
Fire Within Me (Book 1)

Kelvin lives a boring life. An orphan child that grow up with his auntie, he longs for an exciting life. Until he enters a world were nightmares exist. Getting powers he didn’t know and he have and a prophesy to fulfill or he will die. Is he the one of the four that the Diwatas are waiting for? Or another fatal failure? This is a reboot of my earlier work, hope you like it

PaoNel0408 · LGBT+
27 Chs

Happy Birthday

"Hey what happen?" He looks at me in concern and touches my hand. I only shook my head and smile at him.

"He is willing to teach me how to create portal. We are almost there." He smiles and thanks Halakhak several times.

"Uhmm welcome my new friend." He giggles again. "I like this one, he's pretty." He points at Eric giggling.

"What did he say to me?" He laughs with him even though he does not know why.

"He said that you're pretty." He blushes when I answer him, calling me fucker.

I also thank Halakhak and promise him that I will return tomorrow morning to read him stories and teach me how to create portal. I carry Eric again when I glide across the forest. He settles his head in my chest and smile in contentment. I hear him mutters that he likes my warm fire. Minutes later, we are again in the edge of the forest. I let him go so I can wear my clothes again.

I purposely shifted when he is looking at me to see me naked. He stares at me and down to my family jewels. He gawks at it longer than I thought. When he realized that I am looking at him smirking he turns away, coughs and tell me to wear my clothes.

As we walk, he chats about what he saw in there. His fascinations about them and his favorite beasts is Halakhak. He also discussed with me about the portals and how we are almost on our way back to our plane. I stare at him more closely, he really is pretty. His smooth skin that I want to touch, his silky hair that makes me want to comb his head every day and his reddish lips that I want to kiss. I tremble when I imagine kissing him and sigh in relief when we saw the city. I know that I can't take another minute alone without stealing a kiss.

He thanks me again and returns to our place. He proceeds to prepare our food for the evening with the help of Carlo. I search for Cedric and learn that he is still in the library reading. Deciding that I will get him before the night falls; I sit to the nearest chair and watch the two cooks.

"Cedric asked me to adopt him as my brother and I said yes."

"Congrats! Good for him being a brother to his hero." Carlo says to me looking at me warmly.

"Yeah, this is cause for a celebration! We can make this day his birthday since he doesn't have one, what day is it?" Eric asks me as he jumps in glee I count the days I carve on the wall to guide me what day it is.

"Today is December 27." We sober up after I said it. Christmas has come and gone and we didn't notice it.

"The important day is today, because it is your brothers' birthday. Cheer up." Carlo pats my back and grins.

We all agreed and I help them to cook that day. They suggested that I just wait for Cedric to come for a surprise. So we wait for him to finish reading in the library. I took one dried branch from a nearby tree, skin it until only the wood appears, and stick it in the fish that we grill. When we notice that Cedric his running toward us, we hurriedly light the branch and waits.

"Kuya! You wouldn't believe what I read about the sequel!" When he enters our house we sing happy birthday to him, stopping what he wanted to say.

"Hate to break it to you guys, but it is not my birthday." He grins awkwardly.

"Just Cedric doesn't have a birthday. But Cedric Reyes is." Carlo explains it to him.

"So we decided to make this your birthday, the day where Cedric Reyes is born." Eric added as he jumps excitedly.

"Really?" He asks nearly in tears.

"Yup, so blow the candle bunso. Happy birthday." I said patting his head. He smiles at me and blows the candle.

"What did you wish?" Eric curiously asks.

"I don't wish anything, it is already comes true." Eric asked him again what it is. "To have my own family." I smiled at that, the kid is sweet that he makes my tooth aches. When Eric heard what Cedric said, he nearly bursts into tears. Hugs him and pinch his cheeks.

"Kuya help me!" But I just laugh. Cedric jokingly asks for a gift and I said there is one. He stares at me in surprise then grins asking me where it is. I instruct Eric and Carlo to wait for us for a while and I grab Cedric by the shoulder and whisper to him to follow me. He follows me with full of trust even if it is almost dark and we are going to the edge of the forest. I prepared to take off my clothes when Cedric stops me.

"Whoa! Kuya! I'm not into incest." He covers his eyes.

"Don't look away idiot! I will show you something, I will not facing you so all you can see is my butt."

"I also don't want to see your dirty butt!" He laughs but took his hands away from his eyes. When I know that he is looking at me, I shifted to my Diwata form and looks at him again. I am afraid that he will be scared at me but all I can see is amazement.

"You are a Four Child." That answers the question if he read the books about us. "I just read about you two days ago! Every shelf in the special section has topics about you guys! Wow! My brother is the Four child."

"You are not scared?"

"Heck no, I know you are good." He tells me that it is the best gift ever. Having a legendary brother but I said to him that it is not the gift. So I brought ten Fire crystals from a pouch made from cloth and give it to him.

"This is made by me; it is called Fire Boom named by my friend Halakhak. This will protect you from harm but be careful on how to use is. Treat it as a grenade." He looks at it in awe and seriously nods at me. I purposely hid this from those two because I know they will stop me from giving this. But I know Cedric; he is smart enough to use it.

We came back to our house and eat his birthday feast. Before he sleeps he said to me that this is the best day ever and thank us.