
Hidden Tribe 1


The shaman smirk looking at the little girl.

"Do you want some?"

The little girl nodded her head repeatedly. "Than come and take it." The shaman taunted her with the meat.

The little girl went to grab the meat when suddenly.


A fist struck her stomach, slamming her into the wall.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

She fell forward with her hands in front of her gasping for air. Her face turns blue as she almost pukes her morning lunch. Lucky for her, the walls were made out of tempered leather, she was just winded and didn't suffer any injuries.



She coughs as she pats her chest trying to breathe.


"Gave up already, If you give up this easily, how can you gonna achieve anything in life?"

"Get up!!!"

Shouted the shaman as he reprimanded the little girl who was struggling to get up.

The little girl stood up slowly and wipes out her mucus. She stares at the shaman with full malicious intent.

Her name was Amari, meaning strength. She was Chieftain's eldest daughter and one of the youngest prodigy warriors.

She is nine years old and already a full-fledged warrior, all of her skills have been taught by the shaman.

Everybody in her tribe has been exposed to all kinds of dangers in the wild at a young age, and all of the children in the tribe were strong and robust but Amari was different, she was a gifted child for combats. She was a true warrior at heart just like her father.

The shaman starts giving her life lessons.

"If you want something, you have to snatch it and you have to be strong to snatch it.

Only the strong have the right to enjoy the meat, the right to determine who gets the meat."

If you are weak, then you can only wait for others to share it with you and live on the whims of others."

The shaman pointed at her feet.

"That land you are standing doesn't come falling from the sky freely, we have snatch if from the other tribes with bloodshed so we can provide it for our tribes. Now we determine who gets the resources from this land."

"Do you get it? Only the strong can determine the outcome of their life and the people around him/her."

"Now come and snatch it!!" shouted the shaman.

Amari grits her white canine teeth and focuses her eyes on the shaman and the meat.

She knew she doesn't have a chance of defeating the shaman, her only choice is to pull up some tricks from her sleeves. She starts contemplating for a moment and then makes a wide grin.

She suddenly grabs and threw a big basket at the shaman's head which suddenly blinded his line of sight. She jumps and followed up with a punch.


The shaman swipes the basket with his hand and caught her little fist on the wrist.

"These little tricks won't work on me, little girl, you have to be better than this." The shaman smirk as he holds her in the air, but suddenly his face changes drastically. Amari who was dangling in the air open her fist and blew dust at his face. The dust full of air enters the shaman's eyes, nose and mouth.

"Arrrgh…!! You little devil."



The shaman cough as he let go of her and tried to rub off the dust in his eyes while cursing.

Taking this chance, Amari tried to snatch the meat from his hand, but she wasn't able to, the shaman was still holding the stick tightly while rubbing his eyes and trying to squeeze out tears. She had no choice but to bite his hand with her white canine teeth.

"Arrrrgh.." another scream rang out from the shaman's hut.

He finally let go of the meat due to pain. Amari catches the stick full meat and starts enjoying while watching the shaman happily. She giggled cutely watching the shaman funny face as he tried to peek around the house looking for something.

"Help me little lass!! or you will be in big trouble." The shaman sounded angry as he tried to rummage through the hut looking for the water pitcher.

As if she has had enough fun, she stood up and fetch him the water pitcher. The shaman washes his face and his eyes, only then he was able to see his surroundings.


"I got bested by a 9-year old little girl, if word gets out, I will be a joke to the shaman's community." He rubs and cleans his face as he watches the little devil who was looking at him like a clown giggling and eating the meat.

Even though the shaman was cursing, he was genuinely happy on the inside. The more she is clever and strong, the more hope he has for her. He was impressed by her quick wit, strong will, and determination.

"Chiamaka! Who is Child of Destiny?" she asked as she looks at the shaman with curious eyes.

"It's no one." the shaman shook his head refusing to give an answer.

"Now you have your meat, go back to your mother!!" shouted as he tried to chase her away.

"I wanna know about the child of destiny! What's so special about him that we have to serve him." she hmpf as she holds her fist trying to show her prowess, clearly denying that she is in no way inferior.


A cane hit her head.




"Why did you hit me!" she rubs her head painfully as she starts wailing.


"Never show any disrespect or utter anything related to Child of Destiny, or you will put the whole tribe in danger and you know what happens to the people who endanger the tribe!"

The shaman look at the little girl with a fierce warning gaze, which startles Amari.

Amari tightens her body and shivers as if she understood what he meant, she nodded her head meekly. This time there was no giggling or joking around. The shaman sigh as he looks at the little girl.

"Child of Destiny is not something you and I can understand, just hope that he accepts us."

His tribe is an ancient hidden tribe which has many historical records passed down by his ancestors.

He has read those ancient texts; the battle of Gods, Historical events, Catastrophe, the ongoing battle between the hidden clans. He knows a lot more about the world than most people.

They are just one of the tiny tribes who had survived eons of time and witness the changes taking place around the world. He sighs again as if tired, the future is unsettled now, they need a protective umbrella more than ever which can shield them from the storm. He looks at the little girl who was rubbing her head and nibbling the meat.

She looks really funny and adorable. He ruffled her hair. "Now go back to your mother, she must be worried."

"Chiamaka! Can I go along with my dad tomorrow?" she suddenly said as if she has decided something.


A thick and stern voice came from the door.


Author's Note: As you can tell by the writing style, I'm trying to improve my foundation in writing, whether it's grammar, actions, descriptions, and others.

So please forgive me in advance, I'm almost there. Once I have improved and edited all of the past chapters, my release pace will be a lot faster.

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