

All three of the lads looked pail as ghosts. "What's going on boys you look like you saw a ghost." Iris said helping them sit. "Mom you know that guy that has been sticking to you like glue?" Ainsley asked making Iris cross her arms.

"Go on.." She said giving them the look. "He asked us for your hand." Aaron said before Alasdair spoke up. "we didn't know what to do other than say yes." this floored Iris how can they make such a decision for her? Do they not know what they have done?!

"I need a drink" she said holding her head. "Mom he is a good guy give it a chance." Aaron said knowing what his mother was thinking. "Boys just go I need to think on this."

she said turning back to her work. The tried to say something but was stopped by her yelling at them to Go. They cleared out leaving her in her thoughts. The cooks and maids were talking to Iris encouraging her to accept Murtagh. Iris couldn't decide because her boys and her don't belong here. Iris sighs and thinks it won't be so bad maybe could have some comfort.

Later on that night at the feast Murtagh looked at Calum who nods. Murtagh stands up walking over to Iris who is now blushing. The room went quite as Murtagh has Iris stand.

"Lass I haven't known you long and you haven't me. I have felt this way for only one other woman and she no longer walks this earth. I promise to love you and not abandon you. I promise to be the father those lads can depend on. I promise to be the man you can depend on.

I don't have a lot of money but I have a lot of love to give and I want it to be you who receives all of it. What I am trying to ask *gets down on one knee* Will you marry me?" He asked gasps and whisperes fill the room. I for the first time in my life was speechless. "Yes" He shot up spinning her around. "THIS LASS WANTS TO MARRY ME!" He yells making the other me cheer. Little did Iris know at the time her life was about to become more complicated.