
Finding my missing pieces

read to find out. You'll like it, but it does get kinda dark later on in the story so beware. First few chapters and maybe future chapters are co-authored with @maow_chu and she will be posting the Vietnamese translated version of this but not everything is exactly the same as we lack the time to communicate on ideas with each other and sometimes the story will be completely different in the Vietnamese version. This is her account https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4327813140 pleases cheek her out if you are interested.

shamiko_yukoi · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Chapter 6: Forest trails

 I woke up in the earlier hours of the morning, maybe due to habits that I've developed over time. It's not a surprise that Lily was still sleeping so I sat down and wrote down all of my plans instead. It was quiet and the outside was still very dark, I could still see the stars shining through the glass doors separating us from the world. I'll have something planned before Lily wakes up. If we are going to go by foot then we'll need some camping equipment, I wonder if she has any of those. Maybe I'll think of what to do when we get to Veldora too, let's make a bucket list of that just to be sure. Time went by faster than expected, it was already 6:30 am. I should wake Lily up before it's late, we'll be late if I don't. I stood up and walked over to Lily's bed, she was still asleep in her fluffy white nightgown. Truly I don't really want to wake her up, but we should set off early so we can find a place to set up camp before dark.

- Lily, it's time to wake up. I said as I shook her body. She didn't say anything and just turned around and went back to sleep again, this is going to be a drag that's for sure.

- Lily! We have to go now! I said and shook her even more.

- Five more mins~. Lily said in her sleepy voice and continued to sleep.

- No lily! You are getting up right now or I'll leave you behind. I said, children need to learn how to be disciplined or they will never be independent in the future. 

 This time Lily did wake up but didn't move, she looks like she got the "I'm too comfy to move" syndrome. I had those when I was in highschool and still have it now actually but the urge wasn't as strong as before. Well at least she's awake now.

- Go wash your face and change into some new clothes, we'll go out to have breakfast soon. I said, I was just going to change into some new clothes too.

 Looking into our bags I saw a white Multi layered summer dress with thin straps just my size and a dull yellow cardigan. I think I'm going to wear that today. I took it and went into the changing room, it fit just fine for me and Quite comfortable too. Then I went out of the changing room and saw Lily changing her clothes right in the middle of the room.

- Please go to the changing room, someone outside might see you. We have glass doors! I said in disbelief, sure she was a kid but she is so careless sometimes.

- Where should I put the dirty clothes? I asked Lily.

- In the brown bag! It will do the washing and drying for you. Lily's voice echoed from the changing room.

 What should I put in, some food to eat on the way? I thought as I put things back into our bags ready to leave. We do need food and it should last at least 3 days, maybe some dry food like what they have in the military? I didn't know how to cook. I thought we should go to the market to get some food first. Just then Lily came out in a dark blue sailor's dress ready for adventure.

- Why don't we go to the market and buy some dry food to eat along the way? I asked, picking the bag off of the ground and placing it on one of my shoulders.

-Yeah okay, or we can just pick berries along the way. Lily said, smiling expecting me to agree to her ridiculous plan.

- You can't eat berries for 3 days, and they maybe poised. I said.

- Or not. Lily said undiscouraged by my words. 

- You can snack on berries but you will eat real food first. I replied, she was totally bummed since she doesn't like to stay in this place.

 We took all of our things which wasn't much, just a magic bag that can fit an entire house in it. Down on the ground floor we saw the owner of the hotel waiting for us.

- Oh! you're here, take this princess my wife had made it just for you and your little companion. He said with a big smile, on his hands are four home made sandwiches in a pretty lunch box and some dry food cubes in another box.

- Wow, this is nice thank you but please drop the princess part. Like I said, I'm not a princess anymore. I replied while receiving the gifts.

- Well you'll always be a princess in our heart. He said.

- But how did you know that we need these? I said looking at everything.

- Told my wife that you were planning to go to the borders and she said you'll like these. They don't sell these here anymore. He said, happily.

- Oh then we have to thank your wife for her consideration then. May you tell her that we are grateful? I said .

- Sure thing. He said.

- We'll be going now bye! Lily said, waving to him.

 This was more convenient than I thought. We decided to go straight to the borders and not stop in town. It was a shame since I wanted to see the market but I can see the market when I reach Vedora so it's okay. We chewed on our sandwiches as we walked through the forest on the path, sunlight shining between the leaves as we walked pass. The warm weather off the early summer makes the trees seem more welcoming than ever, cool breezes blowing through the trees. It was like one of those fairytales where there is a happy ending. Life is never so simple so there will still be difficulties ahead, so it's best to enjoy the peaceful moments of life. I felt so relaxed at that moment that it seems to have lasted forever. 

- Look! There are berries over there! Lily said ran over to a bush along the road. It was a raspberry bush, ripe red berries filling its branches. Lily picked a basket full of berries before she returned to the main road.

- You should finish your breakfast before you eat those. I told her when she walked next to me.

- Fine… Lily said as she put the raspberries into her pocket, She was really unhappy with that. But again she should finish her meal first.

 After walking for a while when I started to notice that it was a bit less sunny, were there always so many clouds in the sky? It was definitely not as cloudy this morning. Maybe it's going to rain soon.

- Lily, I think we should set up camp early just in case it's going to rain. I told Lily as I looked at the sky.

- We've only been walking for a bit… Let's set up camp later when it's going to get dark. I don't want to stop yet. Lily answered as she continued to walk. 

- We are going to get wet Lily. I told her as we walked.

- Don't worry I have umbrellas. She turned back and looked at me, gesturing to me to continue walking.

- If you say so…I signed deeply. This is such a bad idea, even if we have umbrellas we will still get wet if it rains hard.

 Drip, Drop… The first few drops of rain fell on my face, the sky was getting even darker as the time passed by. Then it started to rain, Lily handed me a transparent umbrella with hydrangea on it and a little wind chime dangling about tied to the side of the umbrella. This is fine I guess but if it rains more then we will have to put up camp. The sunlight wasn't there anymore but replacing it was a dark gray sky, the sound of the raindrops on the leaves is like a soft melody. Walking along the muddy trails I see birds in their nest chirping along to the rain, drip drop, the sky is dark but there are so many colorful things and sounds. Then the rain got worse after that so we decided to settle down until it gets better. Lily pulls a tent out of her magic pocket. It wasn't the medieval time but the one that modern people use to go camping with. A yellow waterproof tent big enough to fit four people, it would be plenty comfortable for the two of us. We set it up and went inside, it was dry and soft and came with pillows and everything, this is a nice place to stay. We sat there in our comfy tent , watching the rain outside and eating Lily's raspberries . I wonder when it will end. We still Have plenty of time to travel so I won't have to worry about that too much. Lily certainly is enjoying this, that's good… We'll reach our destination in no time.