

Iris was tending to the herb garden when she spots a Lily of the Valley growing. She ripped it all out placing it in a old basket. After gathering some maids and kitchen staff all comb the garden to rip out the poisonous plant. when she felt they were all ripped up Iris had some farm boys take them to burn. Calum was pleased with her quick action. Time was passing slowly missing her son praying he was ok.

Aaron pov

While out collecting rent the British pigs took the healer or Claire. We were forced to go save her. The one called Black Jack Randall was hot on our tail. The group made a swift decision on having her marry one of the men. They picked Jamie Dougal's nephew. He didn't want to but he gave little choice in the matter. Once they were wed we made tracks back to Mckenzie castle.

Iris pov

While in the kitchen I felt as if one of my children was in truble. Ansley and Alasdair were helping collect wood for the castle. Aaron was out collecting rent. My worst fears realized when Mrs.Fitz came in. "Iris dear you need to come quickly." I was already past her before she could finish speaking. I was rushing threw the halls not letting anyone stop me or get in my way. All I knew was one or more of my boys needed me. I made it to the courtyard in time to see them carrying Aaron. "AARON!" I scream rushing to his side. "It was an ambush my goose would have been cooked if not for him." Jamie said Dougal took me aside explaining what happened. After an hour the English pig herself came to me. She told me to go be with my son because he was asking for me. "If my son doesn't make it....I will have your head English bitch." I said shoving past her. Walking into the room a new slew of tears flows from my eyes. "Mommy?" Ge asked and I grabbed his hand. "Yes baby I'm here. Mommy is right here and not going anywhere." I could feel the cold in his hand. He didn't have long Ansley and Alasdair came in. Aaron smiled at us before closing his eyes. I scream out begging for him not to go. Ansley and Alasdair pull me away. "No let me go he is your brother we can't leave him like this!" I scream kicking and trying to brake free. They managed to get me out the room and down the hall to an empty bed chamber. I collapsed to the ground crying both boys holding me. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HER!!!!" I yelled Murtagh came in helping me to my feet. "Iris I am so sorry it happened so fast." He said holding me. I had to watch as my baby was placed in the cold ground.