
8 ~ Something Something ~ V

Tae P.O.V:

"awv awv"

Tannie wakes me up. This is a new place so he is getting fear easily, but tried to act like a tiger.

I took him to give huggie.

"Eomma is here tan-ah, okay"

"awv awv"

"What you want tan-ah?"

"awv awv"

He bites my pajamas and drags me from the bed. I made a small staircase beside my bed for tannie climb.

Hobi hyung taught me some information about to take care of tannie. So I think now tan-ah want a small walk. I look at my clock it shows 5:30 am.

I wear my long black jacket and cap. Everyone sleeping now, so without noise me and tannie went outside.

10 minutes of the walk went normal. I enjoyed an early morning walk on the beach side. Actually, this is my first time to wake up early morning. So it's totally new to me.

Tannie runs a little bit away from me.

"Tan-ah come here"

He looks at me then runs again a little bit further.

"Tan-ah No"

I don't want to get hurt. It's his first time other than home or shop. So, he is a little bit excited.

"Tan-ah" running.

"Tan-ah" running.

He is not ready to listen to me.

In this world which dog run like the zigzag pattern, here my tannie. I run like a penguin because of this cold. I stopped running.

I think if I use my eomma power he will stop and listen to me.

"Eomma told you to stop right now, tannie" I shouted

'Yes he stopped, he is a good son. I love you, my son'.

He looked at me one side and turned to run again but this time his running style is different, it looks like kind of dance. Wait he is teasing me?

"YAH, stop there, how dare you to disobey your eomma" I run faster this time and catch him.

"I Got Youuu, youuu, youuu" spinning him and he licks my face.

"You are so naughty tannie. I feel so lucky to have you."

I give warm huggie to my tan-ah. And I closed my eyes to feel the cold wind. I love this.

Today is my birthday. I felt something different from every birthday is this because of you my tannie?.

I start to think about my old birthday celebrations. It's so sweet memories. Automatically I started to smile.

"Happpieee Birthday to me" I wished myself.

I am sure it's gonna be my special day.

Suddenly I felt something soft on my lips. Opened my eyes quickly and saw someone kissing me. I feel something something.

"awv awv"

I push and slapped him.

It's my first kiss, I always dream about my first kiss want something like more romantic and lots of love. Under moonlights and I am into his arms, I dreamed like this more and more he spoiled everything. He stole my first kiss. I saved it for my lover.

So in wrath, I slapped him.

"YAH, how dare you to kiss me?" I asked him. Wow, he is so so so handsome and hot.

"What did you call this is a kiss?" his voice also so sweet.

"Yes, this is a kiss. when two lips are touchy touchy that is kiss right?" I asked him what my eomma telling me.

"No that is called peck. This is what call a kiss" I am getting nervously what he gonna do to me.

He touches my cheeks and connected our lips again. I tried to push him away with one hand "awv awv" my tannie.

He slowly sucks my lips like some sauce on it. I start to hit him, but he even doesn't consider it. "awv awv" I give up and closed my eyes. It's so nice and my stomach felts something something, but I don't want my kiss like this. "awv awv" My legs get weak I tug his t-shirt tightly for support. He sucks my lips again and again. I don't know even how to kiss back. So silently I observe how he kiss me. "awv awv" tannie struggling in my hands. At one point I can't able to breathe, again I start to push him, this time he slowly let me go. My breaths get heavily. He connected our foreheads, I am looking at his eyes.

"Happpieee Birthday My Lolita~~"

I am shocked he kissed me and thought of someone else.

"awv awv" tannie he kissed me and he thought I'm his lover lolita.

Still I breath heavy because of that worst kiss.

"I am" breath "not" breath "your" breath "Lolita" I said angrily and a little bit disappointed.

"You.Are.My.LOLITA" he pinched my nose.

I dunno but I started crying.

"Hey, hey why are you crying?" he asked me but I dunno why I am crying.

"awv awv" tannie don't worry eomma is okay.

I shut my eyes, I don't want to look him.

"Look at me please" "awv awv" "Please stop crying I beg you" "awv awv" I didn't stop crying tannie didn't stop barking.

"Could you both of you just shut up for a while?" we both are stopped immediately when we heard his high voice.

'Eomma appa, he is shouting me'. I want to go home.

Now I start to cry high pitch same tannie also. I think he also wants to go home.

"Oh God, if you not gonna stop now then I will kiss you again" I stopped immediately and shut my mouth with my hands before he gonna kiss me again.

"awv awv" "Look puppy if you bark again I will take you from your eomma"

NO, I hugged my tannie tightly and take my steps backward. Tannie also closed into my chest. I think he also afraid.

"No tan-ah, I won't give you to anyone. Why are you act like this? He is my puppy, I won't allow anyone to take from me" again I start sobbing.

I won't let anyone take my son away from me.

"No, please don't start again. I won't take your puppy away from you. Please please please stop crying". he begged me to stop crying.

I controlled my tears and nodded slowly.

"What's your name lolita?" I get angry, he called me again his lover name.

He tried to touch my cheeks, but he tapped his hands.

"I won't tell you, just go away" I said angrily.

"Ohhh my wifey get mad at me. Please forgive your hubby, lolita"

'WHAT?! WIFEY?! HUBBY?!, why I get that feel something something again, why I am blushed. just WHY?! no something wrong I want to go home.

"My wifey so beautiful while blush" I tried to run away from him and hide my blush.

But he catches my wrist to stop running.

"Leave me, I wanna to go home" I whimpered.

"Then tell me your name."

Eomma told me 'Don't tell your name to any strangers'. So I planned that time, in future suppose if any stranger will ask my name I just tell them 'My name is V'. I am so clever right?

"If I tell you then no more question and let me go deal?"

I know if I said my name is V, then he will ask me again so I made a deal with him.

He laughed and said "Okay, deal".

He still holds my hand.

"Let go of my hand"

"No first name then I will let you go"

I got angry with his behavior.

"YAH, first you pecked my lips, then kissed me, then you made me cry, now you want to know my name, you know today is my birthday and you start it with very worst. I HATE YOU." I shouted at him.

"awv awv" just little bit wait tannie we will go home.

"But that's not the answer for my question!" he said with calm tone and my shouts doesn't affect him.

"Okay fine, my name is V. Now let me go"

"This is not your original name" he caught me.

"You just asked me my name and we dealt with no more question so now done."

"Okay my lolita, I will find out my own way." I stared at him.

He tried to approach me I took this chance to run away from him.

"I let you go this time, but next time no way, my lolita" He shouted, but I never turn back.

"awv awv" tannie barked the way where he is.


Tae locked his room and lay on his bed.

"awv awv" tannie also lying beside him.

Still he breath heavy because of the run.

Tae thinking** He is so hot and handsome. Why he kissed me? If he likes me, first he should ask me for a date.

(Touching his lips and re-think that moment) That kiss felt so so so good. Still, I can feel that.**

"awv awv"

He turned to tannie side.

"Tan-ah, If I like that kiss doesn't mean I like him right?"

"awv awv"

"hmmm, correct tannie. I don't like him. I hate him."