
Chapter 23: Before the storm

~~Time skip 1 year~~

Its been a hectic year here at the hidden mist for us. Mei had been made Mizukage a week after we got to the village and it had been very challenging at first. We started out by first getting everyone from the village together and telling them of not only Mei's rise to Mizukage but also the wide spread genjutsu that had been put over all of them. After that Mei had passed laws that she had wanted like banning the hunts that used to happen towards blood line users.

Like we expected there was alot of opposition not only to Mei's rise to the position because of her being a bloodline user but also the people of the mist had yet to fully recover from the genjutsu. For this past year we had restructured the shinobi system and avaluated all the ninja currently in the village to see if they were fit to continue to serve. Right now we had a shinobi force that was reliable and our Civilian population had calmed down, there were still pockets of resistance that wantes nothing more then the bloody mist to return full force but they had been stopped most in a non forceful way but some were to far gone.

Right now i was on a retrieval mission for Mei. We had been scouting our surroundings for any bloody mist sympathizers and the last team we sent out had yet to report back. Mei had becided to send me to see what had happened and see if i could retrieve the mission report they had written.

When I departed for the islands around main land Kiri I had felt that feeling of being watched agian this time it was strong, it had been getting stronger and stronger as the year went on. I had tried to follow it but I had found nothing it was a bit weird and put me on edge whenever it happened. As soon as it passed I had made it to my destination, one of the eastern islands that had some activity going on were it shouldn't.

Walking through the swampy forest that covered the area i sensed for any chakra signatures I could while keeping a eye on my surroundings. 15 minutes into my searching I had sensed a group of 5 shinobi from there larger then normal signatures I would say they were around joinin in strength. Suppressing my chakra I silently sneak my way over to the ninja while sticking to the trees. When I had made it to them i could see they were cloud shinobi from there headbands and the 5 of them had killed the team we sent here if the bodys by there feet was anything to go by.

Taking out a kunai I quietly make my way behind two of them while listening into there conversation.

"Whens the main force getting here again im tired of waiting"

"Shut up and be patient they'll be here by tonight remember our mission, we're here to make sure no one notices our attack before its time the mist is weak right now and Raikage-sama has ordered a attack"

"Hows Karu doing in the Mist village by the way isn't he still in the village spying for us"

"yeah he's the reason we know of Kiri being weaker at the moment without there three tails jinchuuriki and slight unrest going on taking them down will be easy"

"Is it true lord B is going to be a part of the main attacking force"

Before they could talk anymore i preformed a hidden in the mist jutsu and picked the 5 of them off one by one. I had to do somthing but going back and warning the village would take to long and we wouldn't be ready in time i would have to send a clone with the warning while I go and hold off the attack.

Making a lightning clone i send it off with a message for Mei while I sat down and fully connected myself with the nature chakra around me trying to locate the enemy. Over the last year i had upgraded my jutsu library with as many lighning justsu as I could including lightning clones I could create a few hundred safely at my current power and that'll come in handy, I had also created a few jutsu myself.

Opening my eyes and turning east I had found the cloud forces moving in fast. There were atleast 3 thousand of them from what i could tell and the biggest chakra signature felt titanic, that would be killer be my guess. Getting up i decided that the best couse of action would be to create as many clones as i would and battle the army with them while i split B off from the main force and fight him the best i can while reinforcements came. Making my mind up with grim determination i head off to confront an army.

A.N thats the chapter sorry for the shortness of this chapter next chapter will be big and epic that I promise. Let me know what you think till next time

Shiko's age-11