
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · 游戏衍生
103 Chs

Tantalus Theater Troupe

As he was intimately familiar with the mechanics of Final Fantasy 9, which only had five slots for equipment(Weapon, Head, Wrist, Body, Accessory), Andrew quickly grasped that things wouldn't be as simple as they were in the game. For one, he didn't have a Level, and unless it was hidden in one of the other menus, he didn't appear to have HP or MP.

'Guess I'll need to avoid getting hit...' thought Andrew, staring down as he raised his right hand, flexing his fingers a few times before forming a tight fist. The median stat cap in Final Fantasy 9 was 50 in Speed/Spirit and 99 in Strength/Magic. He didn't know how useful his 23 Strength was, but it was around the average for Zidane and other frontline characters before their growth correction from equipment and abilities.

'Right, speaking of Zidane, I should see if he exists in this world,' thought Andrew. According to his Menu, he was currently in Lindblum's Business District. Zidane, or, more accurately, the Tantalus Theater Troupe that he was a member of, was located in the Theater District. So long as Andrew could meet Zidane, he believed things would become much easier for him moving forward. That is, assuming he was at a beneficial point in the plot or canon timeline...

With such thoughts in mind, Andrew looked through his items tab to see if he had any bonus consumables or Gil, the world's currency, lying around. Unfortunately, he was completely broke. He knew a few secret locations where Gil could be found in the game, but he doubted people would allow him to just waltz into their room or raid their shelves now that he was in a more realistic setting.

Left with no other choice, as he didn't want to piss people off or draw the attention of Lindblum's 'curiously' dressed guards, Andrew asked around and began making his way toward the Theater District on foot...




Lindblum, also known as the City of Progress, was a grand and sprawling city with a rich history dating back nearly 1800 years. It had a distinctive steampunk aesthetic, but instead of converting water to steam, the city, characterized by its towering structures, elaborate architecture, and intricate systems of gears and pipes, used the mist prevalent throughout the Mist Continent to power its ever-developing technology.

The streets of Lindblum were a bustling tapestry of life and movement, weaving through the city, linking its various districts like the veins within the body, allowing the people who served as its lifeblood to flow freely.

Walking along Lindblum's streets, Andrew was struck by the energy and diversity that permeated the air. The streets were alive with the constant movement of people from all walks of life, going about their daily routines or embarking on new adventures without concern for the looks or origins of the people they happily interacted with and worked alongside.

The architecture lining the streets showcases the city's grandeur and steampunk aesthetic. Tall buildings arose on either side, adorned with intricate designs, ornate details, and the ever-present motifs of gears and pipes. The structures exuded industrial sophistication, reflecting the city's technological advancements, but due to their vibrant color schemes and general aesthetic, the city felt more like a theme park than a place people settled down.

Colorful banners fluttered overhead, adding a touch of vibrancy to the scene, while countless stalls dotted the sidewalks, offering various goods and wares, from exotic treasures to everyday necessities.

Inhaling deeply, Andrew couldn't help smiling due to the mingling scent of food, spices, and what he could best describe as the aroma of 'magic' permeating the atmosphere and emanating from nearby enchantments. It was a remarkably invigorating fragrance, so much so that Andrew found himself inhaling several deep breaths, causing his brain and lungs to feel tingly.

"I've pictured myself walking these streets countless times, but this is way more amazing than I could have imagined..." remarked Andrew. He had always imagined things from the perspective of being in the game, but since Lindblum had to house hundreds of thousands of people, it was 'a lot' bigger than the version players were presented. This meant it took a while to get around on foot, but Andrew wasn't bothered as, unlike in his previous life, he didn't get tired, no matter how far he walked. Rather, the more he moved around, taking in the city's sights, sounds, and smells, the more alive and excited he felt.

"It's a shame I can't afford to ride an airship..." muttered Andrew, raising his head to observe the many miscellaneous vessels moving about in the sky above. Lindblum had a comprehensive transportation infrastructure, using mist-powered carriages, trams, and swift air cabs. Unfortunately, without so much as a single Gil to his name, his dream of sailing through the sky on an airship would have to wait. However, as it was only a matter of time, the smile rarely left his face as he willfully meandered through the bustling city streets, periodically enjoying street performances and simply taking in the sights of his new world—no, his new home...




After more than five hours of walking around, Andrew could feel himself starting to get hungry. Fortunately, though it didn't guarantee him a meal, he found himself outside a stocky bell tower in Lindblum's world-famous Theater District. It was much bigger than he was expecting, and the lower half appeared to be a rundown theater, but Andrew was fairly certain he was in the right place as there was a banner hanging next to the entrance depicting two scythe-like wings circling a sword stabbed through a heart, the name Tantalus stitched in its center.

Further confirming what Andrew already knew, a stout, remarkably ugly man with a pear-shaped body and a protruding belly approached him. His features vaguely resembled a clown but without the makeup, giving him a wide mouth, close-set eyes with a sickly yellow sclera, pointy ears, and a black goatee. His large, bulbous, bright red nose was his most prominent feature, but the thing Andrew found most curious was his choice of attire. After all, it wasn't exactly normal to walk around with a metal pot on your head, a leather collar around your neck, a half-vest that barely covered a third of your torso, linen pants that were barely held together by various ropes, oversized leather boots, and wristlets with leather bands wrapped around them, making it seem as though he was wearing manacles around his wrists and ankles.

