
Film it Out

Being rich and sinless at the same time, never works.

Minriv · 历史言情
1 Chs


The most important thing to know about Ove is his sister. His sister is a genius, but what about him? Unfortunately, Ove has no chance in this regard. His family and environment have belittled him, and he has become estranged from the people around him. Until he was 16. Trying to get away from the negativity around him, Ove spent most of his time on the internet. Like most people, Ove dreamed of becoming rich, but he knew that he would never get there because he was failing at school. Isn't that right? The school that opens the door to everything? Of course not. Ove thought the same and joined the Midshade group.

This crime novel is not like any other; it requires a comprehensive understanding of every detail. Therefore, it is essential that we begin by introducing the first of the seven main characters. Familiarizing yourself with these characters will greatly enhance your experience as you progress through the novel.

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