously reap benefits."

These Yuanying stage cultivators were not isolated individuals. They had disciples from their respective families and sects. They had their own concerns. Even the free-spirited Old Devil Tianzhu paid attention to the development of the demonic path. So, they couldn't only consider immediate benefits and disregard the future.

"You're the chicken!" Gu Yao glared at him, feeling annoyed. How could he be described like that?

Chi Changye playfully nibbled Gu Yao's finger. Unfortunately, at that moment, Yin Hua rushed in. The two of them had to pretend as if nothing had happened and let go of each other's hands.

Yin Hua said, "This is good. The more valuable you become, the more they will value and prioritize you. There is no need to worry about anything."

In this way, the claim of possessing rare treasures would naturally be debunked. Even if there were any treasures, they couldn't compare to the power of Gu Yao's mind.

Someone outside notified them that they were about to reach their destination. Yin Hua led them outside.

The place they came to was an extreme location. Gu Yao had heard of it before but had never been there. This place was extremely peculiar, with half extreme heat and half extreme cold, coexisting. The spiritual energy was extremely sparse, and the space was highly unstable. No cultivator with any sense would come here willingly, let alone the exceptional danger in this place.

"Yin Daoist friend, can you sense it?" asked Master Tang.

Yin Hua nodded and pointed to the end of the narrow crack. "The imprint disappeared at the end over there."

"Alright, let's go in then. Everyone, be careful. Even Yuanying stage cultivators have stumbled here before," reminded Master Tang, even the Old Devil Tianzhu had made his mount, the giant spider, reduce its size.It's like a crack, not much different from a canyon. Due to the extreme climate of intense heat and extreme cold, this narrow strip of land in the middle is frequently struck by scorching hot storms and freezing cold storms. Even a Yuan Ying cultivator would have a hard time enduring if caught in both storms simultaneously.

"You two walk in the middle," Tang Xiu said to Gu Yao and Yin Hua. As for Chi Changye, he treated him completely as a mid-Yuan Ying stage cultivator because of his body refinement, giving him much stronger resistance against storms compared to an ordinary Yuan Ying cultivator.

Chi Changye nodded in agreement. He also approved of this suggestion.

The group of Yuan Ying cultivators entered the canyon. On both sides were bare stones, either glowing red from being scorched or covered with a layer of ice. Even a Yuan Ying cultivator would freeze to the bone upon touching them.

On Yin Hua's side was the old demon Tianzhu, who appeared quite relaxed and at ease. Tianzhu was currently resting on his shoulder, resembling a transparent piece of jade decoration rather than a fierce creature.

As they walked, Tianzhu glanced at Yin Hua and said, "Are you really not considering joining the demonic path? The demonic path doesn't require so many rules. By limiting yourself, you've practically killed yourself. Compared to the righteous path, I think your temperament is more suitable for our demonic path."

"Outrageous!" Yin Hua scolded angrily, "Don't think I can't see through your intentions. Isn't it just because you fancy my talent in soul techniques? Hah, if you have the ability, cultivate your own demonic genius. What's the point of snatching from others?"

As Yin Hua spoke, he proudly puffed up his chest, causing Gu Yao to have the urge to give his uncle a tug, reminding him to keep a low profile. Stay humble, be more discreet.Tianzhu, the old demon, wasn't angry at all. He glanced at Yin Hua with a smile that seemed neither genuine nor sarcastic, saying, "Having one genius like this is enough for me. I'm not greedy. I believe that even in the demonic path, I can cultivate a second one. So, I think it's better to turn your nephew into one of us."

Is it really okay to poach in front of them like this? Master Meng and Cultivator Tang were speechless, and even Zin, the Silver Tribe leader, couldn't help but feel restless. In fact, Yao cultivators could also strive for success. Gu Yao, as a master alchemist, had a favorable impression of Yao cultivators. Didn't they get along well with Hu Mei?

"Give up that idea. It's impossible in this lifetime! My nephew is a righteous cultivator through and through, and he will never switch to the demonic path. Right, Xiaoyao?" Yin Hua sneered. This demon couldn't even see this reality. Given his nephew's personality, how could he be even remotely compatible with the demonic path?

Gu Yao had a headache. Chi Changye was on Gu Yao's other side and glanced at Tianzhu and Yin Hua. For some reason, Gu Yao felt that Tianzhu might actually fulfill his words, but his intention was completely different from what Yin Hua's uncle understood.

Chi Changye couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and quietly looked away.

After walking for half a day, they encountered the first storm—an icy tempest carrying visible chilling air and sharp ice particles.

"Everyone, be careful! Don't confront it head-on. Try to dodge," warned Cultivator Tang, who was at the front.

The storm swept in, freezing everything in its path and turning it into countless fragments, just like the ice particles in the current storm.

A black cat crouched on Gu Yao's shoulder, and with a thought from the little cat, a black mist shield appeared around Gu Yao, blocking the approaching chill. Gu Yao looked at Chi Changye, who assured him there was no need to worry as a purple thunder dragon circled around him.

Yin Hua felt heartbroken. His nephew only looked out for his own interests and didn't care about taking care of his old uncle."Be careful! How dare you be distracted at a time like this? Are you looking to die? Do you want me, the old demon, to throw you into the eye of the storm?" A curse exploded in Yin Hua's ear as he was pulled back by a strong force, narrowly avoiding tumbling forward. He then saw several wind blades sweeping past the spot where he had just been, leaving several gashes on the ground.

You should know that the stones and the ground here have been tempered by countless storms. Being able to leave marks on the ground, this force is definitely not weak.