

Finley Cai Aies Hall March 15th, 20XX

I pulled into the parking lot of the school with a muffled roar from my bike and pulled into what I figured was a safe enough spot then I got off the bike and stepped back to admire it once more. Although it was a very nice model, I couldn't believe it was the first thing I had gotten with my newly found fortune.

As I stood still, lost my own thoughts, an old truck pulled up beside me and an athletic type of guy jumped out of the back seat and moved to stand uncomfortably close to me with a rather aggressive expression on his otherwise underwhelming face.

"What's up?"

He spoke with an inflection of tone that implied he was questioning my actions rather than how my day had been so far. As he did so the rest of the passengers on the truck seamlessly moved in and stood behind him in an amazingly organized formation without so much as a shared look.

I looked around in the hopes that he was talking to someone else but the parking lot was empty; this made me frown because it meant I was later than I'd thought.

The jock finally spoke again after realizing I wasn't intending to do so.

"You're in our parking spot."

I finally tore my eyes from their still impressive teamwork and locked gazes with him, finally giving him my full attention.

The sudden focus made him flinch for some unknown reason and he had to clear his throat, which he did so unnecessary loudly.

"Your parking spot? "

He and the rest of his crew nodded in synchronization, which I will admit impressed me even further and made me less willing to go against their will.

I reconsidered putting up a fight because the only other place to park was on the other side of school, but I eventually decided against it because even if I did manage to win an argument against the ten of them it would take much longer than going to the other side of the school and sprinting to class.

All of these considerations were why I was surprised to be stopped when I started to unlock and get on my bike. The one that stopped me was the decently handsome looking character with dark but common hair buzzed close to his scalp and a familiar face.

"You aren't even going to fight back?"

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and finished getting onto my bike, but his hand only shifted onto the handlebars with a tighter grip. He seemed to be completely unaware of the intense glares that the rest of the entourage shot at him and me.

"There isn't really much to fight about and even if there were, I still have to get to class, so ...would you mind?"

He ripped his hand off of the handles as he realized he was stopping me from leaving and with a nod left towards his group.

I pulled out of the spot, wondering why he had taken the time to confront me like that.

This chapter and the last used to be under the same entry but I figured I'd just separate them >.<

HavenCustoscreators' thoughts