
Win By Draconic Boogie-Woogie!

Samyaza made an unbecoming groaning noise as he picked himself up from the ground. 

The rage he felt when he was struck by the father and son pair was greater than any he had ever experienced before, and he felt it seeping into his very soul. 

Why was this happening to him?

His men had held the upper hand mere moments ago, but now it felt like it was all coming crashing down on top of him!

Not to mention the heartbreaking fact that his son had died almost right before his very eyes without him being able to do a thing about it. 

Every time that he closed his eyes, he recalled the fearful look his child had on his face before he died and he became unable to think about anything else. 

His sanity beginning to crack, all he could do was spiral further and further into a fit of blind rage. 

"Kill... them... both...!"

"Who're you talking about?"