
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Chapter 10

"He died yesterday, haven't his name being registered?" She asked curiously trying had for her hope not to fade away by the statement Tyler made. He surprised to know how quick she got to understand that every name here was registered.

"No!" He retort and beckoned on her to get ready to leave for the living world before it gets too late.

"Fine! I would search for him alone, I never needed your help!" She protested intending to walk out of his sight even though she doesn't know the way around.

"You should be dead in a some seconds since you know your way" he commented knowing that she would count on him. Oddly enough, that didn't happen as she furthered her steps not minding where she was heading to. Her feet had almost gotten closer to the car which convey them when Tyler suddenly ran after her and pulled her away. Her back rested on his chest while his arm went round her breasts. It was like though he was acting like a shield over her as he always leaves her stunned and her heart pounce at his touch. Just instantly, the car suddenly exploded and he felt her shuddered.

"Never leave my sight" he decree heaving a deep sigh as his breath swept the back of her neck and for a moment, time stopped counting for Miranda as it felt like she needed to hear that line again and stay under his watch. He was panting slowly and still holding firm to her while his eyes evaluated the environment. As though he noticed such was about to happen and saved her from it. She couldn't tell how she was feeling right that moment. Why would anyone say that if he doesn't care? She felt shy calling herself despicable for wishing Tyler kept her under his care when he probably must be a ghost yet she could still feel him, and she had just lost her husband. The thought of that made her break out of his hold while gulping hard.

"What led to the explosion?" She began acting like though she wasn't scared while avoiding his gaze. Tyler held his aching chest as it seems like his world was crumbling gradually. He was suddenly finding it difficult to breath and Miranda hadn't noticed he was struggling for air as her main concern was what caused the car explosion. He was getting some flashes of someone being locked up in a capsule and two men wearing a lab coat assuring that only 72 hours were left. He shook his head which was aching too.

"You just have just stayed within my reach" he squeezed out swallowing the pains he felt as his eyes had turned red.

"Was I figured out?" Miranda furthered terrified as she was shivering where she stood as her eyes were focused on the fire which was almost extinguishing by itself. Tyler exhaled as he shut his eyes to respond to her.

"If you let them, that happened because my time is almost up... everything belonging to me would begin to fade away" he confessed unwillingly and rubbing his chest as the pain had subsided a little. That was the first time he told the truth about his life and must be a miracle that Miranda happen to get that reply. He was suddenly feeling warm by saying those words to her. Miranda gave him a piteous look as she could find a word that would suit this moment. He hated that look of pity and that's why he didn't want to say it out.

"You're leaving...to the afterlife?" Miranda wondered drawing closer to him while he stepped back instantly from her.

"Let's end the conversation there and find Morgan, then leave quietly from my life" he snapped shifting his gaze to the car that exploded. Why was that happening now? There was a reason why his world was suddenly crumbling out of the blue. Could it be Miranda? He felt miserable because he didn't want to fade off without getting his last wish fulfilled. Miranda could sensed that Tyler had some tragedies eating him up deeply but wouldn't share even though she tries.

"I could feel your breath, heartbeat...you're not a ghost right?" Miranda curiously stared up a conversation but there was no respond from him.

"When did you die? Something isn't right, can other ghost's breath be felt?"

"Enough!" He yelled frustrated and tried of her continuously pressuring him to speak. Miranda was startled as her heart scampered. He must have been fed up by her disturbance.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ask such" she apologized as she was just agitated to know more about him and how she could help. It took a while before he lead the way out of the place but first, he needed to speak with Alex concerning the sudden explosion and why he was becoming warm after confessing that his time was almost up to Miranda. While he led the way, he didn't mind taking a look at who he was carrying along as he didn't want to associate with her and start getting an awkward feeling besides, she was here for someone else. Miranda had to keep up to his step as she had gotten on his nerves and noticed it. At this situation, it was best she maintained silence and keep her distance. Her eyes trailed around him from behind and noticed drop of blood tripping down from a part of his body. She narrowed her eyes to see if she was just hallucinating but it turns out that he was actually bleeding! The first question that popped up in her head was;

"Does ghost bleed?"