As Andrew was eyeing him, the man, known as Cinna, was staring at him in turn, a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm visible in his gaze as he asked, "Who're you? You've got the same spiky hair as Zidane. And that tail...you his long lost brother or something?"

"Not that I'm aware," replied Andrew, suppressing his apprehensions and extending his hand for Cinna to shake as he added, "I honestly just awoke in this city a few hours ago. I'm not sure how I came to be here, but I heard someone with features similar to mine living around here, so I made my way over."

Reciprocating Andrew's handshake, Cinna adopted a smile full of missing and yellow teeth as he remarked, "Sounds like you and Zidane have even more in common. He also lost his memory a while back."

"Do you think you could introduce me to him?" asked Andrew.

"Sure, no problem," replied Cinna, giving Andrew's hand a firm squeeze before releasing it, turning on his heel, and walking toward the theater entrance.

Though Cinna hadn't expressly told him to follow, Andrew did so of his own accord, his eyes scanning every inch of the tiny club-like theater. In the game, entering Tantalus's hideout took you to a gear-filled room that served as a hidden residence/sleeping quarters. Andrew never imagined that the lower half would be filled with circular tables, a ticket booth, a fully stocked bar, and a small stage currently being swept by a trio of nearly identical individuals resembling members of the Seeq race from Final Fantasy XII. They were lacking the horns Andrew was familiar with, but they had hooved feet, three-fingered hands, dark blue skin, and pig-like facial features concealed beneath black leather masks and makeshift metal armor.

Noticing Andrew's gaze, one of the three Seeqs raised its right hand as if saluting, shouting, "Ho, Cinna! Who's this strappin' fella? If I hadn't looked closely, I would have thought he was Zidane!"

Realizing he hadn't asked for Andrew's name, Cinna half-turned to look up at him, asking, "Got a name or something you like to go by? Mine's Cinna, by the way. Those three over there, you can try to remember their names, but everyone just calls them the Nero Brothers."

"Andrew–" answered Andrew, but his words were nearly drowned out by the trio of Seeqs shouting, "We take exception to that!" in concert, their voices and movement overlapping as if they had rehearsed their response tens of thousands of times.

Ignoring the trio, Cinna pointed with his left thumb toward a door next to the bar, likely leading to a kitchen, and said, "Anyway, Zidane is probably in the back. You wait here while I get him. You seem trustworthy enough, but the Boss'll have my head if I let an outsider wander around willy-nilly."

Turning back toward the trio, Cinna shouted, "Oi, you three! Keep an eye on the lad while I'm gone!"

"Don't tell us what to do!" replied one of the Nero brothers.

"Understood~!" responded the second.

"Piss off—!" exclaimed the third.

Raising his middle finger at the trio, Cinna took one last look at Andrew before walking off and disappearing through the swinging door. In his wake, Andrew took a seat at one of the nearby tables, expecting to wait for a bit, but it wasn't even thirty seconds later that he heard the sound of footsteps overhead, moving hurriedly across the floor before making their way down the stairs hidden near the back of the kitchen. Seconds later, a young man with spiky, neatly parted golden hair, a short ponytail, and a distinct, monkey-like tail burst through the swinging door with a kick, his expression exhibiting his excitement as he exclaimed, "Where is he...!?"

As Andrew wasn't exactly hiding, it didn't take long for the youth's bright blue eyes to zero in on him, a wide smile developing across his face as he zipped across the room in the blink of an eye. More surprising was that he pulled Andrew from his seat, directly confirming that the latter had a tail before bursting out laughing.

"Two years!" shouted the youth, unmistakeably the main character of Final Fantasy 9, Zidane Tribal.

"I spent two years looking for someone like me!" he bellowed, grabbing Andrew's shoulders and smiling as radiantly as the sun as he added, "To think one would come to find me the moment I return!"

While Andrew was still a little taken aback by Zidane's enthusiasm, the latter took a moment to size him up, still grinning as he stated, "Man, we really do look alike. Think we might be brothers or something?"

"I doubt it," replied Andrew, recovering enough of his senses to adopt a smile as he extended his hand, adding, "But I certainly wouldn't mind. My name is Andrew. I'm assuming you're Zidane...?"

Reining in some of his zeal, Zidane accepted Andrew's hand, shaking it firmly as he affirmed, "That's right. Zidane Tribal, to be more exact." Then, gesturing toward the table he had just pulled Andrew from, he said, "Now, how about we sit down, share a few drinks, and get to know each other? I want to know everything. Like, where did you come from? Are there more of us? And, if so, can you take me to them?"

Though he was tempted to reveal everything he knew, Andrew spent the past five hours organizing his thoughts, ultimately concluding it was best to keep most things to himself. He had too little information, so before he revealed the truth and began attempting to change things, he had to get his bearings and gain enough strength to protect himself.

Taking a seat, prompting Zidane to do the same, albeit backward, Andrew began explaining his circumstances, starting with the fact he had awoken in Lindblum's Business District, unaware of how he had gotten there...


