
Kids To Work Day!

"Is it just me, or do those two seem to be super affectionate this morning..?"

"No, I noticed that too..."

"So it wasn't just my imagination..."

The girls continued to stare at Abaddon and Lillian rather intensely as the two were seemingly lost in their own world.

Their bodies remained entirely uncovered as they lounged on the bed; too lost within each other's eyes to move. 

'...I'm so jealous!' The girls seemingly all had the same thought at once. 

"Pay attention to meeeee!!!"

Bekka performed a swanton bomb off the bed railing and plastered herself into the dreamy couple's stomachs. 

The group followed her example and they also went to the metaphorical top-rope.

As a result, the pairing of Abaddon and Lillian were suddenly buried in the bodies of a cacophony of naked women.

The only one still holding back a bit was Sif, who was still working her way up towards being more brazen like that.